Unreal Engine 4.27 Console Variables and Commands

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Console Variables
Console Commands
Exec Commands

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a.AnimNode.AimOffsetLookAt.DebugToggle LookAt AimOffset debug
a.AnimNode.AimOffsetLookAt.EnableEnable/Disable LookAt AimOffset
a.AnimNode.Inertialization.EnableEnable / Disable Inertialization
a.AnimNode.Inertialization.IgnoreDeficitIgnore inertialization time deficit caused by interruptions
a.AnimNode.Inertialization.IgnoreVelocityIgnore velocity information during Inertialization (effectively reverting to a quintic diff blend)
a.AnimNode.LegIK.AveragePullLeg IK AveragePull
a.AnimNode.LegIK.DebugTurn on debug for FAnimNode_LegIK
a.AnimNode.LegIK.EnableToggle LegIK node.
a.AnimNode.LegIK.EnableTwoBoneEnable Two Bone Code Path.
a.AnimNode.LegIK.MaxIterationsLeg IK MaxIterations override. 0 = node default, > 0 override.
a.AnimNode.LegIK.PullDistributionLeg IK PullDistribution. 0 = foot, 0.5 = balanced, 1.f = hip
a.AnimNode.LegIK.TargetReachStepPercentLeg IK TargetReachStepPercent.
a.AnimNode.StateMachine.EnableRelevancyResetReset State Machine when it becomes relevant
a.Compiler.CachePoseNodeUpdateOrderDebug.EnableToggle debugging for CacheNodeUpdateOrder debug during AnimBP compilation
a.DebugDrawBoneAxesWhen drawing bones (using Show Bones), draw bone axes.
a.DebugDrawSimpleBonesWhen drawing bones (using Show Bones), draw bones as simple lines.
a.ForceParallelAnimUpdateIf != 0, then we update animations on worker threads regardless of the setting on the project or anim blueprint.
a.KeepNotifyAndCurvesOnAnimationRecordIf nonzero we keep anim notifies, curves and sync markers when animation recording, if 0 we discard them before recording.
a.ParallelAnimEvaluationIf 1, animation evaluation will be run across the task graph system. If 0, evaluation will run purely on the game thread
a.ParallelAnimInterpolationIf 1, animation interpolation will be run across the task graph system. If 0, interpolation will run purely on the game thread
a.ParallelAnimUpdateIf != 0, then we update animation blend tree, native update, asset players and montages (is possible) on worker threads.
a.ParallelBlendPhysicsIf 1, physics blending will be run across the task graph system. If 0, blending will run purely on the game thread
a.Sharing.DebugStatesValues: 0/1/2/3
Controls whether and which animation sharing debug features are enabled.
0: Turned off.
1: Turns on active master-components and blend with material coloring, and printing state information for each actor above their capsule.
2: Turns printing state information about currently active animation states, blend etc. Also enables line drawing from slave-components to currently assigned master components.
a.Sharing.EnabledArguments: 0/1
Controls whether the animation sharing is enabled.
a.Sharing.ScalabilityPlatformControls which platform should be used when retrieving per platform scalability settings.
Empty: Current platform.
Name of Platform
Name of Platform Group
a.Sharing.ToggleVisibilityToggles the visibility of the Master Pose Components.
a.SkinWeightProfile.AllowedFromLODOverride LOD index from which on the Skin Weight Profile can be applied
a.SkinWeightProfile.DefaultLODOverrideOverride LOD index from which on the default Skin Weight Profile should override the Skeletal Mesh's default Skin Weights
a.SkinWeightProfile.LoadByDefaultModeEnables/disables run-time optimization to override the original skin weights with a profile designated as the default to replace it. Can be used to optimize memory for specific platforms or devices-1 = disabled0 = static disabled1 = static enabled2 = dynamic disabled3 = dynamic enabled
a.Streaming.ChunkSizeSecondsSize of streaming animation chunk in seconds, 0 or negative signifies only have 1 chunk
a.Streaming.SpoofFailedChunkLoadForces failing to load streamed animation chunks.
0: Not Enabled, 1: Enabled
a.StripFramesOnCompression1 = Strip every other frame on animations that have an even number of frames. 0 = off
a.StripOddFramesWhenFrameStripping1 = When frame stripping apply to animations with an odd number of frames too. 0 = only even framed animations
a.URO.DisableInterpolationSet to 1 to disable interpolation
a.URO.DrawTrue to draw color coded boxes for anim rate.
a.URO.EnableTrue to anim rate optimization.
a.URO.ForceAnimRateNon-zero to force anim rate. 10 = eval anim every ten frames for those meshes that can do it. In some cases a frame is considered to be 30fps.
a.URO.ForceInterpolationSet to 1 to force interpolation
a.VisualizeLODsVisualize SkelMesh LODs
abtestProvide two console commands or 'stop' to stop the abtest. Frames are timed with the two options, logging results over time.
abtest.CoolDownNumber of frames to discard data after each command to cover threading.
abtest.HistoryNumNumber of history frames to use for stats.
abtest.MinFramesPerTrialThe number of frames to run a given command before switching; this is randomized.
abtest.NumResamplesThe number of resamples to use to determine confidence.
abtest.ReportNumNumber of frames between reports.
Accessibility.DumpStatsSlateWrites memory stats for Slate's accessibility data stored to LogAccessibility.
Accessibility.DumpStatsWindowsWrites to LogAccessibility the memory stats for the platform-level accessibility data (Providers) required for Windows support.
Accessibility.EnableIf false, all queries from accessible APIs will be ignored. On some platforms, the application must be restarted in order to take effect.
ACTORSorry: Exec commands have no help
ActorSequence.DefaultDisplayRateSpecifies default a display frame rate for newly created level sequences; also defines frame locked frame rate where sequences are set to be frame locked. Examples: 30 fps, 120/1 (120 fps), 30000/1001 (29.97), 0.01s (10ms).
ActorSequence.DefaultEvaluationType0: Playback locked to playback frames
1: Unlocked playback with sub frame interpolation
ActorSequence.DefaultTickResolutionSpecifies default a tick resolution for newly created level sequences. Examples: 30 fps, 120/1 (120 fps), 30000/1001 (29.97), 0.01s (10ms).
ADDSELECTEDSorry: Exec commands have no help
ai.crowd.DebugSelectedActorsEnable debug drawing for selected crowd agent.
0: Disable, 1: Enable
ai.crowd.DebugVisLogEnable detailed vislog recording for all crowd agents.
0: Disable, 1: Enable
ai.crowd.DrawDebugBoundariesDraw shared navmesh boundaries used by crowd simulation.
0: Disable, 1: Enable
ai.crowd.DrawDebugCollisionSegmentsDraw colliding navmesh edges, requires ai.crowd.DebugSelectedActors.
0: Disable, 1: Enable
ai.crowd.DrawDebugCornersDraw path corners data, requires ai.crowd.DebugSelectedActors.
0: Disable, 1: Enable
ai.crowd.DrawDebugNeighborsDraw current neighbors data, requires ai.crowd.DebugSelectedActors.
0: Disable, 1: Enable
ai.crowd.DrawDebugPathDraw active paths, requires ai.crowd.DebugSelectedActors.
0: Disable, 1: Enable
ai.crowd.DrawDebugPathOptimizationDraw path optimization data, requires ai.crowd.DebugSelectedActors.
0: Disable, 1: Enable
ai.crowd.DrawDebugVelocityObstaclesDraw velocity obstacle sampling, requires ai.crowd.DebugSelectedActors.
0: Disable, 1: Enable
ai.debug.DetailedReplicationLogsEnable or disable very verbose replication logs for gameplay debugger
ai.debug.DrawOverheadIconsShould default AI overhead icons be drawn
ai.debug.DrawPathsShould AI paths be drawn
ai.debug.nav.DisplaySizeArea we want to display in tiles (DisplaySize x DisplaySize). Note that size will round up to an odd number of tiles
ai.debug.nav.DrawExcludedFlagsIf we want to mark "forbidden" nav polys while debug-drawing.
ai.debug.nav.RefreshIntervalInterval (in seconds) at which data will be collected.
ai.NavCollisionAvailableIf set to 0 NavCollision won't be cooked and will be unavailable at runtime.
AIIgnorePlayersSorry: Exec commands have no help
AILoggingVerboseSorry: Exec commands have no help
AllowAsyncRenderThreadUpdatesUsed to control async renderthread updates. Also gated on FApp::ShouldUseThreadingForPerformance().
AllowAsyncRenderThreadUpdatesDuringGamethreadUpdatesIf > 0 then we do the gamethread updates _while_ doing parallel updates.
AllowAsyncRenderThreadUpdatesEditorUsed to control async renderthread updates in the editor.
AnalyticsET.PayloadFlushTimeSecForWarningTime in seconds that flushing an EventCache payload can take before it will trigger a warning message, listing the events in the payload. This is intended to be used to investigate spammy or slow telemetry.
AnalyticsET.PayloadPercentageOfMaxForWarningPercentage of the maximum payload for an EventCache that will trigger a warning message, listing the events in the payload. This is intended to be used to investigate spammy or slow telemetry.
AnalyticsET.PreventMultipleFlushesInOneFrameWhen true, prevents more than one AnalyticsProviderET instance from flushing in the same frame, allowing the flush and HTTP cost to be amortized.
ANIMSorry: Exec commands have no help
AnimRecorder.AnimLengthSets default animation length for the animation recorder system.
AnimRecorder.RecordInWorldSpaceTrue to record anim keys in world space, false to record only in local space.
AnimRecorder.SampleRateSets the sample rate for the animation recorder system
ANIMSEQSTATSSorry: Exec commands have no help
APEXVISSorry: Exec commands have no help
ar.FaceComponentDebugModeDebug mode for AR face component, see EFaceComponentDebugMode
ar.GeoAnchorComponentDebugModeDebug mode for AR Geo anchor component, see EGeoAnchorComponentDebugMode
ar.ImageComponentDebugModeDebug mode for AR image component, see EImageComponentDebugMode
ar.PlaneComponentDebugModeDebug mode for AR plane component, see EPlaneComponentDebugMode
ar.PoseComponentDebugModeDebug mode for AR pose component, see EPoseComponentDebugMode
ar.QRCodeComponentDebugModeDebug mode for AR QR code component, see EQRCodeComponentDebugMode
AssetManager.AssetAuditDumps statistics about assets to the log.
AssetManager.DumpAssetDependenciesShows a list of all primary assets and the secondary assets that they depend on. Also writes out a .graphviz file
AssetManager.DumpAssetRegistryPrints entries in the asset registry. Arguments are required: ObjectPath, PackageName, Path, Class, Tag, Dependencies, PackageData.
AssetManager.DumpAssetRegistryInfoDumps extended info about asset registry to log
AssetManager.DumpBundlesForAssetShows a list of all bundles for the specified primary asset by primary asset id (i.e. Map:Entry)
AssetManager.DumpLoadedAssetsShows a list of all loaded primary assets and bundles
AssetManager.DumpReferencersForPackageGenerates a graph viz and log file of all references to a specified package
AssetManager.DumpTypeSummaryShows a summary of types known about by the asset manager
AssetManager.FindDepChainFinds all dependency chains from assets in the given search path, to the target package.
Usage: FindDepChain TargetPackagePath SearchRootPath (optional: -hardonly/-softonly)
e.g. FindDepChain /game/characters/heroes/muriel/meshes/muriel /game/cards
AssetManager.FindDepClassesFinds all dependencies of a certain set of classes to the target asset.
Usage: FindDepClasses TargetPackagePath ClassName1 ClassName2 etc (optional: -hardonly/-softonly)
e.g. FindDepChain /game/characters/heroes/muriel/meshes/muriel /game/cards
AssetManager.LoadPrimaryAssetsWithTypeLoads all assets of a given type
AssetManager.UnloadPrimaryAssetsWithTypeUnloads all assets of a given type
AssetRegistry.Debug.FindInvalidUAssetsFinds a list of all assets which are in UAsset files but do not share the name of the package
AssetRegistry.GetByClassQuery the asset registry for assets matching the supplied class
AssetRegistry.GetByNameQuery the asset registry for assets matching the supplied package name
AssetRegistry.GetByPathQuery the asset registry for assets matching the supplied package path
AssetRegistry.GetByTagQuery the asset registry for assets matching the supplied tag and value
AssetRegistry.GetDependenciesQuery the asset registry for dependencies for the specified package
AssetRegistry.GetReferencersQuery the asset registry for referencers for the specified package
AssetRegistry.ManagementPathsPackageDebugNameIf set, when manage references are set, the chain of references that caused this package to become managed will be printed to the log
AsyncReadFile.CacheHandleForPakFilesOnlyControl how Async read handle caches the underlying platform handle for files.
0: Cache the underlying platform handles for all files.
1: Cache the underlying platform handle for .pak files only (default).
AttemptStuckThreadResuscitationAttempt to resusicate stuck thread by boosting priority. Enabled by default
au.3dVisualize.ActiveSoundsVisualization mode for active sounds.
0: Not Enabled, 1: Volume (Lin), 2: Volume (dB), 3: Distance, 4: Random color
au.3dVisualize.ActiveSounds.TypeWhether to show all sounds, on AudioComponents (Components Only), or off of AudioComponents (Non-Component Only).
0: All, 1: Components Only, 2: Non-Component Only
au.3dVisualize.EnabledWhether or not audio visualization is enabled.
0: Not Enabled, 1: Enabled
au.3dVisualize.ListenersWhether or not listeners are visible when 3d visualize is enabled.
0: Not Enabled, 1: Enabled
au.3dVisualize.SpatialSourcesWhether or not audio spatialized sources are visible when 3d visualize is enabled.
0: Not Enabled, 1: Enabled
au.3dVisualize.VirtualLoopsWhether or not virtualized loops are visible when 3d visualize is enabled.
0: Not Enabled, 1: Enabled
au.adpcm.ADPCMReadFailiureTimeoutSets the number of ADPCM decode attempts we'll try before stopping the sound wave altogether.
au.adpcm.ChanceForIntentionalChunkMissIf this is set > 0 we will intentionally drop chunks. Used for debugging..
au.adpcm.DisableSeekForwardOnReadMissesWhen there is a seek pending and this CVar is set to 0, we will scan forward in the file.
au.adpcm.DisableSeekingDisables seeking with ADPCM.
au.adpcm.OnlySeekForwardOneChunkWhen set to 1, we will not continue to seek forward after failing to load two chunks in a row.
au.AllowAudioSpatializationControls if we allow spatialization of audio, normally this is enabled. If disabled all audio won't be spatialized, but will have attenuation.
0: Disable, >0: Enable
au.AllowReverbForMultichannelSourcesControls if we allow Reverb processing for sources with channel counts > 2.
0: Disable, >0: Enable
au.AllowUnsafeAudioMixerTogglingIf set to 1, will allow au.IsUsingAudioMixer to swap out the audio engine, even if there are systems in the world currently using the audio engine.
0: disable usage of au.IsUsingAudioMixer when the audio device is actively in use, 1: enable usage of au.IsUsingAudioMixer.
au.Ambisonics.VirtualIntermediateChannelsEnables decoding to a virtual 7.1 speaker config before mixdown.
0: Decode directly to output device configuration, 1: Enabled
au.AnalysisTimeShiftShifts the timeline for baked analysis playback.
Value: The time in seconds to shift the timeline.
au.AudioEditor.EnableSoundEffectEditorPrototypeEnables's the UE5 prototype sound effect editor.
au.BakedAnalysisEnabledEnables or disables queries to baked analysis from audio component.
au.BypassAllSubmixEffectsWhen set to 1, all submix effects will be bypassed.
1: Submix Effects are disabled.
au.BypassAudioPluginsBypasses any audio plugin processing.
0: Not Disabled, 1: Disabled
au.BypassPlayWhenSilentWhen set to 1, ignores the Play When Silent flag for non-procedural sources.
0: Honor the Play When Silent flag, 1: stop all silent non-procedural sources.
au.ClearMutesAndSolosClears any solo-ing/mute-ing sounds
au.CommandBufferFlushWaitTimeMsHow long to wait for the command buffer flush to complete.
au.Concurrency.MinVolumeScaleVolume threshold considered silent for volume scaling (linear scale).
au.Debug.Audio3dVisualizeSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.AudioDebugSoundSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.AudioGetDynamicSoundVolumeSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.AudioMemReportSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.AudioMixerDebugSoundSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.AudioResetAllDynamicSoundVolumesSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.AudioResetDynamicSoundVolumeSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.AudioSetDynamicSoundVolumeSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.AudioSoloSoundClassSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.AudioSoloSoundCueSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.AudioSoloSoundWaveSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.ClearSoloAudioSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.DisableHPFSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.DisableLPFSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.DisableRadioSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.Display.XX position on screen of debug statistics.
Default: 100
au.Debug.Display.YX position on screen of debug statistics.
Default: -1 (Disabled, uses default debug position)
au.Debug.DumpSoundInfoSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.EnableRadioSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.GeneratorEnables/disables debug sound generation.
0: Disabled, 1: SinTone, 2: WhiteNoise
Default: 0.2f
au.Debug.Generator.ChannelSets channel output index of debug audio. If number provided is above supported number, uses left.
0: Left, 1: Right, etc.
au.Debug.Generator.FreqSets debug sound generation frequency.
0: Not Disabled, 1: SinTone, 2: WhiteNoise
au.Debug.IsolateDryAudioSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.IsolateReverbSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.ListAudioComponentsSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.ListSoundClassesSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.ListSoundClassVolumesSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.ListSoundDurationsSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.ListSoundsSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.ListWavesSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.PlayAllPIEAudioSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.PlaySoundCuePlays a SoundCue:
-Name : If a debug sound with the short name is specified in AudioSettings, plays that sound.
-Path : Finds SoundCue asset at the provided path and if found, plays that sound.
-Radius : If set, enables sound spatialization and sets radial distance between listener and source emitting sound.
-Azimuth : If set, enables sound spatialization and sets azimuth angle between listener and source emitting sound (in degrees, where 0 is straight ahead, negative to left, positive to right).
-Elevation : If set, enables sound spatialization and sets azimuth angle between listener and source emitting sound (in degrees, where 0 is straight ahead, negative to left, positive to right).
-AllViews: If option provided, plays sound through all viewports.
-LogSubtitles: If option provided, logs sounds subtitle if set
au.Debug.PlaySoundWavePlays a SoundWave:
-Name : If a debug sound with the short name is specified in AudioSettings, plays that sound.
-Path : Finds SoundWave asset at the provided path and if found, plays that sound.
-Radius: If set, enables sound spatialization and sets radial distance between listener and source emitting sound.
-Azimuth : If set, enables sound spatialization and sets azimuth angle between listener and source emitting sound (in degrees, where 0 is straight ahead, negative to left, positive to right).
-Elevation : If set, enables sound spatialization and sets azimuth angle between listener and source emitting sound (in degrees, where 0 is straight ahead, negative to left, positive to right).
-AllViews: If option provided, plays sound through all viewports.
-LogSubtitles: If option provided, logs sounds subtitle if set
au.Debug.ResetSoundStateSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.SetBaseSoundMixSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.ShowSoundClassHierarchySorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.SoloAudioSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.SoundClassFixupSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.SoundCuesPost SoundCue information to viewport(s).
0: Disable, 1: Enable
(Optional) -AllViews: Enables/Disables for all viewports, not just those associated with the current world
au.Debug.SoundCues.MinimalUse the compact view of sound cue debug when enabled.
0: Not Enabled, 1: Enabled
au.Debug.Soundcues.ShowPathDisplay full path of sound cue when enabled.
0: Not Enabled, 1: Enabled
au.Debug.SoundCues.Spacing.CharSize of character (in pixels) with compact view.
Default: 7
au.Debug.SoundCues.Spacing.TabSize of tab (in characters) with compact view.
Default: 5
au.Debug.SoundMixesPost SoundMix information to viewport(s).
0: Disable, 1: Enable
(Optional) -AllViews: Enables/Disables for all viewports, not just those associated with the current world
au.Debug.SoundModulatorsPost SoundModulation information to viewport(s).
0: Disable, 1: Enable
(Optional) -AllViews: Enables/Disables for all viewports, not just those associated with the current world
au.Debug.SoundReverbPost SoundReverb information to viewport(s).
0: Disable, 1: Enable
(Optional) -AllViews: Enables/Disables for all viewports, not just those associated with the current world
au.Debug.SoundsPost Sound information to viewport(s).
0: Disable, 1: Enable
(Optional) -AllViews: Enables/Disables for all viewports, not just those associated with the current world
au.Debug.Sounds.MaxMax number of sounds to display in full sound debugger view.
Default: 32
au.Debug.Sounds.ShowPathDisplay full path of sound when enabled.
0: Not Enabled, 1: Enabled
au.Debug.Sounds.SortValue to sort by and display when sound stats are active.
Class, Distance, Name (Default), Priority (Highest of wave instances per sound), Time, Waves, Volume
au.Debug.Sounds.TextColorColor of body text in audio debug views.
White, Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Magenta, Purple, Black
au.Debug.SoundWavesPost SoundWave information to viewport(s).
0: Disable, 1: Enable
(Optional) -AllViews: Enables/Disables for all viewports, not just those associated with the current world
au.Debug.StopSoundStops debug sound.
-AllViews: If option provided, stops all debug sounds in all viewports.
au.Debug.TestLFEBleedSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.TestLPFSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.ToggleHRTFForAllSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.Debug.ToggleSpatExtSorry: Exec commands have no help
au.DecompressionThresholdIf non-zero, overrides the decompression threshold set in either the sound group or the platform's runtime settings.
Value: Maximum duration we should fully decompress, in seconds.
au.DefaultModulationPluginName of default modulation plugin to load and use (overridden by platform-specific implementation name in config.
au.DisableADPCMSeekLockDisables ADPCM seek crit section fix for multiple seek requests per frame.
au.DisableAppVolumeDisables application volume when set to 1.
0: App volume enabled, 1: App volume disabled
au.DisableAutomaticPrecacheWhen set to 1, this disables precaching on load or startup, it will only precache synchronously when playing.
0: Use normal precaching logic, 1: disables all precaching except for synchronous calls.
au.DisableBinauralSpatializationDisables binaural spatialization.
au.DisableDeviceSwapDisable device swap handling code for Audio Mixer on Windows.
0: Not Enabled, 1: Enabled
au.DisableDistanceAttenuationDisables using any Distance Attenuation.
0: Not Disabled, 1: Disabled
au.DisableEnvelopeFollowingDisables using the envlope follower for source envelope tracking.
0: Not Disabled, 1: Disabled
au.DisableFilteringDisables using the per-source lowpass and highpass filter.
0: Not Disabled, 1: Disabled
au.DisableHPFilteringDisables using the per-source highpass filter.
0: Not Disabled, 1: Disabled
au.DisableLegacyReverbDisables reverb on legacy audio backends.
0: Enabled, 1: Disabled
au.DisableMotoSynthDisables the moto synth.
0: Not Disabled, 1: Disabled
au.DisableOcclusionDisables (1) or enables (0) audio occlusion.
au.DisableParallelSourceProcessingDisables using async tasks for processing sources.
0: Not Disabled, 1: Disabled
au.DisableQuadReverbDisables quad reverb in surround.
0: Not Disabled, 1: Disabled
au.DisableReverbSubmixDisables the reverb submix.
0: Not Disabled, 1: Disabled
au.DisableSourceEffectsDisables using any source effects.
0: Not Disabled, 1: Disabled
au.DisableStereoSpreadWhen set to 1, ignores the 3D Stereo Spread property in attenuation settings and instead renders audio from a singular point.
0: Not Disabled, 1: Disabled
au.DisableStoppingVoicesDisables stopping voices feature.
0: Not Disabled, 1: Disabled
au.DisableSubmixEffectEQDisables the eq submix.
0: Not Disabled, 1: Disabled
au.DisableSubmixMutationLockDisables the submix mutation lock.
0: Not Disabled (Default), 1: Disabled
au.dsp.FFTMethodDetermines whether we use an iterative FFT method or the DFT.
0: Use Iterative FFT, 1:: Use DFT
au.DumpActiveSoundsOutputs data about all the currently active sounds.
au.DumpBakedAnalysisDatadebug command to dump the baked analysis data of a sound wave to a csv file.
au.editor.CookOverrideCachingIntervalThis sets the max latency between when a cook override is changed in the project settings and when it is applied to new audio sources.
n: Time between caching intervals, in seconds.
au.editor.ForceAudioNonStreamingWhen set to 1, forces any audio played to be non-streaming May force a DDC miss.
0: Honor the Play When Silent flag, 1: stop all silent non-procedural sources.
au.EnableBinauralAudioForAllSpatialSoundsToggles binaural audio rendering for all spatial sounds if binaural rendering is available.
au.EnableDetailedWindowsDeviceLoggingEnables detailed windows device logging.
0: Not Enabled, 1: Enabled
au.EnableOcclusionFilterScaleWhether or not we scale occlusion by 0.25f to compensate for change in filter cutoff frequencies in audio mixer.
0: Not Enabled, 1: Enabled
au.EnableReverbStereoFlipForQuadEnables doing a stereo flip for quad reverb when in surround.
0: Not Enabled, 1: Enabled
au.ExtraAudioMixerDeviceLoggingEnables extra logging for audio mixer device running
0: no logging, 1: logging every 500 callbacks
au.FadeOutTimeoutMSecAmount of time to wait for the FadeOut Event to fire.
au.FlushAudioRenderCommandsOnSuspendWhen set to 1, ensures that we pump through all pending commands to the audio thread and audio render thread on app suspension.
0: Not Disabled, 1: Disabled
au.FlushAudioRenderThreadOnGCWhen set to 1, every time the GC runs, we flush all pending audio render thread commands.
au.FlushCommandBufferOnTimeoutWhen set to 1, flushes audio render thread synchronously when our fence has timed out.
0: Not Disabled, 1: Disabled
au.ForceRealtimeDecompressionWhen set to 1, this deliberately ensures that all audio assets are decompressed as they play, rather than fully on load.
0: Allow full decompression on load, 1: force realtime decompression.
au.ForceSyncAudioDecodesDisables using async tasks for processing sources.
0: Not Disabled, 1: Disabled
au.IsUsingAudioMixerWhether or not we're currently using the audio mixer. Change to dynamically toggle on/off. This will only take effect if an audio device is currently not in use, unless au.AllowUnsafeAudioMixerToggling is set to 1. Note: sounds will stop. Looping sounds won't automatically resume.
0: Not Using Audio Mixer, 1: Using Audio Mixer
au.LinearGainScalarForFinalOututLinear gain scalar applied to the final float buffer to allow for hotfixable mitigation of clipping
Default is 1.0f
au.LogRenderTimesLogs Audio Render Times.
0: Not Log, 1: Log
au.MaxConcurrentStreamsOverrides the max concurrent streams.
0: Not Overridden, >0 Overridden
au.MaxRandomBranchesSets the max amount of branches to play from for any random node. The rest of the branches will be released from memory.
0: No culling, Any other value: The amount of branches we should use as a maximum for any random node.
au.MinLogTimeBetweenUnderrunWarningsMin time between underrun warnings (globally) in MS
Set the time between each subsequent underrun log warning globaly (defaults to 10secs)
au.Modulation.SetPitchRangeSets max final modulation range of pitch (in semitones). Default: 96 semitones (+/- 4 octaves)
au.motosynth.enablebitcrushBit crushes moto synth source data to 8 bytes when registered to data manager.
0: Disable, >0: Enable
au.motosynth.enablememoryloggingEnables logging of memory usage whenever new sources are registered and unregistered.
0: Disable, >0: Enable
au.motosynth.logmemoryLogs all memory used by moto synth right now.
au.NeverMuteNonRealtimeAudioDevicesWhen set to 1, nonrealtime audio devices will be exempt from normal audio device muting (for example, when a window goes out of focus.
0: Not Disabled, 1: Disabled
au.NumPrecacheFramesWhen set to > 0, will use that value as the number of frames to precache audio buffers with.
0: Use default value for precache frames, >0: Number of frames to precache.
au.OverrunTimeoutMSecAmount of time to wait for the render thread to time out before swapping to the null device.
au.Quartz.HeadlessClockSampleRateSample rate to use for Quartz Clocks/Metronomes when no Mixer Device is present.
0: Not Enabled, 1: Enabled
au.Quartz.MaxSubscribersToUpdatePerTickLimits the number of Quartz subscribers to update per Tick.
<= 0: No Limit, >= 1: Limit
au.Quartz.SimulateNoAudioDeviceIf enabled, the QuartzSubsystem will assume no audio device, and will run new clocks in headless mode.
0: Not Enabled, 1: Enabled
au.RealtimeDecompressZeroDurationSoundsWhen set to 1, we will fallback to realtime decoding any sound waves with an invalid duration..
0: Fully decompress sounds with a duration of 0, 1: realtime decompress sounds with a duration of 0.
au.RecoverRecordingOnShutdownWhen set to 1, we will attempt to bounce the recording to a wav file if the game is shutdown while a recording is in flight.
0: Disabled, 1: Enabled
au.RenderThreadPrioritySets audio render thread priority. Defaults to 3.
0: Normal, 1: Above Normal, 2: Below Normal, 3: Highest, 4: Lowest, 5: Slightly Below Normal, 6: Time Critical
au.ReportAudioDevicesThis will log any active audio devices (instances of the audio engine) alive right now.
au.SetAudioChannelCountChanges the audio channel count. Max value is clamped to the MaxChannelCount the audio engine was initialize with.
0: Disable, >0: Enable
au.SetAudioChannelScaleCountChanges the audio channel count by percentage.
au.SoundDistanceOptimizationLengthThe maximum duration a sound must be in order to be a candidate to be culled due to one-shot distance optimization.
au.SpoofFailedStreamChunkLoadForces failing to load streamed chunks.
0: Not Enabled, 1: Enabled
au.streamcache.BlockOnChunkLoadCompletionWhen set to 1, USoundWaves we will always attempt to synchronously load a chunk after a USoundWave request has finished.
0: Don't try to block after a SoundWave has completed loading a chunk, 1: Block after a USoundWave's chunk request has completed.
au.streamcache.DisableRetainingWhen set to 1, USoundWaves will not retain chunks of their own audio.
0: Don't disable retaining, 1: retaining.
au.streamcache.DispatchToGameThreadOnChunkRequestWhen set to 1, we will always dispatch a callback to the game thread whenever a USoundWave request has finished. This may cause chunks of audio to be evicted by the time we need them.
0: as soon as the chunk is loaded, capture the audio chunk. 1: As soon as the chunk is loaded, dispatch a callback to the gamethread.
au.streamcache.priming.BypassRetainFromSoundCuesWhen set to 1, we ignore the loading behavior of sound classes set on a Sound Cue directly.
au.streamcache.priming.PrimeDelayNodesWhen set to 1, sounds will be loaded into the cache automatically when a delay node is hit.
au.streamcache.priming.PrimeRandomNodesWhen set to 1, sounds will be loaded into the cache automatically when a random node is hit.
au.streamcache.SoundWaveDefaultLoadingBehaviorThis can be set to define the default behavior when a USoundWave is loaded.
0: Default (load on demand), 1: Retain audio data on load, 2: prime audio data on load, 3: load on demand (No audio data is loaded until a USoundWave is played or primed).
au.streamcaching.AlwaysLogCacheMissesWhen set to a nonzero value, all cache misses will be added to the audiomemreport.
0: Don't log cache misses until au.streamcaching.StartProfiling is called. 1: Always log cache misses.
au.streamcaching.BlockForPendingLoadOnCacheOverflowThis cvar sets the default request priority for audio chunks that are about to play back, but aren't in the cache.
0: When we blow the cache we clear any soundwave retainers. 1:When we blow the cache we attempt to cancel a load in flight.
au.streamcaching.ChunkSlotNumScalarThis allows scaling the number of chunk slots pre-allocated.
1.0: is the lower limit
au.streamcaching.DebugViewEnables the comparison of FObjectKeys when comparing Stream Cache Chunk Keys. Without this FName collisions could occur if 2 SoundWaves have the same name.
0: Legacy, 1: Default, 2: Averaged View, 3: High Detail View
au.streamcaching.EnableExhaustiveCacheSearchesEnables an exhaustive search of the cache in FindElementForKey.
0: Rely on chunk offset. 1: Search using linear search
au.streamcaching.EnableTrimmingRetainedAudioWhen set > 0, we will trim retained audio when the stream cache goes over the memory limit.
0: never trims retained audio, >0: will trim retained audio.
au.streamcaching.FlushAudioCacheThis will flush any non retained audio from the cache when Stream Caching is enabled.
au.streamcaching.ForceBlockForLoadWhen set to a nonzero value, blocks GetLoadedChunk until the disk read is complete.
au.streamcaching.KeepCacheMissBufferOnFlushIf set to 1, this will maintain the buffer of recorded cache misses after calling AudioMemReport. Otherwise, calling audiomemreport will flush all previous recorded cache misses.
1: All cache misses from the whole session will show up in audiomemreport. 0: Only cache misses since the previous call to audiomemreport will show up in the current audiomemreport.
au.streamcaching.MaxCachesToDisplaySets the max amount of stream chunks to display on screen.
n: Number of elements to display on screen.
au.streamcaching.MemoryLimitTrimPercentageWhen set > 0.0, we will trim percentage of memory cache audio per trim call audio when the stream cache goes over the memory limit.
0.0: trims only the amount needed to allocate a single chunk, >0: that percentage of memory limit.
au.streamcaching.MinimumCacheUsageThis value is the minimum potential usage of the stream cache we feasibly want to support. Setting this to 0.25, for example, cause us to potentially be using 25% of our cache size when we start evicting chunks, worst cast scenario.
0.0: limit the number of chunks to our (Cache Size / Max Chunk Size) [0.01-0.99]: Increase our number of chunks to limit disk IO when we have lots of small sounds playing.
au.streamcaching.NumSoundWavesToClearOnCacheOverflowWhen set > 0, we will attempt to release retainers for only that many sounds every time we have a cache overflow.
0: reset all retained sounds on cache overflow, >0: evict this many sounds on any cache overflow.
au.streamcaching.PlaybackRequestPriorityThis cvar sets the default request priority for audio chunks that are about to play back, but aren't in the cache.
0: High, 1: Normal, 2: Below Normal, 3: Low, 4: Min
au.streamcaching.PrimeSoundOnAudioComponentsWhen set to 1, automatically primes a USoundBase when a UAudioComponent is spawned with that sound, or when UAudioComponent::SetSound is called.
au.streamcaching.ReadRequestPriorityThis cvar sets the default request priority for audio chunks when Stream Caching is turned on.
0: High, 1: Normal, 2: Below Normal, 3: Low, 4: Min
au.streamcaching.ResizeAudioCacheToThis will try to cull enough audio chunks to shrink the audio stream cache to the new size if neccessary, and keep the cache at that size.
au.streamcaching.SaveAudiomemReportOnCacheOverflowWhen set to one, we print an audiomemreport when the cache has overflown.
0: Disabled, 1: Enabled
au.streamcaching.SearchUsingChunkArrayIf performing an exhaustive search of the cache, use the chunk array instead of the LRU (we give up knowing how far down the cache an element was).
0: Search using LRU (linked list). 1: Search using Chunk Pool (TArray)
au.streamcaching.StartProfilingThis will start a performance-intensive profiling mode for this streaming manager. Profile stats can be output with audiomemreport.
au.streamcaching.StopProfilingThis will start a performance-intensive profiling mode for this streaming manager. Profile stats can be output with audiomemreport.
au.streamcaching.StreamCacheSizeOverrideMBThis cvar can be set to override the size of the cache.
0: use cache size from project settings. n: the new cache size in megabytes.
au.streamcaching.TrimCacheWhenOverBudgetWhen set to a nonzero value, TrimMemory will be called in AddOrTouchChunk to ensure we never go over budget.
au.streamcaching.UseObjectKeyInChunkKeyComparisonsEnables the comparison of FObjectKeys when comparing Stream Cache Chunk Keys. Without this FName collisions could occur if 2 SoundWaves have the same name.
1: (default) Compare object keys. 0: Do not compare object keys.
au.submix.clearbrokensubmixassetsIf set, will verify that we don't have a submix that lists a child submix that is no longer its child, and the former children will not erroneously list their previous parents.
0: Disable, >0: Enable
au.Submix.Effects.DynamicsProcessor.BypassIf non-zero, bypasses all submix dynamics processors currently active.
au.UnderrunTimeoutMSecAmount of time to wait for the render thread to generate the next buffer before submitting an underrun buffer.
au.UseListenerOverrideForSpreadZero attenuation override distance stereo panning
0: Use actual distance, 1: use listener override
au.VirtualLoops.EnabledEnables or disables whether virtualizing is supported for audio loops.
au.VirtualLoops.ForceUpdateListenerMoveDistanceSets distance threshold required to force an update on virtualized sounds to check for if listener moves in a single frame over the given distance.
au.VirtualLoops.PerfDistanceSets virtual loop distance to scale update rate between min and max beyond max audible distance of sound.
au.VirtualLoops.UpdateRate.MaxSets maximum rate to check if sound becomes audible again (at beyond sound's max audible distance + perf scaling distance).
au.VirtualLoops.UpdateRate.MinSets minimum rate to check if sound becomes audible again at sound's max audible distance.
au.voip.AlwaysPlayVoiceComponentWhen set to 1, guarantees that voip components won't get deprioritized.
0: Let voip components get killed, 1: force VOIP components to be higher priority than all other audio sources.
au.vorbis.ReadFailiureTimeoutWhen set to 1, we bail on decoding Ogg Vorbis sounds if we were not able to successfully decode them after several attempts.
au.WaitForSoundWaveToLoadWhen set to 1, we will refuse to play any sound unless the USoundWave has been loaded.
0: Attempt to play back, 1: Wait for load.
AUDIOSorry: Exec commands have no help
Audio3dVisualizeSorry: Exec commands have no help
AudioCommand.FenceWaitTimeMsSets number of ms for fence wait
AudioDebugSoundSorry: Exec commands have no help
AudioGetDynamicSoundVolumeSorry: Exec commands have no help
AudioMemReportSorry: Exec commands have no help
AudioMixerDebugSoundSorry: Exec commands have no help
AudioResetAllDynamicSoundVolumesSorry: Exec commands have no help
AudioResetDynamicSoundVolumeSorry: Exec commands have no help
AudioSetDynamicSoundVolumeSorry: Exec commands have no help
AudioSoloSoundClassSorry: Exec commands have no help
AudioSoloSoundCueSorry: Exec commands have no help
AudioSoloSoundWaveSorry: Exec commands have no help
AudioThread.AboveNormalPriority0=Normal, 1=AboveNormal
AudioThread.BatchAsyncBatchSizeWhen AudioThread.EnableBatchProcessing = 1, controls the number of audio commands grouped together for threading.
AudioThread.EnableAudioCommandLogging0=Disbaled, 1=Enabled
AudioThread.EnableAudioThreadWaitEnables waiting on the audio thread to finish its commands.
0: Not Enabled, 1: Enabled
AudioThread.EnableBatchProcessingEnables batch processing audio thread commands.
0: Not Enabled, 1: Enabled
AudioThread.SuspendAudioThread0=Resume, 1=Suspend
AudioThread.UseBackgroundThreadPoolIf true, use the background thread pool for realtime audio decompression.
AutomationSorry: Exec commands have no help
AutomationAllowFrameTraceCaptureAllow automation to capture frame traces.
AutomationScreenshotResolutionHeightThe height of automation screenshots.
AutomationScreenshotResolutionWidthThe width of automation screenshots.
AUTOMERGESMSorry: Exec commands have no help
AvoidanceDisplayAllSorry: Exec commands have no help
AvoidanceSystemToggleSorry: Exec commands have no help
backchannel.logerrorsLogs packet errors
backchannel.logpacketsLogs incoming packets
beacon.DelayCancellationResponseDelay time between received cancel response and notification
Time in secs
beacon.DelayFullResponseDelay time between received full response and notification
Time in secs
beacon.DelayReservationResponseDelay time between received response and notification
Time in secs
beacon.DelayUpdateResponseDelay time between received update response and notification
Time in secs
BehaviorTree.RecordFrameSearchTimesRecord Search Times Per Frame For Perf Stats
BP.bEnableSkelReinstUpdateIf true the Reinstancing of SKEL classes will use the new FBlueprintCompileReinstancer::MoveDependentSkelToReinst(o(n)) instead of the old MoveSkelCDOAside (o(n^2))
bp.ComponentInstancingFastPathDisabledDisable the Blueprint component instancing fast path.
bp.DatabasePrimingMaxPerFrameHow many entries should be primed in to the database per frame.
bp.DisableSearchDataUpdateOnSaveDon't update Blueprint search metadata on save (for QA/testing purposes only). On an editor relaunch, it should include the BP in the unindexed count after the first search.
bp.EnableAutomaticLibraryAssetLoadingShould opening the BP editor load all macro and function library assets or not?
0: Disable, 1: Enable (defaults to enabled)
Nodes defined in unloaded libraries will not show up in the context menu!
bp.ForceOldSearchDataFormatVersionOnSaveForce Blueprint search metadata to use an old format version on save (for QA/testing purposes only). On an editor relaunch, it should include the BP in the out-of-date count after the first search.
bp.MaxFunctionStatDepthScript stack threshold for recording per function stats.
-1: Record all function stats (default)
0: Record no function stats
>0: Record functions with depth < MaxFunctionStatDepth
bp.PinValidityCheck.bDisplayInvalidPinWarningCVar controls pin validity warning which will throw when a macro graph is silently failing
bp.PinValidityCheck.bDisplayMissingBoundComponentWarningCVar controls pin validity warning which will throw when a bound event has no matching component
bp.ScriptRecurseLimitSets the number of recursions before script is considered in an infinite loop.
bp.ShortScriptWarningsShorten the blueprint exception logs.
bp.VerboseStatsCreate additional stats for Blueprint execution.
BRUSHSorry: Exec commands have no help
BSPSorry: Exec commands have no help
budgetSorry: Exec commands have no help
BugItSorry: Exec commands have no help
BugItGoSorry: Exec commands have no help
BUILDLIGHTINGSorry: Exec commands have no help
BUILDPATHSSorry: Exec commands have no help
c.ToggleGPUCrashedFlagDbgForcibly toggles the 'GPU Crashed' flag for testing crash analytics.
CAMERASorry: Exec commands have no help
CANALYZERSorry: Exec commands have no help
CANCELASYNCLOADSorry: Exec commands have no help
CancelRenderAssetStreamingSorry: Exec commands have no help
CancelTextureStreamingSorry: Exec commands have no help
Canvas.DistanceFieldSmoothnessGlobal sharpness of distance field fonts/shapes rendered by canvas.
CAPTUREMODESorry: Exec commands have no help
CauseHitchesCauses a 200ms hitch every second. Size of the hitch is controlled by CauseHitchesHitchMS
CauseHitchesHitchMSControls the size of the hitch caused by CauseHitches in ms.
CDODumpSorry: Exec commands have no help
CESorry: Exec commands have no help
CHECKSOUNDSSorry: Exec commands have no help
CLEANBSPMATERIALSSorry: Exec commands have no help
ClearSoloAudioSorry: Exec commands have no help
ClearSourceFilesSorry: Exec commands have no help
CLOSE_SLATE_MAINFRAMESorry: Exec commands have no help
CollectionManager.AddAdds the specified object path to the specified collection
CollectionManager.CreateCreates a collection of the specified name and type
CollectionManager.DestroyDeletes a collection of the specified name and type
CollectionManager.RemoveRemoves the specified object path from the specified collection
Compat.MAX_GPUSKIN_BONESMax number of bones that can be skinned on the GPU in a single draw call. This setting clamp the per platform project setting URendererSettings::MaxSkinBones. Cannot be changed at runtime.
Compat.UseDXT5NormalMapsWhether to use DXT5 for normal maps, otherwise BC5 will be used, which is not supported on all hardware.
Both formats require the same amount of memory (if driver doesn't emulate the format).
Changing this will cause normal maps to be recompressed on next load (or when using recompile shaders)
0: Use BC5 texture format (default)
1: Use DXT5 texture format (lower quality)
con.DebugEarlyCheatused internally to test the console variable system
con.DebugEarlyDefaultused internally to test the console variable system
con.DebugLateCheatused internally to test the console variable system
con.DebugLateDefaultused internally to test the console variable system
con.MinLogVerbosityAllows to see the log in the in game console (by default deactivated to avoid spam and minor performance loss).
0: no logging other than console response (default)
1: Only fatal errors (no that useful)
2: additionally errors
3: additionally warnings
4: additionally display
5: additionally log
>=7: all
CONFIGHASHSorry: Exec commands have no help
CONFIGMEMSorry: Exec commands have no help
console.position.enableEnable custom console positioning
console.position.xConsole X offset from left border
console.position.yConsole Y offset from bottom border
CONTENTCOMPARISONSorry: Exec commands have no help
ContextMenu.bPrintDebugContextSelectionFlag for printing the debug info about the context menu selection
ContextMenu.CategoryWeightThe amount of weight placed on categories that match what the user has typed in
ContextMenu.DescriptionWeightThe amount of weight placed on search items description
ContextMenu.FavoriteBonusThe bonus given if node is a favorite
ContextMenu.KeywordWeightThe amount of weight placed on search items keyword
ContextMenu.MatchingFromPinCategoryThe amount of weight placed on actions with the same category as the node being dragged off of
ContextMenu.NodeTitleWeightThe amount of weight placed on the search items title
ContextMenu.PercentageMatchWeightMultiplierA multiplier for how much weight to give something based on the percentage match it is
ContextMenu.ShorterWeightIncreasing this weight will make shorter words preferred
ContextMenu.StartsWithBonusWeightMultiplierThe multiplier given if the keyword starts with a letter the user typed in
ContextMenu.WordContainsLetterWeightMultiplierThe multiplier given if the keyword only contains a letter the user typed in
Controller.InvalidControlRotationMagnitudeIf any component of an FRotator passed to SetControlRotation is larger than this magnitude, ignore the value. Huge values are usually from uninitialized variables and can cause NaN/Inf to propagate later.
CONVERTMATINEESSorry: Exec commands have no help
cookSorry: Exec commands have no help
cook.AllowCookedDataInEditorBuildsIf true, allows cooked assets to be loaded in the editor.
Cook.display.diagnostictimeControls the time between cooker diagnostics messages.
cook.display.repeattimeControls the time before the cooker will repeat the same progress message.
cook.display.updatetimeControls the time before the cooker will send a new progress message.
cook.displaymodeControls the display for cooker logging of packages:
0: No display
1: Display packages remaining
2: Display each package by name
3: Both
Core.bFastDecimalFormatLargeFloatSupportTrue implies we perform additional processing for floating point types over 9223372036854775807 to prevent clipping to this value.
CoreUObject.AttemptToFindUninitializedScriptStructMembersFinds USTRUCT() structs that fail to initialize reflected member variables
CountDisabledParticleItemsSorry: Exec commands have no help
CPUTime.DumpUsage -Delay=[NumSeconds=30]
If Delay==0, disables printing the CPU usage to the log
If Delay>0, starts printing the average CPU usage from the last n frames, clamps between 10 and 300
CRACKURLSorry: Exec commands have no help
CreateDummyFileInPersistentStorageCreate a dummy file with specified size in specified persistent storage folder
CriticalPathStall.AfterInitViewsSleep for the given time after InitViews. Time is given in ms. This is a debug option used for critical path analysis and forcing a change in the critical path.
CriticalPathStall.ParallelAnimationSleep for the given time in each parallel animation task. Time is given in ms. This is a debug option used for critical path analysis and forcing a change in the critical path.
CriticalPathStall.TickStartFrameSleep for the given time in start frame. Time is given in ms. This is a debug option used for critical path analysis and forcing a change in the critical path.
crn.qualitySet the quality of the crunch texture compression. [0, 255], default: 128
csv.BlockOnCaptureEndWhen 1, blocks the game thread until the CSV file has been written completely when the capture is ended.
When 0, the game thread is not blocked whilst the file is written.
csv.CompressionModeControls whether CSV files are compressed when written out.
-1 = (Default) Use compression if the code which started the capture opted for it.
0 = Force disable compression. All files will be written as uncompressed .csv files.
1 = Force enable compression. All files will be written as compressed .csv.gz files.
csv.ContinuousWritesWhen 1, completed CSV rows are converted to CSV format strings and appended to the write buffer whilst the capture is in progress.
When 0, CSV rows are accumulated in memory as binary data, and only converted to strings and flushed to disk at the end of the capture.
csv.DetailedTickContextGives more detailed info for Tick counts in CSV
csv.ForceExitIf 1, do a forced exit when if exitOnCompletion is enabled
csv.RecordActorCountsRecord actor counts by class when performing CSV capture
csv.RecordActorCountsThresholdNumber of instances of an native Actor class required before recording to CSV stat
csv.RecordTickCountsRecord tick counts by context when performing CSV capture
csv.statCountsIf 1, outputs count stats
csv.trackWaitsAllThreadsDetermines whether to track waits on all threads. Note that this incurs a lot of overhead
csv.trackWaitsGTDetermines whether to track game thread waits. Note that this incurs overhead
csv.trackWaitsRTDetermines whether to track render thread waits. Note that this incurs overhead
csv.WriteBufferSizeWhen non-zero, defines the size of the write buffer to use whilst writing the CSV file.
A non-zero value is required for GZip compressed output.
CsvProfileStarts or stops Csv Profiles
CurveEditor.MaxCurvesPerPinnedViewWhen CurveEditor.PinnedViews is 1, defines the maximum number of curves allowed on a pinned view (0 for no maximum).
CurveEditor.PinnedViewsWhether pinning a curve should also cause it to be exclusively added to a pinned view or not (default: off), rather than simply always remain visible.
d3d11.ZeroBufferSizeInMBThe D3D11 RHI needs a static allocation of zeroes to use when streaming textures asynchronously. It should be large enough to support the largest mipmap you need to stream. The default is 4MB.
D3D12.AdjustTexturePoolSizeBasedOnBudgetIndicates if the RHI should lower the texture pool size when the application is over the memory budget provided by the OS. This can result in lower quality textures (but hopefully improve performance).
D3D12.AFRSyncTemporalResourcesSynchronize inter-frame dependencies between GPUs
D3D12.AFRUseFramePacingControl when frames are presented when using mGPU and Alternate Frame Rendering.
D3D12.AsyncDeferredDeletionControls whether D3D12 resources will be released on a separate thread (default = on).
D3D12.CommandListBatchingModeChanges how command lists are batched and submitted to the GPU.
D3D12.EmitRgpFrameMarkersEnables/Disables frame markers for AMD's RGP tool.
d3d12.FastAllocator.MinPagesToRetainMinimum number of pages to retain. Pages below this limit will never be released. Pages above can be released after being unused for a certain number of frames.
D3D12.ForceThirtyHzIf true, the display will never update more often than 30Hz.
D3D12.GlobalViewHeapBlockSizeBlock size for sub allocations on the global view descriptor heap.
D3D12.GlobalViewHeapSizeGlobal view heap size
D3D12.InsertOuterOcclusionQueryIf true, enable a dummy outer occlusion query around occlusion query batches. Can help performance on some GPU architectures
D3D12.LocalViewHeapSizeLocal view heap size
D3D12.LockTexture2DRHIFlushIf enabled, we do RHIThread flush on LockTexture2D. Likely not required on any platform, but keeping just for testing for now 0: off (default)
1: on
D3D12.LogViewportEventsLog all the viewport events.
D3D12.MaxCommandsPerCommandListFlush command list to GPU after certain amount of enqueued commands (draw, dispatch, copy, ...) (default value 10000)
D3D12.MaximumFrameLatencyNumber of frames that can be queued for render.
D3D12.MaxSyncCounterMaximum sync counter to smooth out vsync transitions.
D3D12.PSO.DiskCacheEnables a disk cache for Pipeline State Objects (PSOs).
PSO descs are cached to disk so subsequent runs can create PSOs at load-time instead of at run-time.
This cache contains data that is independent of hardware, driver, or machine that it was created on. It can be distributed with shipping content.
0 to disable the pipeline state disk cache
1 to enable the pipeline state disk cache (default)
D3D12.PSO.DriverOptimizedDiskCacheEnables a disk cache for driver-optimized Pipeline State Objects (PSOs).
PSO descs are cached to disk so subsequent runs can create PSOs at load-time instead of at run-time.
This cache contains data specific to the hardware, driver, and machine that it was created on.
0 to disable the driver-optimized pipeline state disk cache
1 to enable the driver-optimized pipeline state disk cache
D3D12.PSO.StallWarningThresholdInMsSets a threshold of when to logs messages about stalls due to PSO creation.
Value is in milliseconds. (100 is the default)
d3d12.ReadOnlyTextureAllocator.MaxPoolSizeMaximum allocation granularity (in bytes) of each size list
d3d12.ReadOnlyTextureAllocator.MinNumToPoolTexture pool of each size list must be large enough to store thismany textures unless constrained by maximum allocation granularity
d3d12.ReadOnlyTextureAllocator.MinPoolSizeMinimum allocation granularity (in bytes) of each size list
D3D12.RefreshPercentageBeforePresentThe percentage of the refresh period to wait before presenting.
D3D12.ResidencyManagementControls whether D3D12 resource residency management is active (default = on).
d3d12.SegListTrackLeaks1: Enable leak tracking in d3d12 seglist's
D3D12.StablePowerStateIf true, enable stable power state. This increases GPU timing measurement accuracy but may decrease overall GPU clock rate.
D3D12.SyncRefreshThresholdThreshold for time above which vsync will be disabled as a percentage of the refresh rate.
D3D12.SyncThresholdNumber of consecutive 'fast' frames before vsync is enabled.
D3D12.SyncWithDWMIf true, synchronize with the desktop window manager for vblank.
D3D12.TexturePoolOnlyAccountStreamableTextureTexture streaming pool size only account streamable texture .
- 0: All texture types are counted in the pool (legacy, default).
- 1: Only streamable textures are counted in the pool.
When enabling the new behaviour, r.Streaming.PoolSize will need to be re-adjusted.
D3D12.UseUpdateTexture3DComputeShaderIf enabled, use a compute shader for UpdateTexture3D. Avoids alignment restrictions 0: off (default)
1: on
D3D12.ZeroBufferSizeInMBThe D3D12 RHI needs a static allocation of zeroes to use when streaming textures asynchronously. It should be large enough to support the largest mipmap you need to stream. The default is 4MB.
DDC.MountPakMounts read-only pak file
DDC.UnmountPakUnmounts read-only pak file
DEBUGSorry: Exec commands have no help
DebugTrackedRenderAssetsSorry: Exec commands have no help
DebugTrackedTexturesSorry: Exec commands have no help
DEFERSorry: Exec commands have no help
DELETESorry: Exec commands have no help
demo.AsyncLoadWorldIf 1, we will use seamless server travel to load the replay world asynchronously
demo.CheckpointSaveMaxMSPerFrameOverrideIf >= 0, this value will override the CheckpointSaveMaxMSPerFrame member variable, which is the maximum time allowed each frame to spend on saving a checkpoint. If 0, it will save the checkpoint in a single frame, regardless of how long it takes.
demo.ClientRecordAsyncEndOfFrameIf true, TickFlush will be called on a thread in parallel with Slate.
demo.CullDistanceOverrideIf > 0, will represent distance from any viewer where actors will stop being recorded.
demo.DecreaseRepPrioritizeThresholdThe % of Replicated to Prioritized actors at which prioritize time will be increased.
demo.EnableCheckpointsWhether or not checkpoints save on the server
Demo.ExceededBudgetWarningIntervalWhen > 0, we will wait this many seconds between logging warnings for demo recording exceeding time budgets.
demo.FastForwardDestroyTearOffActorsIf true, the driver will destroy any torn-off actors immediately while fast-forwarding a replay.
demo.FastForwardIgnoreRPCsIf true, RPCs will be discarded during playback fast forward.
demo.FastForwardLevelsPausePlaybackIf true, pause channels and playback while fast forward levels task is running.
demo.FastForwardSkipRepNotifiesIf true, the driver will optimize fast-forwarding by deferring calls to RepNotify functions until the fast-forward is complete.
demo.ForceDisableAsyncPackageMapLoadingIf true, async package map loading of network assets will be disabled.
demo.GotoTimeInSecondsFor testing only, jump to a particular time
demo.IncreaseRepPrioritizeThresholdThe % of Replicated to Prioritized actors at which prioritize time will be decreased.
demo.InternalPauseChannelsIf true, run standard logic for PauseChannels rather than letting the game handle it via FOnPauseChannelsDelegate.
demo.JumpToEndOfLiveReplayIf true, fast forward to a few seconds before the end when starting playback, if the replay is still being recorded.
demo.LateActorDormancyCheckIf true, check if an actor should become dormant as late as possible- when serializing it to the demo archive.
demo.LoadCheckpointGarbageCollectIf nonzero, CollectGarbage will be called during LoadCheckpoint after the old actors and connection are cleaned up.
demo.Loop<1> : play replay from beginning once it reaches the end / <0> : stop replay at the end
demo.LoopCountIf > 1, will play the replay that many times before stopping.
demo.MaximumRepPrioritizePercentMaximum percent of time that may be spent prioritizing actors, regardless of throttling.
demo.MinimumRepPrioritizePercentMinimum percent of time that must be spent prioritizing actors, regardless of throttling.
demo.MinRecordHzMinimum number of demo frames recorded per second (use with care)
demo.QueueCheckpointChannelsIf true, the driver will put all channels created during checkpoint loading into queuing mode, to amortize the cost of spawning new actors across multiple frames.
demo.RecordHzMaximum number of demo frames recorded per second
demo.RecordHzWhenNotRelevantRecord at this frequency when actor is not relevant.
demo.ReplayStreamerAutoDemoPrefixPrefix to use when generating automatic demo names.
demo.ReplayStreamerAutoDemoUseDateTimePostfixWhen enabled, uses the current time as a postfix for automatic demo names instead of indices
demo.SaveRollbackActorStateIf true, rollback actors will save some replicated state to apply when respawned.
demo.SkipTimeSkip fixed amount of network replay time (in seconds)
demo.TimeDilationOverride time dilation during demo playback (-1 = don't override)
demo.UseAdaptiveReplayUpdateFrequencyIf 1, NetUpdateFrequency will be calculated based on how often actors actually write something when recording to a replay
demo.UseNetRelevancyIf 1, will enable relevancy checks and distance culling, using all connected clients as reference.
demo.WithDeltaCheckpointsIf true, record checkpoints as a delta from the previous checkpoint.
demo.WithGameSpecificFrameDataIf true, allow game specific data to be recorded with each demo frame.
demo.WithLevelStreamingFixesIf 1, provides fixes for level streaming (but breaks backwards compatibility).
demo.WithTimeBurnInIf true, adds an on screen message with the current DemoTime and Changelist.
DEMOPAUSESorry: Exec commands have no help
DEMOPLAYSorry: Exec commands have no help
DEMORECSorry: Exec commands have no help
DEMOSCRUBSorry: Exec commands have no help
DEMOSPEEDSorry: Exec commands have no help
DEMOSTOPSorry: Exec commands have no help
DIRSorry: Exec commands have no help
DISABLEALLSCREENMESSAGESSorry: Exec commands have no help
DisableHPFSorry: Exec commands have no help
DisableLPFSorry: Exec commands have no help
DisableOrphanPins0=Orphan pins are enabled (default), 1=Orphan pins are disabled (note: this option will go away in the future)
DisableRadioSorry: Exec commands have no help
DISABLESCREENMESSAGESSorry: Exec commands have no help
DisallowExportSorry: Exec commands have no help
DISASMSCRIPTSorry: Exec commands have no help
DISCONNECTSorry: Exec commands have no help
DoPooledThreadWaitTimeoutsIf enabled, uses the old behaviour for waking up pool threads every 10ms. Otherwise, lets pooled threads sleep until data arrives.
dp.AllowScalabilityGroupsToChangeAtRuntimeIf true, device profile scalability bucket cvars will be set with scalabilitypriority which allows them to be changed at runtime. Off by default.
dp.OverrideDeviceProfile override - setting this will use the named DP as the active DP. In addition, it will restore any
previous overrides before setting (does a dp.OverridePop before setting after the first time).
The commandline -dp option will override this on startup, but not when setting this at runtime
dp.Override.RestoreRestores any cvars set by dp.Override to their previous value
DUMPALLOCSSorry: Exec commands have no help
DUMPAVAILABLERESOLUTIONSSorry: Exec commands have no help
DumpBPClassesSorry: Exec commands have no help
DumpBTUsageStatsSorry: Exec commands have no help
DumpConsoleCommandsDumps all console vaiables and commands and all exec that can be discovered to the log/console
DumpCopyPropertiesForUnrelatedObjectsDump the objects that are cross class copied
DumpEmbeddedSorry: Exec commands have no help
DumpEnvQueryStatsSorry: Exec commands have no help
DUMPFIBINDEXCACHESorry: Exec commands have no help
DumpLevelCollectionsDump level collections in the current world.
DumpLevelScriptActorsSorry: Exec commands have no help
DumpLightmapSizeOnDiskDumps the size of all loaded lightmaps on disk (source and platform data)
DUMPMATERIALSTATSSorry: Exec commands have no help
DUMPMODELGUIDSSorry: Exec commands have no help
DumpNiagaraWorldManagerDump Information About the Niagara World Manager Contents
DUMPPARTICLECOUNTSSorry: Exec commands have no help
DUMPPARTICLEMEMSorry: Exec commands have no help
DumpPrimitivesWrites out all scene primitive names to a CSV file in the Logs directory
DUMPPUBLICSorry: Exec commands have no help
DumpRenderAssetStreamingStatsSorry: Exec commands have no help
DUMPSELECTIONSorry: Exec commands have no help
DumpShaderPipelineStatsSorry: Exec commands have no help
DUMPSHADERSTATSSorry: Exec commands have no help
DumpSoundInfoSorry: Exec commands have no help
DumpStatPacketsIf true, dump stat packets.
DumpTextureStreamingStatsSorry: Exec commands have no help
DumpThumbnailStatsSorry: Exec commands have no help
dumpticksDumps all tick functions registered with FTickTaskManager to log.
DumpUnbuiltLightInteractionsLogs all lights and primitives that have an unbuilt interaction.
DumpVisibleActorsDump visible actors in current world.
DUPLICATESorry: Exec commands have no help
EDCALLBACKSorry: Exec commands have no help
EDITSorry: Exec commands have no help
EditableMesh.InterpolateFVarsToLimitWhether to interpolate face-varying vertex data for subdivision meshes all the way to their limit surface position. Otherwise, we stop at the most refined mesh.
EditableMesh.InterpolatePositionsToLimitWhether to interpolate vertex positions for subdivision meshes all the way to their limit surface position. Otherwise, we stop at the most refined mesh position.
EditableMesh.OctreeIncrementalUpdateLimitIf more than this scalar percentage of polygons have changed, we'll rebuild the octree from scratch instead of incrementally updating it.
EditableMesh.UseBoundlessOctreeIf enabled, the octree for editable meshes will have a huge bounding box. Otherwise, we'll compute a tightly wrapped bounds. However, the bounds will not be able to grow beyond it's original size.
EDITACTORSorry: Exec commands have no help
EDITARCHETYPESorry: Exec commands have no help
EDITDEFAULTSorry: Exec commands have no help
EDITOBJECTSorry: Exec commands have no help
Editor.HDRNITLevelSets The desired NIT level of the editor when running on HDR
Editor.HDRSupportSets whether or not we should allow the editor to run on HDR monitors
Editor.OverrideDPIBasedEditorViewportScalingSets whether or not we should globally override screen percentage in editor and PIE viewports
Editor.ReflectEditorLevelVisibilityWithGameEnables the transaction of game visibility state when editor visibility state changes.
0 - game state is *not* reflected with editor.
1 - game state is relfected with editor.
Editor.UseLegacyGetReferencersForDeletionChoose the algorithm to be used when detecting referencers of any assets/objects being deleted.

0: Use the most optimized version (default)
1: Use the slower legacy version (for debug/comparison)
EditorScreenShotSorry: Exec commands have no help
EditorShotSorry: Exec commands have no help
ENABLEALLSCREENMESSAGESSorry: Exec commands have no help
EnableGDTToggles Gameplay Debugger Tool
EnableHighDPIAwarenessEnables or disables high dpi mode
EnableLeakTestIf set to 1, enables leak test, for testing stats based memory profiler
EnableRadioSorry: Exec commands have no help
ENABLESCREENMESSAGESSorry: Exec commands have no help
Engine.DelayTrimMemoryDuringMapLoadMode0: TrimMemory during LoadMap as normal
1: Delay TrimMemory until the end of LoadMap (initial boot up)
2: Delay TrimMemory in _every_ LoadMap call
Engine.DoAsyncLoadingWhileWaitingForVSyncIf true process async loading while we wait for vsync.
Engine.MinNumOverlapsToUseTMapMin number of overlaps required before using a TMap for deduplication
Engine.SupressWarningsInOnScreenDisplay0: Show both errors and warnings on screen, 1: Show only errors on screen (in either case only when DurationOfErrorsAndWarningsOnHUD is greater than zero)
EXECSorry: Exec commands have no help
EXECFILESorry: Exec commands have no help
exitembeddedSorry: Exec commands have no help
ExportNavigationSorry: Exec commands have no help
fc.NumFileCacheBlocksNumber of blocks in the global file cache object
FindBadBlueprintReferencesSorry: Exec commands have no help
FindOutdatedInstancesSorry: Exec commands have no help
FindRedundantMICSLooks at all loaded MICs and looks for redundant ones.
FIXUPBADANIMNOTIFIERSSorry: Exec commands have no help
FLUSHLOGSorry: Exec commands have no help
FLUSHPERSISTENTDEBUGLINESSorry: Exec commands have no help
foliage.CullAllIf greater than zero, everything is considered culled.
foliage.CullAllInVertexShaderDebugging, if this is greater than 0, cull all instances in the vertex shader.
foliage.DebugBuildTreeAsyncDelayInSecondsAdds a delay (in seconds) to BuildTreeAsync tasks for debugging
foliage.DensityScaleControls the amount of foliage to render. Foliage must opt-in to density scaling through the foliage type.
foliage.DisableCullIf greater than zero, no culling occurs based on frustum.
foliage.DiscardDataOnLoad1: Discard foliage data on load if the foliage type has it enabled; 0: Keep foliage data regardless of whether the foliage type has it enabled or not (requires reloading level)
foliage.DitheredLODIf greater than zero, dithered LOD is used, otherwise popping LOD is used.
foliage.ForceLODIf greater than or equal to zero, forces the foliage LOD to that level.
foliage.FreezeUseful for debugging. Freezes the foliage culling and LOD.
foliage.InstanceRunsWhether to use the InstanceRuns feature of FMeshBatch to compress foliage draw call data sent to the renderer. Not supported by the Mesh Draw Command pipeline.
foliage.LODDistanceScaleScale factor for the distance used in computing LOD for foliage.
foliage.LogFoliageFrameUseful for debugging. Logs all foliage rendered in a frame.
foliage.MaxOcclusionQueriesPerComponentControls the granularity of occlusion culling. 16-128 is a reasonable range.
foliage.MaxTrianglesToRenderThis is an absolute limit on the number of foliage triangles to render in one traversal. This is used to prevent a silly LOD parameter mistake from causing the OS to kill the GPU.
foliage.MinimumScreenSizeThis controls the screen size at which we cull foliage instances entirely.
foliage.MinInstancesPerOcclusionQueryControls the granualrity of occlusion culling. 1024 to 65536 is a reasonable range. This is not exact, actual minimum might be off by a factor of two.
foliage.MinLODUsed to discard the top LODs for performance evaluation. -1: Disable all effects of this cvar.
foliage.MinOcclusionQueriesPerComponentControls the granularity of occlusion culling. 2 should be the Min.
foliage.MinVertsToSplitNodeControls the accuracy between culling and LOD accuracy and culling and CPU performance.
foliage.OffGroundThresholdMaximum distance from base component (in local space) at which instance is still considered as valid
foliage.OnlyLODIf greater than or equal to zero, only renders the foliage LOD at that level.
foliage.OverestimateLODIf greater than zero and dithered LOD is not used, then we use an overestimate of LOD instead of an underestimate.
foliage.RandomLODRangeRandom distance added to each instance distance to compute LOD.
foliage.RebuildFoliageTreesRebuild the trees for non-grass foliage.
foliage.SplitFactorThis controls the branching factor of the foliage tree.
foliage.TestUseful for debugging.
foliage.ToggleVectorCullUseful for debugging. Toggles the optimized cull.
foliage.UnFreezeUseful for debugging. Freezes the foliage culling and LOD.
FontAtlasVisualizerDisplays the Slate font atlas visualizer
ForceBuildStreamingDataForces streaming data to be rebuilt for the current world.
ForceDecompressionFailsIf > 0, then force decompression failures to test the panic sync read fallback.
framegrabber.framelatencyHow many frames to wait before reading back a frame. 0 frames will work but cause a performance regression due to CPU and GPU syncing up.
FREEZEALLSorry: Exec commands have no help
FreezeAtPositionThis console variable stores the position and rotation for the FreezeAt command which allows
to lock the camera in order to provide more deterministic render profiling.
The FreezeAtPosition can be set in the ConsoleVariables.ini (start the map with MAPNAME?bTourist=1).
Also see the FreezeAt command console command.
The number syntax if the same as the one used by the BugIt command:
The first three values define the position, the next three define the rotation.
FreezeAtPosition 2819.5520 416.2633 75.1500 65378 -25879 0
FREEZERENDERINGSorry: Exec commands have no help
FREEZESTREAMINGSorry: Exec commands have no help
ftestSorry: Exec commands have no help
FullSizeUnitGraphIf true, the unit graph is the old full size, full brightness version.
FX.AllowAsyncTickallow parallel ticking of particle systems.
FX.AllowCullingAllow emitters to be culled.
fx.AllowFastPathFunctionLibraryIf > 0 Allow the graph to insert custom fastpath operations into the graph.
FX.AllowGPUParticlesIf true, allow the usage of GPU particles.
FX.AllowGPUSortingAllow particles to be sorted on the GPU.
FX.BatchAsyncIf 1, particle async tasks are batched because they often take less time than it takes to wake up a task thread. No effect on editor.
FX.BatchAsyncBatchSizeWhen FX.BatchAsync = 1, controls the number of particle systems grouped together for threading.
fx.Budget.AdjustedUsageDecayRateRate at which the FX budget adjusted usage value is allowed to decay. This helps prevent FX flipping off/on if the usage oscilates over the cull threshold as the FX are culled/enabled.
fx.Budget.Debug.GameThreadConcurrentTimeOverrideWhen >= 0.0 overrides the reported time for FX on the GameThreadConcurrent. Useful for observing/debugging the impact on other systems.
fx.Budget.Debug.GameThreadTimeOverrideWhen >= 0.0 overrides the reported time for FX on the GameThread. Useful for observing/debugging the impact on other systems.
fx.Budget.Debug.RenderThreadTimeOverrideWhen >= 0.0 overrides the reported time for FX on the RenderThread. Useful for observing/debugging the impact on other systems.
fx.Budget.EnabledControls whether we track global FX budgets.
fx.Budget.GameThreadBudget (in ms) for all combined FX work that runs only on the gamethread. As this budget is approached or exceeded, various FX systems will attempt to scale down more and mroe agressively to remain in budget.
fx.Budget.GameThreadConcurrentBudget (in ms) for all combined FX work that runs on the gamethread or on a concurrent task spawned from the game thread. As this budget is approached or exceeded, various FX systems will attempt to scale down more and mroe agressively to remain in budget.
fx.Budget.HistoryFramesNumber of frames the global FX budget tracking will hold to work out it's average frame time.
fx.Budget.RenderThreadBudget (in ms) for all combined FX work that runs on the Render Thread. As this budget is approached or exceeded, various FX systems will attempt to scale down more and mroe agressively to remain in budget.
fx.CaptureGlobalDistanceFieldCreates a Volume Texture from the global distance field currently visible in the editor
fx.DeferrPSCDeactivationIf > 0, all deactivations on Particle System Components is deferred until next tick.
fx.DumpCompileIdDataForAssetDumps data relevant to generating the compile id for an asset.
fx.DumpGraphKeyGenIf > 0 the key generation will be dumped to the log.
FX.DumpNCPoolInfoDump Niagara System Pooling Info
fx.DumpNiagaraScalabilityStateDumps state information for all Niagara Scalability Mangers.
fx.DumpParticleDataIf > 0 current frame particle data will be dumped after simulation.
fx.DumpParticleParameterStoresIf > 0 current frame particle parameter stores will be dumped when updated.
fx.DumpPSCPoolInfoDump Particle System Pooling Info
fx.DumpPSCTickStateInfoDumps state information for all current Particle System Components.
fx.DumpRapidIterationParametersForAssetDumps the values of the rapid iteration parameters for the specified asset by path.
fx.DumpSystemDataIf > 0, results of system simulations will be dumped to the log.
fx.DumpVMIRIf > 0 verbose logging is enabled for the vm compiler backend.
FX.EarlyScheduleAsyncIf 1, particle system components that can run async will be scheduled earlier in the frame
fx.EnableCircularAnimTrailDumpControls logging for when circular links are discovered in anim trails.
0 = No logging.
1 = Minimal logging.
2 = Verbose logging.
fx.EnableEmitterMergeChangeIdLoggingIf > 0 verbose change id information will be logged to help with debuggin merge issues.
fx.EnableNiagaraCRHandlerIf > 0 Niagara will push some state into the crash reporter. This is not free so should not be used unless actively tracking a crash in the wild. Even then it should only be enabled on the platforms needed etc.
fx.EnableNiagaraMeshRenderingIf == 0, Niagara Mesh Renderers are disabled.
fx.EnableNiagaraRibbonRenderingIf == 0, Niagara Ribbon Renderers are disabled.
fx.EnableNiagaraRuntimeCycleCountsToggle for runtime cylce counts tracking Niagara's frame time.
fx.EnableNiagaraSpriteRenderingIf == 0, Niagara Sprite Renderers are disabled.
fx.EnableVerboseNiagaraChangeIdLoggingIf > 0 Verbose change id logging info will be printed.
fx.ExecVMScriptsIf > 0 VM scripts will be executed, otherwise they won't, useful for looking at the bytecode for a crashing compiled script.
fx.ForceCompileOnLoadIf > 0 emitters will be forced to compile on load.
fx.ForceFailIfPreviouslyNotSetOnMergeIf > 0, when merging in from parent emitters swap linked variables in the stack to be "Fail If Previously Not Set" for their default type.
fx.ForceMergeOnLoadIf > 0 emitters will be forced to merge on load.
fx.ForceNiagaraCompileToFailIf > 0 emitters will go through the motions of a compile, but will never set valid bytecode.
fx.ForceNiagaraSpawnAttachedSoloIf > 0 Niagara systems which are spawned attached will be force to spawn in solo mode for debugging.
fx.ForceNiagaraTranslatorDumpIf > 0 all translation generated HLSL will be dumped
fx.ForceNiagaraTranslatorSingleThreadedIf > 0 all translation will occur one at a time, useful for debugging.
fx.ForceNiagaraVMBinaryDumpIf > 0 all translation generated binary text will be dumped
fx.ForceSafeScriptAttributeTrimIf > 0 attribute trimming will use a less aggressive algorithm for removing script attributes.
FX.FreezeGPUSimulationFreeze particles simulated on the GPU.
FX.FreezeParticleSimulationFreeze particle simulation.
fx.FXAllowParticleMeshLODsIf we allow particle meshes to use LODs or not
FX.GPUCollisionDepthBoundsLimits the depth bounds when searching for a collision plane.
fx.GPUSimulationTextureSizeXGPU Particle simulation texture X dimension (default=1024); set in project renderer settings, potentially overridden by device profile.
fx.GPUSimulationTextureSizeYGPU Particle simulation texture Y dimension (default=1024); set in project renderer settings, potentially overridden by device profile.
fx.GPUSort.BufferSlackSlack ratio when resizing GPU sort buffers. Must be bigger than 1 (default=2)
fx.GPUSort.FrameCountBeforeShrinkingNumber of consecutive frames where the GPU sort buffer is considered oversized before allowing shrinking. (default=100)
fx.GPUSort.MinBufferSizeMinimum GPU sort buffer size, in particles (default=8192)
fx.GPUSort.StressTestForce a stress test on the GPU sort by release persistent data every frame (default=0)
FX.GPUSpawnWarningThresholdWarning threshold for spawning of GPU particles.
fx.InvalidateCachedScriptsInvalidate Niagara script cache by making a unique change to NiagaraShaderVersion.ush which is included in common.usf.To initiate actual the recompile of all shaders use "recompileshaders changed" or press "Ctrl Shift .".
The NiagaraShaderVersion.ush file should be automatically checked out but it needs to be checked in to have effect on other machines.
fx.InvalidateNiagaraPerfBaselinesInvalidates all Niagara performance baseline data.
fx.LastRenderTimeSafetyBiasThe time to bias the LastRenderTime value to allow for the delay from it being written by the RT.
fx.LogCompileIdGenerationIf > 0 all compile id generation will be logged. If 2 or greater, log detailed info.
fx.LogNiagaraSystemChangesIf > 0 Niagara Systems will be written to a text format when opened and closed in the editor.
FX.MaxCPUParticlesPerEmitterMaximum number of CPU particles allowed per-emitter.
FX.MaxGPUParticlesSpawnedPerFrameMaximum number of GPU particles allowed to spawn per-frame per-emitter.
fx.MaxNiagaraCPUParticlesPerEmitterThe max number of supported CPU particles per emitter in Niagara.
fx.MaxNiagaraGPUParticlesSpawnPerFrameThe max number of GPU particles we expect to spawn in a single frame.
FX.MaxParticleTilePreAllocationMaximum tile preallocation for GPU particles.
fx.Niagara.AllowAsyncWorkToEndOfFrameAllow async work to continue until the end of the frame, if false it will complete within the tick group it's started in.
fx.Niagara.AllowDeferredResetIf we are running async work when a reset is requested we will instead queue for the finalize to perform, this avoid stalling the GameThread.
fx.Niagara.AllowEventSpawnCombineAllows events spawning to be combined, 0=Disabled, 1=Allowed Based On Emitter, 2=Force On.
fx.Niagara.AllowPrimedPoolsAllow Niagara pools to be primed.
fx.Niagara.AllowVisibilityCullingForDynamicBoundsAllow async work to continue until the end of the frame, if false it will complete within the tick group it's started in.
fx.Niagara.BaselineGenerationDelayTime we delay before match start for generating niagara perfoamnce baselines in a cooked game.
fx.Niagara.Batcher.AddDispatchGroupDrawEventAdd a draw event marker around each dispatch group.
fx.Niagara.Batcher.DebugLoggingEnables a lot of spew to the log to debug the batcher.
fx.Niagara.Batcher.MaxQueuedFramesWithoutRenderNumber of frames we allow to be queued before we force ticks to be released or executed.
fx.Niagara.Batcher.TickFlush.MaxQueuedFramesThe number of unprocessed frames with queued ticks before we process them.
The larger the number the more data we process in a single frame, this is generally only a concern when the application does not have focus.
fx.Niagara.Batcher.TickFlush.ModeWhat to do when we go over our max queued frames.
0 = Keep ticks queued, can result in a long pause when gaining focus again.
1 = (Default) Process all queued ticks with dummy view / buffer data, may result in incorrect simulation due to missing depth collisions, etc.
2 = Kill all pending ticks, may result in incorrect simulation due to missing frames of data, i.e. a particle reset.
fx.Niagara.BoundsExpandByPercentThe percentage we expand the bounds to avoid updating every frame.
fx.Niagara.ComponentRenderComponentCountWarningThe max number of allowed components before a ui warning is shown in the component renderer.
fx.Niagara.ComponentRenderPoolInactiveTimeLimitThe time in seconds an inactive component can linger in the pool before being destroyed.
fx.Niagara.ComponentWarnAsleepCullReactionWhen enabled we will warn if a NiagaraComponent completes naturally but has Asleep mode set for cullreaction.
fx.Niagara.ComponentWarnNullAssetWhen enabled we will warn if a NiagaraComponent is activate with a null asset. This is sometimes useful for tracking down components that can be removed.
fx.Niagara.Debug.GlobalLoopTimeIf > 0 all Niagara FX will reset every N seconds.
fx.Niagara.Debug.HudSet options for debug hud display
fx.Niagara.Debug.PlaybackModeSet playback mode
0 - Play
1 - Paused
2 - Step
fx.Niagara.Debug.PlaybackRateSet playback rate
fx.Niagara.DebugDraw.EnabledEnable or disable the Debug Draw Data Interface, note does not fully disable the overhead.
fx.Niagara.DumpComponentsDump Information about all Niagara Components
fx.Niagara.DumpNansIf not 0 any NaNs will be dumped always.
fx.Niagara.DumpNansOnceIf not 0 any NaNs will be dumped for the first emitter that encounters NaNs.
fx.Niagara.FailStaticMeshDataInterfaceWhen enabled we will fail out using static mesh data interfaces.
fx.Niagara.ForceAutoPoolingForces auto pooling to be enabled on spawned components.
fx.Niagara.ForceLastTickGroupForce Niagara ticks to be in the last tick group, this mirrors old behavour and can be useful to test for async overlapping issues.
fx.Niagara.ForceWaitForCompilationOnActivateWhen a component is activated it will stall waiting for any pending shader compilation.
fx.Niagara.GpuComputeDebug.DrawDebugEnabledShould we draw any of the debug information or not.
fx.Niagara.GpuComputeDebug.FourComponentModeAdjust how we visualize four component types
0 = Visualize RGB (defaut)
1 = Visualize A
fx.Niagara.GpuComputeDebug.MaxLineInstancesMaximum number of line draw we support in a single frame.
fx.Niagara.GpuComputeDebug.MaxTextureHeightThe maximum height we will visualize a texture at, this is to avoid things becoming too large on screen.
fx.Niagara.GpuComputeDebug.MinTextureHeightThe minimum height we will visualize a texture at, smaller textures will be scaled up to match this.
fx.Niagara.GpuComputeDebug.ShowNaNInfWhen enabled will show NaNs as flashing colors.
fx.Niagara.Grid2D.OverrideFormatOptional override for all grids to use this format.
fx.Niagara.Grid2D.ResolutionMultiplierOptional global modifier to grid resolution
fx.Niagara.Grid3D.OverrideFormatOptional override for all grids to use this format.
fx.Niagara.Grid3D.ResolutionMultiplierOptional global modifier to grid resolution
fx.Niagara.IndirectArgsPool.AllowShrinkingAllow the indirect args pool to shrink after a number of frames below a low water mark.
fx.Niagara.IndirectArgsPool.BlockSizeFactorMultiplier on the indirect args pool size when needing to increase it from running out of space. (default=2.0)
fx.Niagara.IndirectArgsPool.LowWaterAmountPercentage (0-1) of the indirect args pool that is considered low and worthy of shrinking
fx.Niagara.IndirectArgsPool.LowWaterFramesThe number of frames to wait to shrink the indirect args pool for being below the low water mark. (default=150)
fx.Niagara.IndirectArgsPool.MinSizeMinimum number of draw indirect args allocated into the pool. (default=256)
fx.Niagara.LogVerboseWarningsEnable to output more verbose warnings to the log file, these are considered dismissable warnings but may provide information when debugging.
Default is enabled in editor builds and disabled in non editor builds.
fx.Niagara.LUT.OptimizeThresholdError Threshold used when optimizing Curve LUTs, setting to 0.0 or below will result in no optimization
fx.Niagara.LUT.VerifyPostLoadEnable to verify LUTs match in PostLoad vs the Loaded Data
fx.Niagara.MaxStatRecordedFramesThe number of frames recorded for the stat performance display of niagara cpu and gpu scripts.
fx.Niagara.NDIExport.GPUMaxReadbackCountMaximum buffer instance count for the GPU readback when in PerParticleMode, where <= 0 means ignore.
fx.Niagara.NDIStaticMesh.UseInlineLODsOnlyWhen enabled Niagara will never use streaming LOD levels, only inline LODs.
fx.Niagara.PerfTestFramesHow many frames to gather in each performance test.
fx.Niagara.PruneEmittersOnCookIf > 0 this platform will prune disabled emitters during cook.
fx.Niagara.QualityLevelThe quality level for Niagara Effects.
fx.Niagara.RenderTarget.AllowReadsEnables read operations to be visible in the UI, very experimental.
fx.Niagara.RenderTarget.ReleaseResourceOnRemoveReleases the render target resource once it is removed from the manager list rather than waiting for a GC.
fx.Niagara.RenderTarget.ResolutionMultiplierOptional global modifier to Niagara render target resolution.
fx.Niagara.Scalability.DistanceCullingWhen non-zero, high level scalability culling based on distance is enabled.
fx.Niagara.Scalability.GlobalBudgetCullingWhen non-zero, high level scalability culling based on global time budget is enabled.
fx.Niagara.Scalability.InstanceCountCullingWhen non-zero, high level scalability culling based on instance count is enabled.
fx.Niagara.Scalability.MinMaxDistanceMinimum value for Niagara's Max distance value. Primariy to prevent divide by zero issues and ensure a sensible distance value for sorted significance culling.
fx.Niagara.Scalability.VisibilityCullingWhen non-zero, high level scalability culling based on visibility is enabled.
fx.Niagara.SetOverridePlatformNameSets which platform we should override with, no args means reset to default
fx.Niagara.ShowAllocationWarningsIf not 0 then frequent reallocations and over-allocations of particle memory will cause warnings in the log.
fx.Niagara.Solo.AllowAsyncWorkToEndOfFrameAllow async work to continue until the end of the frame for solo Niagara instances, if false it will complete within the tick group it started in.
fx.Niagara.Solo.TickEarlyWhen enabled will tick kin the first available tick group.
fx.Niagara.SystemSimulation.AllowASyncIf > 0, system post tick is parallelized.
fx.Niagara.SystemSimulation.BatchGPUTickSubmitThe if non zero we allow GPU Ticks to be submitted to the Render Thread in batches.
fx.Niagara.SystemSimulation.ConcurrentGPUTickInitThe if non zero we allow GPU Ticks to be initialized in the System's concurrent tick rather than on the game thread.
fx.Niagara.SystemSimulation.SkipTickDeltaSecondsWhen none zero we skip all ticks with a delta seconds less than equal to this number.
fx.Niagara.SystemSimulation.TickBatchSizeThe number of system instances to process per async task.
fx.Niagara.SystemSimulation.UpdateOnSpawnIf > 0, system simulations are given a small update after spawn.
fx.Niagara.TaskPriorities.BackgroundTask Prority When Set to Background
fx.Niagara.TaskPriorities.HighTask Prority When Set to High
fx.Niagara.TaskPriorities.LowTask Prority When Set to Low
fx.Niagara.TaskPriorities.NormalTask Prority When Set to Normal
fx.Niagara.TaskPriority.DumpDump currently set priorities
fx.Niagara.TaskPriority.SystemInstanceTaskTask priority to use for Niagara System Instance Task
fx.Niagara.TaskPriority.SystemSimulationSpawnPendingTaskTask priority to use for Niagara System Simulation Spawning Pending Task
fx.Niagara.TaskPriority.SystemSimulationTaskTask priority to use for Niagara System Simulation Task
fx.Niagara.TaskPriority.SystemSimulationWaitAllTask priority to use for Niagara System Simulation Wait All Task
fx.Niagara.UseEmitterSuppressListWhen an emitter is activated we will check the surpession list.
fx.Niagara.UseFastSetUserParametersToDefaultValuesWhen a component is activated we will check the surpession list.
fx.Niagara.UseGlobalFXBudgetIf true, Niagara will track performace data into the global FX budget and feed the global budget values into scalability.
fx.Niagara.UseLegacySystemSimContextsIf > 0, Niagara will use legacy system simulation contexts which would force the whole simulation solo if there were per instance DI calls in the system scripts.
fx.Niagara.UseSupressActivateListWhen a component is activated we will check the surpession list.
fx.Niagara.WaitOnPreGCToggles whether Niagara will wait for all async tasks to complete before any GC calls.
fx.Niagara.WarnComponentRenderCountThe max number of components that a single system can spawn before a log warning is shown.
fx.Niagara.WorldManager.SpawnPerTickGroupWill attempt to spawn new systems earlier (default enabled).
fx.NiagaraAllowComputeShadersIf true, allow the usage compute shaders within Niagara.
fx.NiagaraAllowGPUParticlesIf true, allow the usage of GPU particles for Niagara.
fx.NiagaraAllowRuntimeScalabilityChangesIf > 0 this platform allows niagara scalability level changes at runtime.
fx.NiagaraBatcher.FreeBufferEarlyWill take the path to release GPU buffers when possible.
This will reduce memory pressure but can result in more allocations if you buffers ping pong from zero particles to many.
FX.NiagaraComponentPool.CleanTimeHow often should the pool be cleaned (in seconds).
FX.NiagaraComponentPool.EnableHow many Particle System Components to preallocate when creating new ones for the pool.
FX.NiagaraComponentPool.KeepComponentsRegisteredIf non-zero, components returend to the pool are kept registered with the world but set invisible. This will reduce the cost of pushing/popping components int.
FX.NiagaraComponentPool.KillUnusedTimeHow long a pooled particle component needs to be unused for before it is destroyed.
FX.NiagaraComponentPool.ValidationEnables pooling validation.
fx.NiagaraDataBufferMinSizeNiagara data buffer minimum allocation size in bytes (Default=512).
fx.NiagaraDataBufferShrinkFactorNiagara data buffer size threshold for shrinking. (Default=3)
The buffer will be reallocated when the used size becomes 1/F of the allocated size.
fx.NiagaraDebugForcedMaxGPUBufferElementsForce the maximum buffer size supported by the GPU to this value, for debugging purposes.
fx.NiagaraEditor.ReinitializeStyleReinitializes the style for the niagara editor module. Used in conjuction with live coding for UI tweaks. May crash the editor if style objects are in use.
fx.NiagaraEditorWidgets.ReinitializeStyleReinitializes the style for the niagara editor widgets module. Used in conjuction with live coding for UI tweaks. May crash the editor if style objects are in use.
fx.NiagaraEnablePrecompilerNamespaceDatasetCullingForce the namespace fixup precompiler process to cull unused Dataset parameters. Only enabled if fx.NiagaraEnablePrecompilerNamespaceFixup is also enabled.
fx.NiagaraEnablePrecompilerNamespaceFixupEnable a precompiler stage to discover parameter name matches and convert matched parameter hlsl name tokens to appropriate namespaces.
fx.NiagaraForceSystemsToCookOutRapidIterationOnLoadWhen enabled UNiagaraSystem's bBakeOutRapidIteration will be forced to true on PostLoad of the system.
fx.NiagaraGlobalSystemCountScaleA global scale on system count thresholds for culling in Niagara.
fx.NiagaraGPUDataBufferChunkSizeNiagara GPU data buffer allocation chunk size used to round GPU allocations in bytes, must be power of 2 (Default=4096)
fx.NiagaraGPUDataBufferShrinkFactorNiagara GPU data buffer size threshold for shrinking. (Default=2)
The buffer will be reallocated when the used size becomes 1/F of the allocated size.
fx.NiagaraGpuLowLatencyTranslucencyEnabledWhen enabled translucent materials can use the current frames simulation data no matter which tick pass Niagara uses.
This can result in an additional data buffer being required but will reduce any latency when using view uniform buffer / depth buffer / distance fields / etc
fx.NiagaraGpuProfilingEnabledUsed by the profiling tool in the system overview to enable or disable gathering of gpu stats.
fx.NiagaraGpuSubmitCommandHintIf greater than zero, we use this value to submit commands after the number of dispatches have been issued.
fx.NiagaraLogDDCStatusForSystemsWhen enabled UNiagaraSystems will log out when their subscripts are pulled from the DDC or not.
fx.NiagaraLogNamespaceFixupLog matched variables and pin name changes in precompile.
fx.NiagaraMaxStatInstanceReportsThe max number of different instances from which stat reports are aggregated.
fx.NiagaraPerfReporting0 = Disabled
1 = Text Perf Report on world Transitions.
2 = Text Report for every test with poor or bad perf.
3 = As 2 but screenshots are also generated for each bad test.
fx.NiagaraRegenBaselinesOnWorldChangeIf > 0 performance baselines for Niagara will be regenerated on every level change.
fx.NiagaraRuntimeCycleHistorySizeHow many frames history to use in Niagara's runtime performance trackers.
fx.NiagaraScalabilityUpdateTime_HighTime in seconds between updates to scalability states for Niagara systems set to update at High frequency.
fx.NiagaraScalabilityUpdateTime_LowTime in seconds between updates to scalability states for Niagara systems set to update at Low frequency.
fx.NiagaraScalabilityUpdateTime_MediumTime in seconds between updates to scalability states for Niagara systems set to update at Medium frequency.
fx.NiagaraScriptStatTrackingIf > 0 stats tracking operations will be compiled into Niagara Scripts.
fx.NiagaraVectorFieldUseIspcWhen enabled VectorField will use ISPC for sampling if appropriate.
fx.NumFramesBetweenRuntimePerfSamplesHow many frames between each sample of Niagara runtime perf.
fx.ParticleCollisionIgnoreInvisibleTimeThe time a particle system component has to be invisible for to have all collision ignored.
fx.ParticleManagerAsyncBatchSizeHow many PSCs the ParticleWorldManager should tick per async task.
fx.ParticlePerfStats.EnabledUsed to control if stat gathering is enabled or not.
fx.ParticlePerfStats.RunTestRuns for a number of frames then logs out the results.
Arg0 = NumFrames.
Arg1 = Gather World Stats (default 0).
Arg2 = Gather System Stats (default 1).
Arg3 = Gather Component Stats (default 0).
FX.ParticleSlackGPUAmount of slack to allocate for GPU particles to prevent tile churn as percentage of total particles.
FX.ParticleSystemPool.CleanTimeHow often should the pool be cleaned (in seconds).
FX.ParticleSystemPool.EnableHow many Particle System Components to preallocate when creating new ones for the pool.
FX.ParticleSystemPool.KillUnusedTimeHow long a pooled particle component needs to be unused for before it is destroyed.
fx.PerfBaselineThreshold_BadRatio to the baseline perf that we consider a system to have bad perf and warn strongly about it.
fx.PerfBaselineThreshold_PoorRatio to the baseline perf that we consider a system to have poor perf and warn about it.
fx.PreventAllSystemRecompilesLoads all of the systems in the project and forces each system to refresh all it's dependencies so it won't recompile on load. This may mark multiple assets dirty for re-saving.
fx.PreventSystemRecompileForces the system to refresh all it's dependencies so it won't recompile on load. This may mark multiple assets dirty for re-saving.
fx.PruneEmittersOnCookByDetailModeWhether to eliminate all emitters that don't match the detail mode.
This will only work if scalability settings affecting detail mode can not be changed at runtime (depends on platform).
fx.PSCMan.DumpDumps state information for all current Particle System Managers.
fx.PSCMan.EnableIf PSC world manager is enabled.
fx.QualityLevelSpawnRateScaleReferenceLevelControls the reference level for quality level based spawn rate scaling. This is the FX quality level
at which spawn rate is not scaled down; Spawn rate scaling will happen by each emitter's
QualityLevelSpawnRateScale value for each reduction in level below the reference level.

Default = 2. Value should range from 0 to the maximum FX quality level.
fx.RebuildDirtyScriptsGo through all loaded assets and force them to recompute their script hash. If dirty, regenerate.
FX.RestartAllRestarts all particle system components
fx.ScalabilityManParallelThresholdNumber of instances required for a niagara significance manger to go parallel for it's update.
fx.ScalabilityMaxUpdatesPerFrameNumber of instances that can be processed per frame when updating scalability state. -1 for all of them.
fx.ShowNiagaraDeveloperWindowsIf > 0 the niagara system, emitter, and script editors will show additional developer windows.
These windows are for niagara tool development and debugging and editing the data
directly in these windows can cause instability.
fx.SkipVectorVMBackendOptimizationsIf 1, skip HLSLCC's backend optimization passes during VectorVM compilation.
fx.SuppressNiagaraSystemsIf > 0 Niagara particle systems will not be activated.
fx.TestCompileNiagaraScriptCompiles the specified script on disk for the niagara vector vm
FX.TestGPUSortTest GPU sort. 1: Small, 2: Large, 3: Exhaustive, 4: Random
FX.Trail.MaxDistanceTessellationMaximum tessellation steps allowed for distance based tessellation.
FX.Trail.MaxTangentTessellationMaximum tessellation steps allowed for tangent based tessellation.
fx.TriggerDebugCrashIf > 0 we deliberately crash to test Crash Reporter integration.
fx.UpgradeAllNiagaraAssetsLoads all Niagara assets and preforms any data upgrade processes required. This may mark multiple assets dirty for re-saving.
fx.UseNewGraphHashIf > 0 a hash of the graph node state will be used, otherwise will use the older code path.
FX.VisualizeGPUSimulationVisualize the current state of GPU simulation.
0 = off
1 = visualize particle state
2 = visualize curve texture
fx.WaitForAsyncStallWarnThresholdMSIf we stall in WaitForAsync for longer than this threshold then we emit a stall warning message.
g.bEnablePendingCleanupObjectsCommandBatchingEnable batching PendingCleanupObjects destruction.
g.DebugCameraTraceComplexWhether DebugCamera should use complex or simple collision for the line trace.
1: complex collision, 0: simple collision
g.TimeoutForBlockOnRenderFenceNumber of milliseconds the game thread should wait before failing when waiting on a render thread fence.
g.TimeToBlockOnRenderFenceNumber of milliseconds the game thread should block when waiting on a render thread fence.
GameplayMediaEncoder.InitializeConstructs the audio/video encoding objects. Does not start encoding
GameplayMediaEncoder.ShutdownReleases all systems.
GameplayMediaEncoder.StartStarts encoding
GameplayMediaEncoder.StopStops encoding
GameplayTags.DumpTagListWrites out a csv with all tags to Reports/TagList.csv
GameplayTags.EnableDetailedStatsRuntime toggle for verbose CPU profiling stats
GameplayTags.PackingTestPrints frequency of gameplay tags
GameplayTags.PrintNetIndiceAssignmentLogs GameplayTag NetIndice assignment
GameplayTags.PrintNetIndicesPrints net indices for all known tags
GameplayTags.PrintReplicationFrequencyReportPrints the frequency each tag is replicated.
GameplayTags.PrintReplicationIndiciesPrints the index assigned to each tag for fast network replication.
GameplayTags.PrintReportPrints frequency of gameplay tags
GameplayTags.PrintReportOnShutdownPrint gameplay tag replication report on shutdown
GAMEVERSorry: Exec commands have no help
GAMEVERSIONSorry: Exec commands have no help
GAMMASorry: Exec commands have no help
gc.ActorClusteringEnabledWhether to allow levels to create actor clusters for GC.
gc.AllowParallelGCUsed to control parallel GC.
gc.AssetClustreringEnabledIf true, the engine will attempt to create clusters from asset files.
gc.BlueprintClusteringEnabledWhether to allow Blueprint classes to create GC clusters.
gc.CollectGarbageEveryFrameUsed to debug garbage collection...Collects garbage every frame if the value is > 0.
gc.CreateGCClustersIf true, the engine will attempt to create clusters of objects for better garbage collection performance.
gc.DumpPoolStatsDumps count and size of GC Pools
gc.DumpRefsToClusterDumps references to all objects within a cluster. Specify the cluster name with Root=Name.
gc.FindStaleClustersDumps all clusters do output log that are not referenced by anything.
gc.FlushStreamingOnGCIf enabled, streaming will be flushed each time garbage collection is triggered.
gc.ForceCollectGarbageEveryFrameIf set to 1, the engine will force GC each frame.
gc.IncrementalBeginDestroyEnabledIf true, the engine will destroy objects incrementally using time limit each frame
gc.IncrementalGCTimePerFrameHow much time is allowed for incremental GC each frame in seconds
gc.ListClustersDumps all clusters do output log. When 'Hiearchy' argument is specified lists all objects inside clusters.
gc.LowMemory.IncrementalGCTimePerFrameHow much time is allowed for incremental GC each frame in seconds if memory is low
gc.LowMemory.MemoryThresholdMBMemory threshold for low memory GC mode, in MB
gc.LowMemory.TimeBetweenPurgingPendingKillObjectsTime in seconds (game time) we should wait between purging object references to objects that are pending kill when we're low on memory
gc.LowMemory.TimeBetweenPurgingPendingLevelsTime in seconds (game time) we should wait between GC when we're low on memory and there are levels pending unload
gc.MaxObjectsInEditorPlaceholder console variable, currently not used in runtime.
gc.MaxObjectsInGamePlaceholder console variable, currently not used in runtime.
gc.MaxObjectsNotConsideredByGCPlaceholder console variable, currently not used in runtime.
gc.MinDesiredObjectsPerSubTaskMinimum number of objects to spawn a GC sub-task for.
gc.MinGCClusterSizeMinimum GC cluster size
gc.MultithreadedDestructionEnabledIf true, the engine will free objects' memory from a worker thread
gc.NumRetriesBeforeForcingGCMaximum number of times GC can be skipped if worker threads are currently modifying UObject state.
gc.SizeOfPermanentObjectPoolPlaceholder console variable, currently not used in runtime.
gc.StressTestGCIf set to 1, the engine will attempt to trigger GC each frame while async loading.
gc.TimeBetweenPurgingPendingKillObjectsTime in seconds (game time) we should wait between purging object references to objects that are pending kill.
gc.TimeBetweenPurgingPendingKillObjectsOnIdleServerMultiplierMultiplier to apply to time between purging pending kill objects when on an idle server.
gc.UseDisregardForGCOnDedicatedServersIf false, DisregardForGC will be disabled for dedicated servers.
gdt.EnableCategoryNameEnables/disables categories matching given substring. Use: gdt.EnableCategoryName [Enable]
gdt.SelectLocalPlayerSelects the local player for debugging
gdt.SelectNextRowSelects next row
gdt.SelectPreviousRowSelects previous row
gdt.ToggleToggles Gameplay Debugger Tool
gdt.ToggleCategoryToggles specific category index
geomcache.TriggerBulkDataCrashTest a crash searializing large bulk data object
GeometryCache.Codec.DebugEnables debug logging for the codec.
GeometryCache.InterpolateFramesInterpolate between geometry cache frames (if topology allows this).
GeometryCache.LookaheadSecondsThe amount of data (expressed in seconds of animation) to try and keep resident in advance for geometry caches. Note this works regardless of the playback direction.
GeometryCache.OffloadUpdateOffloat some updates from the render thread to the workers & RHI threads.
GeometryCache.PrefetchSecondsThe amount of data (expressed in seconds of animation) to preload of geometry caches. This is the data blockingly loaded at component spawn time.
GeometryCache.TrailingSecondsThe amount of data (expressed in seconds of animation) to try and keep resident inverse to the playback direction for geometry caches.
GeometryCollection.BuildProximityDatabaseBuild the Proximity information in the GeometryGroup for the selected collection.
GeometryCollection.ClusterAlongYZPlaneDebuigging command to split the unclustered geometry collection along the YZPlane.
GeometryCollection.CreateFromSelectedActorsCreates a GeometryCollection from the selected Actors that contain Skeletal and Statict Mesh Components
GeometryCollection.CreateFromSelectedAssetsCreates a GeometryCollection from the selected Skeletal Mesh and Static Mesh Assets
GeometryCollection.DeleteCoincidentVerticesDelete coincident vertices on a GeometryCollection. WARNING: The collection can be very large.
GeometryCollection.DeleteGeometryDelete geometry by transform name.
GeometryCollection.DeleteHiddenFacesDelete hidden faces on a GeometryCollection. WARNING: The collection can be very large.
GeometryCollection.DeleteStaleVerticesDelete stale vertices on a GeometryCollection. WARNING: The collection can be very large.
GeometryCollection.DeleteZeroAreaFacesDelete zero area faces on a GeometryCollection. WARNING: The collection can be very large.
GeometryCollection.HealTries to fill holes in go.
GeometryCollection.PrintDetailedStatisticsPrints detailed statistics of the contents of the collection.
GeometryCollection.PrintDetailedStatisticsSummaryPrints detailed statistics of the contents of the selected collection(s).
GeometryCollection.PrintStatisticsPrints statistics of the contents of the collection.
GeometryCollection.SelectAllGeometrySelect all geometry in hierarchy.
GeometryCollection.SelectInverseGeometryDeselect inverse of currently selected geometry in hierarchy.
GeometryCollection.SelectLessThenVolumeSelect all geometry with a volume less than specified.
GeometryCollection.SelectNoneDeselect all geometry in hierarchy.
GeometryCollection.SetNamedAttributeValuesCommand to set attributes within a named group.
GeometryCollection.SetupNestedBoneAssetConverts the selected GeometryCollectionAsset into a test asset.
GeometryCollection.SetupTwoClusteredCubesAssetAddes two clustered cubes to the selected actor.
GeometryCollection.ToStringDump the contents of the collection to the log file. WARNING: The collection can be very large.
GeometryCollection.WriteToHeaderFileDump the contents of the collection to a header file. WARNING: The collection can be very large.
GeometryCollection.WriteToOBJFileDump the contents of the collection to an OBJ file. WARNING: The collection can be very large.
GETSorry: Exec commands have no help
GETALLSorry: Exec commands have no help
GETINISorry: Exec commands have no help
GPUSort.DebugOffsetsDebug GPU sort offsets.
GPUSort.DebugSortDebug GPU sorting.
grass.CullDistanceScaleMultiplier on all grass cull distances.
grass.CullSubsections1: Cull each foliage component; 0: Cull only based on the landscape component.
grass.densityScaleMultiplier on all grass densities.
grass.DisableDynamicShadows0: Dynamic shadows from grass follow the grass type bCastDynamicShadow flag; 1: Dynamic shadows are disabled for all grass
grass.DisableGPUCullFor debugging. Set this to zero to see where the grass is generated. Useful for tweaking the guard bands.
grass.DiscardDataOnLoad1: Discard grass data on load (disables grass); 0: Keep grass data (requires reloading level)
grass.DumpExclusionBoxesPrint the exclusion boxes, debugging.
grass.Enable1: Enable Grass; 0: Disable Grass
grass.FlushCacheFlush the grass cache, debugging.
grass.FlushCachePIEFlush the grass cache, debugging.
grass.GuardBandDiscardMultiplierUsed to control discarding in the grass system. Approximate range, 1-4. Multiplied by the cull distance to control when we discard grass components.
grass.GuardBandMultiplierUsed to control discarding in the grass system. Approximate range, 1-4. Multiplied by the cull distance to control when we add grass components.
grass.IgnoreExcludeBoxesFor debugging. Ignores any exclusion boxes.
grass.MaxAsyncTasksUsed to control the number of hierarchical components created at a time.
grass.MaxCreatePerFrameMaximum number of Grass components to create per frame
grass.MaxInstancesPerComponentUsed to control the number of hierarchical components created. More can be more efficient, but can be hitchy as new components come into range
grass.MinFramesToKeepGrassMinimum number of frames before cached grass can be discarded; used to prevent thrashing.
grass.MinTimeToKeepGrassMinimum number of seconds before cached grass can be discarded; used to prevent thrashing.
grass.PrerenderGrassmaps1: Pre-render grass maps for all components in the editor; 0: Generate grass maps on demand while moving through the editor
grass.TickIntervalNumber of frames between grass ticks.
grass.UseHaltonDistributionUsed to control the distribution of grass instances. If non-zero, use a halton sequence.
grass.UseStreamingManagerForCameras1: Use Streaming Manager; 0: Use ViewLocationsRenderedLastFrame
GROUPSSorry: Exec commands have no help
health.logHealthSnapshotLog health snapshot)
HEAPCHECKSorry: Exec commands have no help
helpOutputs some helptext to the console and the log
HighlightRecorder.PausePauses recording of highlight clip
HighlightRecorder.ResumeResumes recording of highlight clip
HighlightRecorder.SaveSaves highlight clip, optional parameters: filename ("test.mp4" by default) and max duration (float, secs, duration of ring buffer by default)
HighlightRecorder.StartStarts recording of highlight clip, optional parameter: max duration (float, 30 seconds by default)
HighlightRecorder.StopStops recording of highlight clip
HighResShotHigh resolution screenshots ResolutionX(int32)xResolutionY(int32) Or Magnification(float) [CaptureRegionX(int32) CaptureRegionY(int32) CaptureRegionWidth(int32) CaptureRegionHeight(int32) MaskEnabled(int32) DumpBufferVisualizationTargets(int32) CaptureHDR(int32)]
Example: HighResShot 500x500 50 50 120 500 1 1 1
HMDSorry: Exec commands have no help
HMDPOSSorry: Exec commands have no help
HMDVERSIONSorry: Exec commands have no help
HotReloadSorry: Exec commands have no help
HTTPSorry: Exec commands have no help
ImageWriteQueue.MaxConcurrencyThe maximum number of async image writes allowable at any given time.Default is to use the number of cores available.
ImageWriteQueue.MaxQueueSizeThe maximum number of queued image write tasks allowable before the queue will block when adding more.Default is to use 4 times the number of cores available or 16 when multithreading is disabled on the command line.
ImgMedia.MipMapDebugDisplay debug on mipmaps used by the ImgMedia plugin.
0: off (default)
1: on
InGamePerformanceTracking.EnabledIf in-game performance tracking is enabled. Most games will likely not use or need this so it should be left disabled.
InGamePerformanceTracking.HistorySizeHow many frames in game performance tracking should store in it's history.
input.DisableHapticsIf greater than zero, no haptic feedback is processed.
Insights.RecordAllWorldTypesGameplay Insights recording by default only records Game and PIE worlds.Toggle this value to 1 to record other world types.
InvestigateRenderAssetSorry: Exec commands have no help
InvestigateTextureSorry: Exec commands have no help
IsolateDryAudioSorry: Exec commands have no help
IsolateReverbSorry: Exec commands have no help
JUMPTOSorry: Exec commands have no help
KESorry: Exec commands have no help
KISMETEVENTSorry: Exec commands have no help
landscape.BrushFramePaddingThe number of frames to wait before pushing a full Landscape update when a brush is calling RequestLandscapeUpdate
landscape.BrushOptimThis will enable landscape layers optim.
Landscape.ClearDirtyClears all Landscape Dirty Debug Data
Landscape.CombineSet landscape component combining mode : 0 = Default, 1 = Combine All, 2 = Disabled
Landscape.DebugViewModeChange the view mode of the landscape rendering. Valid Input: 0 = Normal, 2 = DebugLayer, 3 = LayerDensity, 4 = LayerUsage, 5 = LOD Distribution, 6 = WireframeOnTop, 7 = LayerContribution
Landscape.DumpLODsWill dump the current status of LOD value and current texture streaming status
Landscape.FixSplinesOne off fix for bad layer width
landscape.ForceFlushThis will force a render flush every frame when landscape editing.
landscape.ForceLayersUpdateThis will force landscape edit layers to be update every frame, rather than when requested only.
landscape.OptimThis will enable landscape layers optim.
landscape.OutputDiffBitmapThis will save images for readback textures that have changed in the last layer blend phase. (= 1 Heightmap Diff, = 2 Weightmap Diff, = 3 All Diffs
landscape.OutputLayersRTContentThis will output the content of render target. This is used for debugging only.
landscape.OutputLayersWeightmapsRTContentThis will output the content of render target used for weightmap. This is used for debugging only.
Landscape.PatchesShow/hide Landscape patches
landscape.RenderCaptureLayersNextHeightmapDrawsTrigger a render capture during the next heightmap draw calls.
landscape.RenderCaptureLayersNextWeightmapDrawsTrigger a render capture during the next weightmap draw calls.
Landscape.ShadowMapWorldUnitsToTexelFactorUsed to specify tolerance factor for mesh size related to cascade shadow resolution
landscape.ShowDirtyThis will highlight the data that has changed during the layer blend phase.
landscape.SimulatePhysicsThis will enable physic simulation on worlds containing landscape.
landscape.SplineFalloffModulationEnable Texture Modulation fo Spline Layer Falloff.
Landscape.StaticEnable/disable Landscape static drawlists
landscape.TrackDirtyThis will track the accumulation of data changes during the layer blend phase.
LayoutUV.TracePackingForInputHashActivate tracing for the input hash specified in the value.
LevelEditor.ToggleImmersiveToggle 'Immersive Mode' for the active level editing viewport
LevelSequence.DefaultClockSourceSpecifies the default clock source for newly created level sequences. 0: Tick, 1: Platform, 2: Audio, 3: RelativeTimecode, 4: Timecode, 5: Custom
LevelSequence.DefaultDisplayRateSpecifies the default display frame rate for newly created level sequences; also defines frame locked frame rate where sequences are set to be frame locked. Examples: 30 fps, 120/1 (120 fps), 30000/1001 (29.97), 0.01s (10ms).
LevelSequence.DefaultLockEngineToDisplayRate0: Playback locked to playback frames
1: Unlocked playback with sub frame interpolation
LevelSequence.DefaultTickResolutionSpecifies the default tick resolution for newly created level sequences. Examples: 30 fps, 120/1 (120 fps), 30000/1001 (29.97), 0.01s (10ms).
LevelSequence.InvalidBindingTagWarningsWhether to emit a warning when invalid object binding tags are used to override bindings or not.
LIGHTSorry: Exec commands have no help
LightmapStreamingFactorSorry: Exec commands have no help
LIGHTMASSDEBUGSorry: Exec commands have no help
LIGHTMASSSTATSSorry: Exec commands have no help
linker.AllowDynamicClassesIf true, linkers will attempt to use dynamic classes instead of class assets.
linker.TreatVerifyImportErrorsAsWarningsIf true, the errors emitted due to verify import failures will be warnings instead.
LinkerLoadListSorry: Exec commands have no help
LINKERSSorry: Exec commands have no help
LISTANIMSSorry: Exec commands have no help
ListAudioComponentsSorry: Exec commands have no help
LISTFUNCSorry: Exec commands have no help
LISTFUNCSSorry: Exec commands have no help
ListLoadedPackagesSorry: Exec commands have no help
LISTMAPPKGDEPENDENCIESSorry: Exec commands have no help
ListMaterialsWithMissingTextureStreamingDataSorry: Exec commands have no help
ListOrphanClassesSorry: Exec commands have no help
ListPackageContentsSorry: Exec commands have no help
LISTPARTICLESYSTEMSSorry: Exec commands have no help
LISTPROPSSorry: Exec commands have no help
ListRootSetObjectsSorry: Exec commands have no help
LISTSKELETALMESHESSorry: Exec commands have no help
ListSoundClassesSorry: Exec commands have no help
ListSoundClassVolumesSorry: Exec commands have no help
ListSoundDurationsSorry: Exec commands have no help
ListSoundsSorry: Exec commands have no help
LISTSPAWNEDACTORSSorry: Exec commands have no help
LISTSTATICMESHESSorry: Exec commands have no help
ListStreamingRenderAssetsSorry: Exec commands have no help
ListStreamingTexturesSorry: Exec commands have no help
LISTTEXTURESSorry: Exec commands have no help
ListTrackedRenderAssetsSorry: Exec commands have no help
ListTrackedTexturesSorry: Exec commands have no help
ListWavesSorry: Exec commands have no help
LiveCodingEnables live coding support
LiveCoding.CompileInitiates a live coding compile
LiveCoding.ConsolePathPath to the live coding console application
LiveCoding.SourceProjectPath to the project that this target was built from
LiveLink.Client.MaxNewFrameDataPerUpdateMaximun number of new frame data that can be added in a single UE4 frame.
LiveLink.Client.MaxNewStaticDataPerUpdateMaximun number of new static data that can be added in a single UE4 frame.
LiveLink.HideDebugInfoHide debug information for LiveLink Sources and Subjects
LiveLink.Log.DisableMessageDisable a LiveLink Message ID.Use: "LiveLink.Log.DisableMessage MessageID"
LiveLink.Log.EnableMessageEnable a LiveLink Message ID that was previously disabled.Use: "LiveLink.Log.EnableMessage MessageID"
LiveLink.Log.LogRepeatedLog all messages event if they are not log for the first time.To log: "LiveLink.Log.LogRepeated"To set: "LiveLink.Log.LogRepeated TRUE|FALSE"
LiveLink.Log.SilentModeSilent all log from LiveLink.To silent: "LiveLink.Log.SilentMode"To set: "LiveLink.Log.SilentMode TRUE|FALSE"
LiveLink.Preset.AddAdd a LiveLinkPreset. Use: LiveLink.Preset.Add Preset=/Game/Folder/MyLiveLinkPreset.MyLiveLinkPreset
LiveLink.Preset.ApplyApply a LiveLinkPreset. Use: LiveLink.Preset.Apply Preset=/Game/Folder/MyLiveLinkPreset.MyLiveLinkPreset
LiveLink.ShowDebugInfoShow debug information for LiveLink Sources and Subjects
LiveLink.TimedDataInput.MaxBufferSizeThe max size the timed data input is allowed to set the buffer size.
LiveLink.TimedDataInput.MinBufferSizeThe min size the timed data input is allowed to set the buffer size.
LiveLink.TimedDataInput.UpdateClockOffsetBy default, clock offset is continuously updated for each source. You can pause it if desired with this cvar and offset will be fixed to its value.
LLM.LLMHeaderMaxSizeThe maximum total number of characters allowed for all of the LLM titles
LLM.LLMWriteIntervalThe number of seconds between each line in the LLM csv (zero to write every frame)
LLM.TrackPeaksTrack peak memory in each category since process start rather than current frame's value.
LMDEBUGMATSorry: Exec commands have no help
LMDEBUGPADSorry: Exec commands have no help
LMIMMSorry: Exec commands have no help
LMIMMEDIATESorry: Exec commands have no help
LMIMPSorry: Exec commands have no help
LMPADDINGSorry: Exec commands have no help
LMPROFILESorry: Exec commands have no help
LMSORTSorry: Exec commands have no help
LOADSorry: Exec commands have no help
LoadPackageLoads packages by names. Usage: LoadPackage [ ...]
LoadPackageAsyncLoads packages async by names. Usage: LoadPackageAsync [ ...]
LoadTimes.DumpReportDumps a report about the amount of time spent loading assets
LoadTimes.DumpTrackingDump high level load times being tracked
LoadTimes.DumpTrackingLowDump low level load times being tracked
LoadTimes.ResetResets accumulated report data
LoadTimes.ResetTrackingReset load time tracking
LoadTimes.StartAccumulatingStarts capturing fine-grained accumulated load time data
LoadTimes.StopAccumulatingStops capturing fine-grained accumulated load time data and dump the results
Localization.HangulTextWrappingMethod0: PerSyllable, 1: PerWord (default).
Localization.SpanishUsesRAENumberFormat0: Disabled (CLDR format), 1: Enabled (RAE format, default).
lod.TemporalLagThis controls the the time lag for temporal LOD, in seconds.
LODGroupsSorry: Exec commands have no help
LOGSorry: Exec commands have no help
log.CategoryDefines if the categoy is included in each line in the log file and in what form.
0 = Do not log category
2 = Log the category (default)
log.flushIntervalLogging interval in seconds
log.TimestampDefines if time is included in each line in the log file and in what form. Layout: [time][frame mod 1000]
0 = Do not display log timestamps
1 = Log time stamps in UTC and frame time (default) e.g. [2015.11.25-21.28.50:803][376]
2 = Log timestamps in seconds elapsed since GStartTime e.g. [0130.29][420] 3 = Log timestamps in local time and frame time e.g. [2017.08.04-17.59.50:803][420] 4 = Log timestamps with the engine's timecode and frame time e.g. [17:59:50:18][420]
LOGACTORCOUNTSSorry: Exec commands have no help
LogBlueprintComponentInstanceCallsLog Blueprint Component instance calls; debugging.
LogCountedInstancesDumps count of all tracked FInstanceCountingObject's
LogGameThreadFNameChurn.EnableIf > 0, then collect sample game thread fname create, periodically print a report of the worst offenders.
LogGameThreadFNameChurn.PrintFrequencyNumber of frames between churn reports.
LogGameThreadFNameChurn.RemoveAliasesIf > 0 then remove aliases from the counting process. This essentialy merges addresses that have the same human readable string. It is slower.
LogGameThreadFNameChurn.SampleFrequencyNumber of fname creates per sample. This is used to prevent churn sampling from slowing the game down too much.
LogGameThreadFNameChurn.StackIgnoreNumber of items to discard from the top of a stack frame.
LogGameThreadFNameChurn.StackLenMaximum number of stack frame items to keep. This improves aggregation because calls that originate from multiple places but end up in the same place will be accounted together.
LogGameThreadFNameChurn.ThreshholdMinimum average number of fname creations per frame to include in the report.
LogGameThreadMallocChurn.EnableIf > 0, then collect sample game thread malloc, realloc and free, periodically print a report of the worst offenders.
LogGameThreadMallocChurn.PrintFrequencyNumber of frames between churn reports.
LogGameThreadMallocChurn.RemoveAliasesIf > 0 then remove aliases from the counting process. This essentialy merges addresses that have the same human readable string. It is slower.
LogGameThreadMallocChurn.SampleFrequencyNumber of allocs to skip between samples. This is used to prevent churn sampling from slowing the game down too much.
LogGameThreadMallocChurn.StackIgnoreNumber of items to discard from the top of a stack frame.
LogGameThreadMallocChurn.StackLenMaximum number of stack frame items to keep. This improves aggregation because calls that originate from multiple places but end up in the same place will be accounted together.
LogGameThreadMallocChurn.ThreshholdMinimum average number of allocs per frame to include in the report.
LogNavOctreeSorry: Exec commands have no help
LOGOUTSTATLEVELSSorry: Exec commands have no help
ls.PrintNumLandscapeShadowsPrints the number of landscape components that cast shadows.
MACROSorry: Exec commands have no help
MagicLeap.debug.EnableEyetrackingDebug0 - Eyetracking debug visualizations are disabled. 1 - Eyetracking debug visualizations are enabled.
MagicLeap.FovealRegionAngleDegreesA larger value here will lead to the GTOM system considering a larger area around the gaze point. Refer to this link to see what values are reasonable: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fovea_centralis#/media/File:Macula.svg
MagicLeap.WaitForHeadTrackerInitIf true (default), graphics won't be initialized until after head tracking has been initialized.
MainFrame.ToggleFullscreenToggles the editor between "full screen" mode and "normal" mode. In full screen mode, the task bar and window title area are hidden.
MallocBinned2.FlushThreadCacheMaxWaitTimeThe threshold of time before warning about FlushCurrentThreadCache taking too long (seconds).
MallocBinned3.FlushThreadCacheMaxWaitTimeThe threshold of time before warning about FlushCurrentThreadCache taking too long (seconds).
mallocleak.clearClears recorded allocation info
mallocleak.reportWrites malloc leak reports
mallocleak.startStarts tracking allocations. Args -report=[secs] -size=[filter]
mallocleak.stopStops tracking allocations
MallocStomp.OverrunTestOverrun test for the FMallocStomp
MAPSorry: Exec commands have no help
MappedFileTestTests the file mappings through the low level.
MaterialBaking.SaveIntermediateTexturesDetermines whether or not to save out intermediate BMP images for each flattened material property.
0: Turned Off
1: Turned On
MaterialBaking.UseMaterialProxyCachingDetermines whether or not Material Proxies should be cached to speed up material baking.
0: Turned Off
1: Turned On
Matinee.AllowMatineeActorsToggles whether matinee actors should appear in the cinematics menu so that they can be edited.
MaxAssetFullPathMaximum full path name of an asset.
MEDIASorry: Exec commands have no help
MEMSorry: Exec commands have no help
memory.logGenericPlatformMemoryStatsReport Platform Memory Stats)
Memory.StaleTestTest for Memory.UsePurgatory. *** Will crash the game!
Memory.UsePoisonUses the poison malloc proxy to check if things are relying on uninitialized or free'd memory.
Memory.UsePurgatoryUses the purgatory malloc proxy to check if things are writing to stale pointers.
MemReportSorry: Exec commands have no help
MemReportDeferredSorry: Exec commands have no help
MERGEMESHSorry: Exec commands have no help
MESHSorry: Exec commands have no help
MeshEd.OverlayOrthographicDistanceBiasHow much to bias distance scale by in orthograph views, regardless of distance to the viewer
MeshEd.OverlayPerspectiveDistanceBiasHow much to bias distance scale by in perspective views, regardless of distance to the viewer
MESHMAPSorry: Exec commands have no help
MESSAGINGSorry: Exec commands have no help
Metadata.DumpDump all MetaData
mmio.enableIf > 0, then enable memory mapped IO on platforms that support it.
ModalTestSorry: Exec commands have no help
MODESorry: Exec commands have no help
ModuleSorry: Exec commands have no help
MountSorry: Exec commands have no help
MovieScene.LegacyConversionFrameRateSpecifies default tick resolution for UMovieScene data saved before 4.20 (default: 60000fps). Examples: 60000 fps, 120/1 (120 fps), 30000/1001 (29.97), 0.01s (10ms).
n.IpNetDriverMaxFrameTimeBeforeAlertTime to spend processing networking data in a single frame before an alert is raised (in seconds)
It may get called multiple times in a single frame if additional processing after a previous alert exceeds the threshold again
default: 1 s
n.IpNetDriverMaxFrameTimeBeforeLoggingTime to spend processing networking data in a single frame before an output log warning is printed (in seconds)
default: 10 s
n.VerifyPeerSets libcurl's CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER option to verify authenticity of the peer's certificate.
0 = disable (allows self-signed certificates)
1 = enable [default]
NETSorry: Exec commands have no help
net.ActorChannelPoolIf nonzero, actor channels will be pooled to save memory and object creation cost.
net.AllowAsyncLoadingAllow async loading of unloaded assets referenced in packets. If false the client will hitch and immediately load the asset, if true the packet will be delayed while the asset is async loaded. net.DelayUnmappedRPCs can be enabled to delay RPCs relying on async loading assets.
net.AllowClientRemapCacheObjectWhen enabled, we will allow clients to remap read only cache objects and keep the same NetGUID.
net.AllowEncryptionIf true, the engine will attempt to load an encryption PacketHandler component and fill in the EncryptionToken parameter of the NMT_Hello message based on the ?EncryptionToken= URL option and call callbacks if it's non-empty.
net.AllowReliableMulticastToNonRelevantChannelsAllow Reliable Server Multicasts to be sent to non-Relevant Actors, as long as their is an existing ActorChannel.
net.CheckNoLoadPackagesIf enabled, check the no load flag in GetObjectFromNetGUID before forcing a sync load on packages that are not marked IsFullyLoaded
Net.CheckPushBPRepIndexAgainstNameWhen enabled, validates that BP generated values passed to MarkPropertyDirtyFromRepIndex match the actual property data
net.ContextDebugDebugging option to set a context string during replication
net.ControlChannelDestructionInfoIf enabled, send destruction info updates via the control channel instead of creating a new actor channel.0: Old behavior, use an actor channel. 1: New behavior, use the control channel
net.DebugAppendResolverAddressIf this is set, all IP address resolution methods will add the value of this CVAR to the list of results.This allows for testing resolution functionality across all multiple addresses with the end goal of having a successful result(being the value of this CVAR)
net.DebugDrawDraws debug information for network dormancy and relevancy
1 Enables network debug drawing. 0 disables.
net.DebugDrawCullDistanceCull distance for net.DebugDraw. World UnitsMax world units an actor can be away from the local view to draw its dormancy status. Zero disables culling
net.DebugDualIPsIf true, will duplicate every packet received, and process with a new (deterministic) IP, to emulate receiving client packets from dual IP's - which can happen under real-world network conditions(only supports a single client on the server).
net.DelayUnmappedRPCsIf true delay received RPCs with unmapped object references until they are received or loaded, if false RPCs will execute immediately with null parameters. This can be used with net.AllowAsyncLoading to avoid null asset parameters during async loads.
net.DeleteDormantActorLists open actor channels
net.DelinquencyNumberOfTopOffendersToTrackWhen > 0 , this will be the number of 'TopOffenders' that are tracked by the PackageMap and GuidCache for Queued Actors and Async Loads respectively. net.TrackAsyncLoadingGUIDThreshold / net.TrackQueuedActorThreshold still dictate whether or not any of these items are tracked.
net.DisableBandwithThrottlingForces IsNetReady to always return true. Not available in shipping builds.
net.DisableIPv6If true, IPv6 will not resolve and its usage will be avoided when possible
net.DisableRemapScriptActorsWhen set, disables name remapping of compiled script actors (for networking)
net.DisconnectSimulatedConnectionsDisconnects some simulated connections (0 = all)
net.DoPacketOrderCorrectionWhether or not to try to fix 'out of order' packet sequences, by caching packets and waiting for the missing sequence.
net.DoPropertyChecksumWhen true and ENABLE_PROPERTY_CHECKSUMS is defined, checksums of replicated properties are compared on client and server
net.DormancyEnableEnables Network Dormancy System for reducing CPU and bandwidth overhead of infrequently updated actors
1 Enables network dormancy. 0 disables network dormancy.
net.DormancyHysteresisWhen > 0, represents the time we'll wait before letting a channel become fully dormant (in seconds). This can prevent churn when objects are going in and out of dormant more frequently than normal.
net.DormancyValidateValidates that dormant actors do not change state while in a dormant state (on server only)0: Dont validate. 1: Validate on wake up. 2: Validate on each net update
net.DumpRelevantActorsDumps information on relevant actors during next network update
net.EnableCongestionControlEnables congestion control module.
net.EnableDetailedScopeCountersEnables detailed networking scope cycle counters. There are often lots of these which can negatively impact performance.
net.FilterGuidRemappingRemove destroyed and parent guids from unmapped list
net.ForceNetFlushImmediately flush send buffer when written to (helps trace packet writes - WARNING: May be unstable).
Net.GenerateConstantBandwidthDeliver a constant throughput every tick to generate the specified Kilobytes per sec.
Net.GenerateBandwidth KilobytesPerSecond
Net.GeneratePeriodicBandwidthSpikeGenerates a spike of bandwidth every X milliseconds.
Net.GeneratePeriodicBandwidthSpike SpikeInKb PeriodInMS
net.IgnoreNetworkChecksumMismatchIf true, the integrity checksum on packagemap objects will be ignored, which can cause issues with out of sync data
net.InstantReplayProcessQueuedBunchesMillisecondLimitTime threshold for processing queued bunches during instant replays. If it takes longer than this in a single frame, wait until the next frame to continue processing queued bunches. For unlimited time, set to 0.
net.IpConnectionDisableResolutionIf enabled, any future ip connections will not use resolution methods.
net.IpConnectionUseSendTasksIf true, the IpConnection will call the socket's SendTo function in a task graph task so that it can run off the game thread.
net.IpNetDriverReceiveThreadPollTimeMSIf net.IpNetDriverUseReceiveThread is true, the number of milliseconds to use as the timeout value for FSocket::Wait on the receive thread. A negative value means to wait indefinitely (FSocket::Shutdown should cancel it though).
net.IpNetDriverReceiveThreadQueueMaxPacketsIf net.IpNetDriverUseReceiveThread is true, the maximum number of packets that can be waiting in the queue. Additional packets received will be dropped.
net.IpNetDriverUseReceiveThreadIf true, the IpNetDriver will call the socket's RecvFrom function on a separate thread (not the game thread)
Net.IsPushModelEnabledWhether or not Push Model is enabled. This networking mode allows game code to notify the networking system of changes, rather than scraping.
net.ListActorChannelsLists open actor channels
net.ListNetGUIDExportsLists open actor channels
net.ListNetGUIDsLists NetGUIDs for actors
Net.LogSkippedRepNotifiesLog when the networking code skips calling a repnotify clientside due to the property value not changing.
net.MagicHeaderString representing binary bits which are prepended to every packet sent by the game. Max length: 32 bits.
Net.MakeBpPropertiesPushModelWhether or not properties declared in Blueprints will be forced to used Push Model
net.MaxChannelSizeThe maximum number of network channels allowed across the entire server
net.MaxClientGuidRemapsMax client resolves of unmapped network guids per tick
net.MaxConnectionsToTickPerServerFrameWhen non-zero, the maximum number of channels that will have changed replicated to them per server update
net.MaxConstructedPartialBunchSizeBytesThe maximum size allowed for Partial Bunches.
net.MaxNetStringSizeMaximum allowed size for strings sent/received by the netcode (in bytes).
net.MaxPlayersOverrideIf greater than 0, will override the standard max players count. Useful for testing full servers.
net.MaxRPCPerNetUpdateMaximum number of unreliable multicast RPC calls allowed per net update, additional ones will be dropped
net.Montage.DebugPrints Replication information about AnimMontages
0: no print.
1: Print AnimMontage info on client side as they are played.
Net.NetGuidCacheHistoryEnabledWhen enabled, allows logging of NetGUIDCache History. Warning, this can eat up a lot of memory, and won't free itself until the Cache is destroyed.
net.NetServerMoveTimestampExpiredWarningThresholdTolerance for ServerMove() to warn when client moves are expired more than this time threshold behind the server.
net.OodleClientEnableModeWhen to enable compression on the client (overrides the 'ClientEnableMode' .ini setting).
net.OodleMinSizeForCompressionThe minimum size an outgoing packet must be, for it to be considered for compression (does not count overhead of handler components which process packets after Oodle).
net.OodleServerEnableModeWhen to enable compression on the server (overrides the 'ServerEnableMode' .ini setting).
net.OptimizedRemappingUses optimized path to remap unmapped network guids
net.PackageMap.DebugAllDebugs PackageMap serialization of all objects
net.PackageMap.DebugObjectDebugs PackageMap serialization of objectPartial name of object to debug
net.Packagemap.FindNetGUIDLooks up object that was assigned a given NetGUID
net.PackageMap.LongLoadThreshholdThreshhold time in seconds for printing long load warnings in object serialization
net.PacketHandlerCRCDumpEnables or disables dumping of packet CRC's for every HandlerComponent, Incoming and Outgoing, for debugging.
net.PacketOrderCorrectionEnableThresholdThe number of 'out of order' packet sequences that need to occur, before correction is enabled.
net.PacketOrderMaxCachedPackets(NOTE: Must be power of 2!) The maximum number of packets to cache while waiting for missing packet sequences, before treating missing packets as lost.
net.PacketOrderMaxMissingPacketsThe maximum number of missed packet sequences that is allowed, before treating missing packets as lost.
net.PartialBunchReliableThresholdIf a bunch is broken up into this many partial bunches are more, we will send it reliable even if the original bunch was not reliable. Partial bunches are atonmic and must all make it over to be used
net.PingDisplayServerTimeShow server frame time. Not available in shipping builds.
net.PingExcludeFrameTimeIf true, game frame times are subtracted from calculated ping to approximate actual network ping
net.PingUsePacketRecvTimeUse OS or Receive Thread packet receive time, for calculating the ping. Excludes frame time.
net.ProcessQueuedBunchesMillisecondLimitTime threshold for processing queued bunches. If it takes longer than this in a single frame, wait until the next frame to continue processing queued bunches. For unlimited time, set to 0.
net.PushModelValidatePropertiesWhen true, we will compare all push model properties and warn if they haven't been marked dirty properly.
net.QuantizeActorLocationOnSpawnWhen enabled, we will quantize Location for newly spawned actors to a single decimal of precision.
net.QuantizeActorScaleOnSpawnWhen enabled, we will quantize Scale for newly spawned actors to a single decimal of precision.
net.QuantizeActorVelocityOnSpawnWhen enabled, we will quantize Velocity for newly spawned actors to a single decimal of precision.
net.RandomizeSequenceRandomize initial packet sequence, can provide some obfuscation
net.RcvThreadShouldSleepForLongRecvErrorsWhether or not the receive thread should sleep for RecvFrom errors which are expected to last a long time. 0 = don't sleep, 1 = sleep, 2 = exit receive thread.
net.RcvThreadSleepTimeForWaitableErrorsInSecondsTime the receive thread will sleep when a waitable error is returned by a socket operation.
net.RecvMultiCapacityWhen RecvMulti is enabled, this is the number of packets it is allocated to handle per call - bigger is better (especially under a DDoS), but keep an eye on memory cost.
net.Reliable.DebugPrint all reliable bunches sent over the network
0: no print.
1: Print bunches as they are sent.
2: Print reliable bunch buffer each net update
Net.RepDriver.EnableEnables Replication Driver. 0 will fallback to legacy NetDriver implementation.
net.Replication.DebugPropertyDebugs Replication of property by name, this should be set to the partial name of the property to debug
net.ReportGameTickFlushTimeRecord and report to the perf tracking system the processing time of the GameNetDriver's TickFlush.
net.ReportSyncLoadsIf enabled, the engine will track objects loaded by the networking system and broadcast FNetDelegates::OnSyncLoadDetected to report them.By default they are logged to the LogNetSyncLoads category.
net.ReservedNetGuidSizeReserved size in bytes for NetGUID serialization, used as a placeholder for later serialization
Net.ReuseReplicatorsForDormantObjectsWhen true, Server's will persist and attempt to reuse replicators for Dormant Actors and Objects. This can cut down on bandwidth by preventing redundant information from being sent when waking objects from Dormancy.
net.RPC.DebugPrint all RPC bunches sent over the network
0: no print.
1: Print bunches as they are sent.
net.ShareInitialCompareStateIf true and net.ShareShadowState is enabled, attempt to also share initial replication compares across connections.
net.ShareSerializedDataIf true, enable shared serialization system used by replication to reduce CPU usage when multiple clients need the same data
net.ShareShadowStateIf true, work done to compare properties will be shared across connections
net.SimulateConnectionsStarts a Simulated Net Driver
net.SkipReplicatorForDestructionInfosIf enabled, skip creation of object replicator in SetChannelActor when we know there is no content payload and we're going to immediately destroy the actor.
net.SupportFastArrayDeltaWhether or not Fast Array Struct Delta Serialization is enabled.
net.TestObjRefSerializeAttempts to replicate an object reference to all clients
net.TickAllOpenChannelsIf nonzero, each net connection will tick all of its open channels every tick. Leaving this off will improve performance.
net.TrackAsyncLoadingGUIDThresholdWhen > 0, any objects that take longer than the threshold to async load will be tracked. Threshold in seconds, @see FNetGUIDCache::ConsumeDelinquencyAnalytics. Used for Debugging and Analytics
net.TrackAsyncLoadingGUIDThresholdOwnerWhen > 0, if the Net Connection's owning Controller or Pawn is waiting on Async Loads for longer than this threshold, we will fire a CSV Event to track it. Used for Debugging and Profiling
net.TrackNetSerializeObjectReferencesIf true, we will create small layouts for Net Serialize Structs if they have Object Properties. This can prevent some Shadow State GC crashes.
net.TrackQueuedActorThresholdWhen > 0, any actors that spend longer than the threshold with queued bunches will be tracked. Threshold in seconds, @see UPackageMap::ConsumeDelinquencyAnalytics. Used for Debugging and Analytics
net.TrackQueuedActorThresholdOwnerWhen > 0, if the Net Connection's owning Controller or Pawn has Queued Bunches for longer than this threshold, we will fire a CSV Event to track it. Used for Debugging and Profiling
net.UseAdaptiveNetUpdateFrequencyIf 1, NetUpdateFrequency will be calculated based on how often actors actually send something when replicating
Net.UseGranularNetworkTrackingWhen enabled, Obj List will print out highly detailed information about Network Memory Usage
Net.UsePackedShadowBuffersWhen enabled, FRepLayout will generate shadow buffers that are packed with only the necessary NetProperties, instead of copying entire object state.
net.UseRecvMultiIf true, and if running on a Unix/Linux platform, multiple packets will be retrieved from the socket with one syscall, improving performance and also allowing retrieval of timestamp information.
net.UseRecvTimestampsIf true and if net.UseRecvMulti is also true, on a Unix/Linux platform, the kernel timestamp will be retrieved for each packet received, providing more accurate ping calculations.
net.ValidateReplicatedPropertyRegistrationWarns if replicated properties were not registered in GetLifetimeReplicatedProps.
net.VerifyShareSerializedDataDebug option to verify shared serialization data during replication
NetAnalytics.MinimumNumberOfPacketsForBurstTrackingThe minimum number of packets that must have been notified (in our out) in order to consider a frame for packet loss by percentage.See NetAnalytics.PercentOfDroppedPacketsToConsiderBurst
NetAnalytics.NumberOfConsecutiveDroppedPacketsToConsiderBurstThe number of packets lost in a row (in or out) for us to consider the frame as having bursts of packet loss.Not affected by NetAnalytics.MinimumNumberOfPacketsForBurstTracking.
NetAnalytics.PercentOfDroppedPacketsToConsiderBurstThe percentage of packets lost in a frame (in or out) for us to consider the frame as having bursts of packet loss.
See NetAnalytics.MinimumNumberOfPacketsForBurstTracking.
NetEmulation.OffTurn off network emulation
NetEmulation.PktDupSimulates sending/receiving duplicate network packets
NetEmulation.PktEmulationProfileApply a preconfigured emulation profile.
NetEmulation.PktIncomingLagMaxSets maximum incoming packet latency
NetEmulation.PktIncomingLagMinSets minimum incoming packet latency
NetEmulation.PktIncomingLossSimulates incoming packet loss
NetEmulation.PktJitterSimulates outgoing packet jitter
NetEmulation.PktLagSimulates network packet lag
NetEmulation.PktLagMaxSets maximum outgoing packet latency)
NetEmulation.PktLagMinSets minimum outgoing packet latency
NetEmulation.PktLagVarianceSimulates variable network packet lag
NetEmulation.PktLossSimulates network packet loss
NetEmulation.PktOrderSimulates network packets received out of order
NETPROFILESorry: Exec commands have no help
networkfileSorry: Exec commands have no help
networkversionoverrideSets network version used for multiplayer
NEWSorry: Exec commands have no help
NEWANIMSorry: Exec commands have no help
niagara.AllowAllNiagaraNodesInEmitterGraphsIf true, all nodes will be allowed in the Niagara emitter graphs.
Niagara.AllowQuickSortedParameterOffsetsCopyWhether to use memcpy to copy sortedparameteroffset arrays. (default=1)
niagara.CreateShadersOnLoadWhether to create Niagara's simulation shaders on load, which can reduce hitching, but use more memory. Otherwise they will be created as needed.
Niagara.EmitterStatsFormat0 shows the particles count, ms, mb and state. 1 shows particles count.
Niagara.GPUCountBufferSlackMultiplier of the GPU count buffer size to prevent frequent re-allocation.
Niagara.GPUCullingWhether to frustum and camera distance cull particles on the GPU
Niagara.GPUCulling.CPUToGPUThresholdParticle count to move from a CPU sort to a GPU cull. -1 disables. (default=0)
Niagara.GPUSorting.CPUToGPUThresholdParticle count to move from a CPU sort to a GPU sort. -1 disables. (default=-1)
Niagara.GPUSorting.UseMaxPrecisionWether sorting using fp32 instead of fp16. (default=0)
Niagara.MinCulledGPUInstanceCountMinimum number of culled (per-view) instance count entries allocated in the global buffer. (default=2048)
Niagara.MinGPUInstanceCountMinimum number of instance count entries allocated in the global buffer. (default=2048)
Niagara.RadixSortThresholdInstance count at which radix sort gets used instead of introspective sort.
Set to -1 to never use radixsort. (default=400)
Niagara.Ribbon.MinSegmentLengthMin length of niagara ribbon segments. (default=1)
Niagara.Ribbon.Tessellation.MaxErrorScreenPercentageScreen percentage used to compute the tessellation factor.
Smaller values will generate more tessellation, up to max tesselltion. (default=0.002)
Niagara.Ribbon.Tessellation.MaxInterpWhen TessellationAngle is > 0, this is the maximum tesselation factor.
Higher values allow more evenly divided tesselation.
When TessellationAngle is 0, this is the actually tesselation factor (default=16).
Niagara.Ribbon.Tessellation.MinAbsoluteErrorMinimum absolute world size error when tessellating.
Prevent over tessellating when distance gets really small. (default=0.5)
Niagara.Ribbon.Tessellation.MinAngleRibbon segment angle to tesselate in radian. (default=15 degrees)
niagara.ShowShaderCompilerWarningsWhen set to 1, will display all warnings from Niagara shader compiles.
Niagara.StaticSwitch.EnableAutoRefreshOldStaticSwitchesEnables auto refresh for old static switch nodes on post load and updates to enum assets. Enable this and cook assets to check how many old nodes operate on outdated enums
NumStreamedMipsSorry: Exec commands have no help
OBJSorry: Exec commands have no help
oculus.mr.CastingLantencyCasting Latency
oculus.mr.ChromaKeyColor_BChroma Key Color B
oculus.mr.ChromaKeyColor_GChroma Key Color G
oculus.mr.ChromaKeyColor_RChroma Key Color R
oculus.mr.ChromaKeySimilarityChroma Key Similarity
oculus.mr.ChromaKeySmoothRangeChroma Key Smooth Range
oculus.mr.ChromaKeySpillRangeChroma Key Spill Range
oculus.mr.ExternalCompositionPostProcessEnable MR external composition post process: 0=Off, 1=On
oculus.mr.OverrideParametersUse the Mixed Reality console variables
ONLINESorry: Exec commands have no help
online.ResetAchievementsReset achievements for the currently logged in user.
OodleSorry: Exec commands have no help
OPENSorry: Exec commands have no help
OpenGL.BindlessTextureIf true, use GL_ARB_bindless_texture over traditional glBindTexture/glBindSampler.
OpenGL.MaxSubDataSizeMaximum amount of data to send to glBufferSubData in one call
OpenGL.RebindTextureBuffersIf true, rebind GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER's to their GL_TEXTURE name whenever the buffer is modified.
OpenGL.SkipComputeIf true, don't issue dispatch work.
OpenGL.UBODirectWriteEnables direct writes to the UBO via Buffer Storage
OpenGL.UBOPoolSizeSize of the UBO pool, 0 disables UBO Pool
OpenGL.UseBufferDiscardIf true, use dynamic buffer orphaning hint.
OpenGL.UseEmulatedUBsIf true, enable using emulated uniform buffers on OpenGL ES3.1 mode.
OpenGL.UseGlClipControlIfAvailableIf true, the engine trys to use glClipControl if the driver supports it.
OpenGL.UseMapBufferIf true, use glMapBuffer otherwise use glBufferSubdata.
OpenGL.UsePersistentMappingStagingBufferIf true, it will use persistent mapping for the Staging Buffer.
OpenGL.UseSeparateShaderObjectsIf set to 1, use OpenGL's separate shader objects to eliminate expensive program linking
OpenGL.UseStagingBufferEnables maps of dynamic vertex buffers to go to a staging buffer
OpenXR.debug.EnableEyetrackingDebug0 - Eyetracking debug visualizations are disabled. 1 - Eyetracking debug visualizations are enabled.
OSS.DelayAsyncTaskOutQueueMin total async task time
Time in secs
oss.PlatformOverrideOverrides the detected platform of this client for various debugging
OSS.VoiceLoopbackEnables voice loopback
1 Enabled. 0 Disabled.
p.aabbtree.updatedirtyelementpayloadsAllow AABB tree elements to update internal payload data when they recieve a payload update
p.AllowCachedOverlapsPrimitive Component physics
0: disable cached overlaps, 1: enable (default)
p.AllowDestroyNonNetworkActorsWhen enabled, allows Clients in Networked Games to destroy non-networked actors (AActor::Role == ROLE_None). Does not change behavior on Servers or Standalone games.
p.AllowNotForDedServerPhysicsAssetsAllow 'Not For Dedicated Server' flag on PhysicsAssets
0: ignore flag, 1: obey flag (default)
p.AlwaysCreatePhysicsStateConversionHackHack to convert actors with query and ignore all to always create physics.
p.AngularEtherDragOverrideSet an override angular ether drag value. -1.f to disable
p.AnimDynamicsEnables/Disables anim dynamics node updates.
p.animdynamics.debugboneFilters p.animdynamics.showdebug to a specific bone by name.
p.animdynamics.showdebugEnable/disable the drawing of animdynamics data.
p.AnimDynamicsAdaptiveSubstepEnables/disables adaptive substepping. Adaptive substepping will substep the simulation when it is necessary and maintain a debt buffer for time, always trying to utilise as much time as possible.
p.AnimDynamicsDetailedStatsWhen set to 1, will enable more detailed stats.
p.AnimDynamicsLODThresholdMax LOD that anim dynamics is allowed to run on. Provides a global threshold that overrides per-node the LODThreshold property. -1 means no override.
p.AnimDynamicsNumDebtFramesNumber of frames to maintain as time debt when using adaptive substepping, this should be at least 1 or the time debt will never be cleared.
p.AnimDynamicsRestrictLODForces anim dynamics to be enabled for only a specified LOD, -1 to enable on all LODs.
p.AnimDynamicsWindEnables/Disables anim dynamics wind forces globally.
p.AsyncInterpolationMultiplierHow many multiples of the fixed dt should we look behind for interpolation
p.AsyncPhysicsBlockModeSetting to 0 blocks on any physics steps generated from past GT Frames, and blocks on none of the tasks from current frame. 1 blocks on everything except the single most recent task (including tasks from current frame). 1 should gurantee we will always have a future output for interpolation from 2 frames in the past.
p.BatchPhysXTasksSizeNumber of tasks to batch together (max 8). 1 will go as wide as possible, but more overhead on small tasks
p.BPTreeOfGridsWhether to use a seperate tree of grids for bp
p.bUseUnifiedHeightfieldWhether to use the PhysX unified heightfield. This feature of PhysX makes landscape collision consistent with triangle meshes but the thickness parameter is not supported for unified heightfields. 1 enables and 0 disables. Default: 1
p.chaos.AllowCreatePhysxBodies 0 is off, 1 is on (default)
p.Chaos.AxialSpring.ISPCWhether to use ISPC optimizations in AxialSpring constraints
p.Chaos.AxialSpring.ParallelConstraintCountIf we have more constraints than this, use parallel-for in Apply.
p.Chaos.CCD.AllowedDepthBoundsScaleWhen rolling back to TOI, allow (smallest bound's extent) * AllowedDepthBoundsScale, instead of rolling back to exact TOI w/ penetration = 0.
p.Chaos.CCD.EnableThresholdBoundsScaleCCD is used when object position is changing > smallest bound's extent * BoundsScale. 0 will always Use CCD. Values < 0 disables CCD.
p.Chaos.Collision.AntiJitterContactMovementAllowanceIf a contact is close to where it was during a previous iteration, we will assume it is the same contact that moved (to reduce jitter). Expressed as the fraction of movement distance and Centre of Mass distance to the contact point
p.Chaos.Collision.EnergyClampEnabledWhether to use energy clamping in collision apply step
p.Chaos.Collision.ISPCWhether to use ISPC optimizations in the Collision Solver
p.Chaos.Collision.Manifold.MatchNormalToleranceA tolerance on the normal dot product used to determine if two contact points are the same
p.Chaos.Collision.Manifold.MatchPositionToleranceA tolerance as a fraction of object size used to determine if two contact points are the same
p.Chaos.Collision.Manifold.PlaneContactNormalEpsilonNormal tolerance used to distinguish face contacts from edge-edge contacts
p.Chaos.Collision.Manifold.PushOut.VelocityCorrectionMode0 = No Velocity Correction; 1 = Normal Velocity Correction; 2 = Normal + Tangential Velocity Correction
p.Chaos.Collision.MarginFractionOverride the collision margin fraction set in Physics Settings (if >= 0)
p.Chaos.Collision.MarginMaxOverride the max collision margin set in Physics Settings (if >= 0)
p.Chaos.Collision.PrevVelocityRestitutionEnabledIf enabled restitution will be calculated on previous frame velocities instead of current frame velocities
p.Chaos.Collision.RelaxationEnabledWhether to reduce applied impulses during iterations for improved solver stability but reduced convergence
p.Chaos.Collision.UseAccumulatedImpulseClipSolveUse experimental Accumulated impulse clipped contact solve
p.Chaos.ComputeHorizonEpsilonFromMeshExtendsControls whether or not we are using the extend of the mesh to compute the HorizonEpsilon or is we use an hardcoded one.
p.Chaos.Constraints.AlwaysAddSweptConstraintsSince GJKContactPointSwept returns infinity for it's contact data when not hitting anything, some contacts are discarded prematurely. This flag will cause contact points considered for sweeps to never be discarded.
p.Chaos.Constraints.DetailedStatsWhen set to 1, will enable more detailed stats.
p.Chaos.ConvexGeometryCheckEnablePerform convex geometry complexity check for Chaos physics.
p.Chaos.ConvexParticlesWarningThresholdThreshold beyond which we warn about collision geometry complexity.
p.Chaos.DampVelocity.ISPCWhether to use ISPC optimizations in per particle damp velocity calculation
p.Chaos.DebugDraw.ConvexExplodeDistanceExplode convex edges by this amount (useful for looking at convex integrity)
p.Chaos.DebugDraw.EnabledWhether to debug draw low level physics solver information
p.Chaos.DebugDraw.MaxLinesSet the maximum number of debug draw lines that can be rendered (to limit perf drops)
p.Chaos.DebugDraw.ModeWhere to send debug draw commands. 0 = UE Debug Draw; 1 = VisLog; 2 = Both
p.Chaos.DebugDraw.RadiusSet the radius from the camera where debug draw capture stops (0 means infinite)
p.Chaos.DebugDraw.ShowCollisionParticlesWhether to show the collision particles if present
p.Chaos.DebugDraw.ShowContactGraphWhether to show the contactgraph when drawing islands
p.Chaos.DebugDraw.ShowConvexVerticesWhether to show the vertices of convex shapes
p.Chaos.DebugDraw.ShowCoreShapesWhether to show the core (margin-reduced) shape where applicable
p.Chaos.DebugDraw.ShowExactCoreShapesWhether to show the exact core shape. NOTE: Extremely expensive and should only be used on a small scene with a couple convex shapes in it
p.Chaos.DebugDraw.ShowInactiveContactsWhether to show inactive contacts (ones that contributed no impulses or pushout)
p.Chaos.DebugDraw.ShowPIEClientWhen running in PIE mode, show the client debug draw
p.Chaos.DebugDraw.ShowPIEServerWhen running in PIE mode, show the server debug draw
p.Chaos.DebugDraw.ShowShapeBoundsWhether to show the bounds of each shape in DrawShapes
p.chaos.DebugDrawAwakeDraw particles that are awake
p.Chaos.DebugDrawingDeprecated. Please use p.Chaos.DebugDraw.Enabled
p.Chaos.DedicatedThreadEnabledEnables a dedicated physics task/thread for Chaos tasks.0: Disabled1: Enabled
p.Chaos.DisableCollisionParallelForDisable parallel execution for Chaos Collisions (also disabled by DisableParticleParallelFor)
p.Chaos.DisableParticleParallelForDisable parallel execution for Chaos Particles (Collisions,
p.Chaos.DisablePhysicsParallelForDisable parallel execution in Chaos Evolution
P.Chaos.DrawHierarchy.BoundsEnable / disable drawing of the physics hierarchy bounds
P.Chaos.DrawHierarchy.CellElementThreshNum elements to consider "high" for cell colouring when rendering.
P.Chaos.DrawHierarchy.CellsEnable / disable drawing of the physics hierarchy cells
P.Chaos.DrawHierarchy.DrawEmptyCellsWhether to draw cells that are empty when cells are enabled.
P.Chaos.DrawHierarchy.EnableEnable / disable drawing of the physics hierarchy
P.Chaos.DrawHierarchy.ObjectBoundsEnable / disable drawing of the physics hierarchy object bounds
p.chaos.dumphierarcystatsOutputs current collision hierarchy stats to the output log
p.Chaos.DumpHierElementBucketsDistribution buckets for dump hierarchy stats command
p.Chaos.GetSimData.ISPCWhether to use ISPC optimizations when getting simulation data
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.BoundsExtensionBounds are grown by this fraction of their size (should be >= 0.0)
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.Collision.DeferNarrowPhaseCreate contacts for all broadphase pairs, perform NarrowPhase later.
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.Collision.EnabledEnable/Disable collisions in Immediate Physics.
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.Collision.PairIterationsOverride collision pair iterations (if >= 0)
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.Collision.PrioritySet the Collision constraint sort order (Joints have priority 0)
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.Collision.PushOutPairIterationsOverride collision push-out pair iterations (if >= 0)
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.Collision.RestitutionEnabledCollision Restitution Enable/Disable
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.Collision.RestitutionThresholdMultiplierCollision Restitution Threshold (Acceleration) = Multiplier * Gravity
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.Collision.UseManifoldsEnable/Disable use of manifoldes in collision.
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.DebugDraw.AngVelScaleIf >0 show angular velocity when drawing particle transforms.
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.DebugDraw.ImpulseScaleIf >0 show impulses when drawing collisions.
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.DebugDraw.JointFeatures.ActorConnectorJoint features mask (see FDebugDrawJointFeatures).
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.DebugDraw.JointFeatures.AxesJoint features mask (see FDebugDrawJointFeatures).
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.DebugDraw.JointFeatures.BatchJoint features mask (see FDebugDrawJointFeatures).
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.DebugDraw.JointFeatures.ColorJoint features mask (see FDebugDrawJointFeatures).
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.DebugDraw.JointFeatures.CoMConnectorJoint features mask (see FDebugDrawJointFeatures).
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.DebugDraw.JointFeatures.IndexJoint features mask (see FDebugDrawJointFeatures).
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.DebugDraw.JointFeatures.IslandJoint features mask (see FDebugDrawJointFeatures).
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.DebugDraw.JointFeatures.LevelJoint features mask (see FDebugDrawJointFeatures).
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.DebugDraw.JointFeatures.StretchJoint features mask (see FDebugDrawJointFeatures).
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.DebugDraw.ScaleScale applied to all Chaos Debug Draw line lengths etc.
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.DebugDraw.ShapeLineThicknessScaleShape lineThickness multiplier.
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.DebugDraw.VelScaleIf >0 show velocity when drawing particle transforms.
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.DebugDrawBoundsDraw Particle Bounds (0 = never; 1 = end of frame; 2 = begin and end of frame; 3 = post-integate, post-apply and post-applypushout;).
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.DebugDrawCollisionsDraw Collisions (0 = never; 1 = end of frame; 2 = begin and end of frame; 3 = post-integate, post-apply and post-applypushout;)
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.DebugDrawJointsDraw Joints. (0 = never; 1 = end of frame; 2 = begin and end of frame; 3 = post-integate, post-apply and post-applypushout; 4 = each Apply step).
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.DebugDrawParticlesDraw Particle Transforms (0 = never; 1 = end of frame; 2 = begin and end of frame; 3 = post-integate, post-apply and post-applypushout;).
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.DebugDrawShapesDraw Shapes (0 = never; 1 = end of frame; 2 = begin and end of frame; 3 = post-integate, post-apply and post-applypushout;
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.DebugDrawShowDynamicsShow dynamics if shape debug draw is enabled
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.DebugDrawShowKinematicsShow kinematics if shape debug draw is enabled
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.DebugDrawShowStaticsShow statics if shape debug draw is enabled
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.DebugDrawSimulationSpaceDraw the simulation frame of reference, acceleration and velocity.
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.DeltaTimeCountThe number of ticks over which the moving average is calculated
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.FixedStepTimeOverride fixed step time mode: fixed step time (if positive); variable time mode (if zero); asset defined (if negative)
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.FixedStepToleranceTiem remainder required to add a new step (fraction of FixedStepTime)
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.InitialStepTimeInitial step time (then calculated from rolling average)
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.IterationsOverride number of constraint solver loops in immediate physics (if >= 0)
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.Joint.AngularDriveDamping6Dof joint drive damping override (if > 0).
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.Joint.AngularDriveStiffness6Dof joint drive stiffness override (if > 0).
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.Joint.AngularProjection6Dof joint projection amount override (if >= 0).
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.Joint.LinearDriveDamping6Dof joint drive damping override (if > 0).
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.Joint.LinearDriveStiffness6Dof joint drive stiffness override (if > 0).
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.Joint.LinearProjection6Dof joint projection amount override (if >= 0).
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.Joint.MaxInertiaRatio6Dof joint MaxInertiaRatio (if > 0)
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.Joint.MinParentMassRatio6Dof joint MinParentMassRatio (if > 0)
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.Joint.PairIterationsOverride joint pair iterations (if >= 0)
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.Joint.PushOutPairIterationsOverride joint push-out pair iterations (if >= 0)
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.Joint.SoftLinearStiffness6Dof joint soft linear stiffness override (if > 0).
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.Joint.SoftSwingDamping6Dof joint SoftSwing damping override (if > 0).
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.Joint.SoftSwingStiffness6Dof joint SoftSwing stiffness override (if > 0).
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.Joint.SoftTwistDamping6Dof joint SoftTwist damping override (if > 0).
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.Joint.SoftTwistStiffness6Dof joint SoftTwist stiffness override (if > 0).
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.Joint.Stiffness6Dof joint stiffness override (if > 0).
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.MinStepTimeIf non-zero, then if step time is lower than this, go into fixed step mode with this timestep.
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.NumStepsOverride num steps (if not zero)
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.PushOutIterationsOverride number of solver push-out loops (if >= 0)
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.SimSpaceCentrifugalAlphaSettings for simulation space system for rigid body nodes
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.SimSpaceCoriolisAlphaSettings for simulation space system for rigid body nodes
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.SimSpaceEulerAlphaSettings for simulation space system for rigid body nodes
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.SolverType0 = None; 1 = GbfPbd; 2 = Pbd; 3 = QuasiPbd
p.Chaos.ImmPhys.StepTimeOverride step time (if not zero)
p.Chaos.Joint.DegenerateRotationLimitCosine of the swing angle that is considered degerenerate (default Cos(176deg))
p.Chaos.Joint.DisableSoftLimitsDisable soft limits (for debugging only)
p.Chaos.Joint.EarlyOutWhether to iterating when joints report being solved
p.Chaos.Joint.ISPCWhether to use ISPC optimizations in the Joint Solver
p.Chaos.Joint.VelProjectionAlphaHow much of the velocity correction to apply during projection. Equivalent to (1-damping) for projection velocity delta
p.Chaos.JointConstraint.AngularBreakScaleConversion factory for Angular Break Theshold.
p.Chaos.JointConstraint.AngularDriveDampingScaleConversion factor for Angular drive damping.
p.Chaos.JointConstraint.AngularDriveStiffnessScaleConversion factor for Angular drive stiffness.
p.Chaos.JointConstraint.JointStiffnessHard-joint solver stiffness.
p.Chaos.JointConstraint.LinaearDriveDampingScaleConversion factor for Linear drive damping.
p.Chaos.JointConstraint.LinearBreakScaleConversion factory for Linear Break Theshold.
p.Chaos.JointConstraint.LinearDriveStiffnessScaleConversion factor for Linear drive stiffness.
p.Chaos.JointConstraint.SoftAngularDampingScaleConversion factor for soft-joint damping.
p.Chaos.JointConstraint.SoftAngularForceModeSoft Angular constraint force mode (0: Acceleration; 1: Force
p.Chaos.JointConstraint.SoftAngularStiffnessScaleConversion factor for soft-joint stiffness.
p.Chaos.JointConstraint.SoftLinearDampingScaleConversion factor for soft-joint damping.
p.Chaos.JointConstraint.SoftLinearForceModeSoft Linear constraint force mode (0: Acceleration; 1: Force
p.Chaos.JointConstraint.SoftLinearStiffnessScaleConversion factor for soft-joint stiffness.
p.Chaos.LongRange.ISPCWhether to use ISPC optimizations in long range constraints
p.Chaos.MaxInflationScaleA limit on the bounds used to detect collisions when CCD is disabled. The bounds limit is this scale multiplied by the object's max dimension
p.chaos.MinContactSpeedForStrainEvalMinimum speed at the contact before accumulating for strain eval
p.Chaos.MinEvolution.RewindLerpIf rewinding (fixed dt mode) use Backwards-Lerp as opposed to Backwards Velocity
p.chaos.MinImpulseForStrainEvalMinimum accumulated impulse before accumulating for strain eval
p.Chaos.OneSidedHeightFieldWhen enabled, extra steps will ensure that FHeightField::GJKContactPointImp never results in internal-facing contact data.
p.Chaos.PBDEvolution.WriteCCDContactsWrite CCD collision contacts and normals potentially causing the CCD collision threads to lock, allowing for debugging of these contacts.
p.Chaos.PerformGeometryReductionPerform convex geometry simplification to increase performance in Chaos physics.
p.Chaos.PerParticleCollision.ISPCWhether to use ISPC optimizations in per particle collisions
p.Chaos.PerParticleCollision.ISPC.FastFrictionFaster friction ISPC
p.Chaos.PerParticleCollision.ISPC.ParallelBatchSizeParallel batch size for ISPC
p.Chaos.Simulation.ApplySolverProjectSettingsWhether to apply the solver project settings on spawning a solver
P.Chaos.Simulation.EnableEnable / disable chaos simulation. If disabled, physics will not tick.
p.Chaos.SmoothedPositionLerpRateThe interpolation rate for the smoothed position calculation. Used for sleeping.
p.Chaos.Solver.CleanupCommandsOnDestructionWhether or not to run internal command queue cleanup on solver destruction (0 = no cleanup, >0 = cleanup all commands)
p.Chaos.Solver.Collision.CullDistanceOverride cull distance (if >= 0)
p.Chaos.Solver.Collision.DeferNarrowPhaseCreate contacts for all broadphase pairs, perform NarrowPhase later.
p.Chaos.Solver.Collision.IterationsOverride number of collision iterations per solver iteration (-1 to use config)
p.Chaos.Solver.Collision.PushOutIterationsOverride number of collision iterations per solver iteration (-1 to use config)
p.Chaos.Solver.Collision.UseManifoldsEnable/Disable use of manifolds in collision.
p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDraw.AngVelScaleIf >0 show angular velocity when drawing particle transforms.
p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDraw.ImpulseScaleIf >0 show impulses when drawing collisions.
p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDraw.JointFeatures.ActorConnectorJoint features mask (see FDebugDrawJointFeatures).
p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDraw.JointFeatures.AxesJoint features mask (see FDebugDrawJointFeatures).
p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDraw.JointFeatures.BatchJoint features mask (see FDebugDrawJointFeatures).
p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDraw.JointFeatures.ColorJoint features mask (see FDebugDrawJointFeatures).
p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDraw.JointFeatures.CoMConnectorJoint features mask (see FDebugDrawJointFeatures).
p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDraw.JointFeatures.IndexJoint features mask (see FDebugDrawJointFeatures).
p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDraw.JointFeatures.IslandJoint features mask (see FDebugDrawJointFeatures).
p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDraw.JointFeatures.LevelJoint features mask (see FDebugDrawJointFeatures).
p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDraw.JointFeatures.StretchJoint features mask (see FDebugDrawJointFeatures).
p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDraw.PointSizePoint size.
p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDraw.ScaleScale applied to all Chaos Debug Draw line lengths etc.
p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDraw.ShapeLineThicknessScaleShape lineThickness multiplier.
p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDraw.ShowComplexWhether to show complex collision is shape drawing is enabled
p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDraw.ShowDynamicsIf DebugDrawShapes is enabled, whether to show dynamic objects
p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDraw.ShowKinematicsIf DebugDrawShapes is enabled, whether to show kinematic objects
p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDraw.ShowLevelSetWhether to show levelset collision is shape drawing is enabled
p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDraw.ShowSimpleWhether to show simple collision is shape drawing is enabled
p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDraw.ShowStaticsIf DebugDrawShapes is enabled, whether to show static objects
p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDraw.VelScaleIf >0 show velocity when drawing particle transforms.
p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDrawBoundsDraw bounding volumes inside the broadphase (0 = never; 1 = end of frame).
p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDrawCollidingShapesDraw Shapes that have collisions on them (0 = never; 1 = end of frame).
p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDrawCollisionsDraw Collisions (0 = never; 1 = end of frame).
p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDrawIslandsDraw solver islands (0 = never; 1 = end of frame).
p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDrawJointsDraw joints
p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDrawShapesDraw Shapes (0 = never; 1 = end of frame).
p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDrawTransformsDraw particle transforms (0 = never; 1 = end of frame).
p.Chaos.Solver.IterationsOverride umber of solver iterations (-1 to use config)
p.Chaos.Solver.Joint.MaxSolverStiffnessSolver stiffness on last iteration, increases each iteration from MinSolverStiffness.
p.Chaos.Solver.Joint.MinSolverStiffnessSolver stiffness on first iteration, increases each iteration toward MaxSolverStiffness.
p.Chaos.Solver.Joint.NumIterationsAtMaxSolverStiffnessHow many iterations we want at MaxSolverStiffness.
p.Chaos.Solver.Joint.PairIterationsOverride number of iterations per joint pair during a solver iteration (-1 to use config)
p.Chaos.Solver.Joint.PushOutPairIterationsOverride number of push out iterations per joint during a solver iteration (-1 to use config)
p.Chaos.Solver.ParticlePoolNumFrameUntilShrinkNum Frame until we can potentially shrink the pool
p.Chaos.Solver.PushoutIterationsOverride number of solver pushout iterations (-1 to use config)
p.Chaos.Solver.SolverType0 = None; 1 = GbfPbd; 2 = Pbd; 3 = QuasiPbd
p.Chaos.Solver.UseParticlePoolWhether or not to use dirty particle pool (Optim)
p.Chaos.Spherical.ISPCWhether to use ISPC optimizations in spherical constraints
p.Chaos.Spring.ISPCWhether to use ISPC optimizations in Spring constraints
p.Chaos.Spring.ParallelConstraintCountIf we have more constraints than this, use parallel-for in Apply.
p.Chaos.SQ.DrawDebugVisitorQueriesDraw bounds of objects visited by visitors in scene queries.
p.Chaos.Thread.DesiredHzDesired update rate of the dedicated physics thread in Hz/FPS (Default 60.0f)
p.Chaos.Thread.WaitThresholdDesired wait time in ms before the game thread stops waiting to sync physics and just takes the last result. (default 16ms)
p.Chaos.Timestep.VariableCapped.CapTime in seconds to set as the cap when using a ranged timestep for Chaos.
p.Chaos.TriangleMesh.ISPCWhether to use ISPC optimizations in triangle mesh calculations
p.Chaos.TriMeshPerPolySupportDisabling removes memory cost of vertex map on triangle mesh. Note: Changing at runtime will not work.
P.Chaos.UpdateKinematicsOnDeferredSkelMeshesWhether to defer update kinematics for skeletal meshes.
p.chaos.UseContactSpeedForStrainEvalWhether to use contact speed to discard contacts when updating cluster strain (true: use speed, false: use impulse)
p.Chaos.UseRBANForDefaultPhysicsAssetSolverTypeBoolean to use RBAN for default physics asset solver type (false by default)
p.Chaos.VelocityField.ISPCWhether to use ISPC optimizations in velocity field calculations
p.Chaos.VisualDebuggerEnableEnable/Disable pushing/saving data to the visual debugger
p.ChaosCloth.DebugDrawAnimDriveWhether to debug draw the Chaos Cloth anim drive
p.ChaosCloth.DebugDrawAnimMeshWiredWhether to debug draw the animated/kinematic Cloth wireframe meshes
p.ChaosCloth.DebugDrawBackstopDistancesWhether to debug draw the Chaos Cloth backstop distances
p.ChaosCloth.DebugDrawBackstopsWhether to debug draw the Chaos Cloth backstops
p.ChaosCloth.DebugDrawBendingConstraintWhether to debug draw the Chaos Cloth bending constraint
p.ChaosCloth.DebugDrawBoundsWhether to debug draw the Chaos Cloth bounds
p.ChaosCloth.DebugDrawCollisionWhether to debug draw the Chaos Cloth collisions
p.ChaosCloth.DebugDrawFaceNormalsWhether to debug draw the Chaos Cloth face normals
p.ChaosCloth.DebugDrawGravityWhether to debug draw the Chaos Cloth gravity acceleration vector
p.ChaosCloth.DebugDrawInversedFaceNormalsWhether to debug draw the Chaos Cloth inversed face normals
p.ChaosCloth.DebugDrawInversedPointNormalsWhether to debug draw the Chaos Cloth inversed point normals
p.ChaosCloth.DebugDrawLocalSpaceWhether to debug draw the Chaos Cloth local space
p.ChaosCloth.DebugDrawLongRangeConstraintWhether to debug draw the Chaos Cloth long range constraint (aka tether constraint)
p.ChaosCloth.DebugDrawMaxDistancesWhether to debug draw the Chaos Cloth max distances
p.ChaosCloth.DebugDrawPhysMeshWiredWhether to debug draw the Chaos Cloth wireframe meshes
p.ChaosCloth.DebugDrawPointNormalsWhether to debug draw the Chaos Cloth point normals
p.ChaosCloth.DebugDrawSelfCollisionWhether to debug draw the Chaos Cloth self collision information
p.ChaosCloth.DebugDrawWindForcesWhether to debug draw the Chaos Cloth wind forces
p.ChaosCloth.LegacyDisablesAccurateWindWhether using the Legacy wind model switches off the accurate wind model, or adds up to it
p.ChaosCloth.Solver.MinParallelBatchSizeThe minimum number of particle to process in parallel batch by the solver.
p.ChaosCloth.Solver.ParallelClothPostUpdatePre-transform the cloth particles for each cloth in parallel.
p.ChaosCloth.Solver.ParallelClothPreUpdatePre-transform the cloth particles for each cloth in parallel.
p.ChaosCloth.Solver.ParallelClothUpdateSkin the physics mesh and do the other cloth update for each cloth in parallel.
p.ChaosCloth.UseOptimizedTaperedCapsuleUse the optimized TaperedCapsule code instead of using a tapered cylinder and two spheres
p.ChaosNumContactIterationsOverrideOverride for num contact iterations if >= 0. [def:-1]
p.ChaosNumPushOutIterationsOverrideOverride for num push out iterations if >= 0 [def:-1]
p.ChaosRigidsEvolutionApplyAllowEarlyOutAllow Chaos Rigids Evolution apply iterations to early out when resolved.[def:1]
p.ChaosRigidsEvolutionApplyPushoutAllowEarlyOutAllow Chaos Rigids Evolution apply-pushout iterations to early out when resolved.[def:1]
p.ChaosSolverCollisionDefaultAngularSleepThresholdDefault angular threshold for sleeping.[def:0.0087]
p.ChaosSolverCollisionDefaultLinearSleepThresholdDefault linear threshold for sleeping.[def:0.001]
p.ChaosSolverCollisionDefaultSleepCounterThresholdDefault counter threshold for sleeping.[def:20]
p.ChaosSolverCollisionDefaultUseMaterialSleepThresholdsEnable material support for sleeping thresholds[def:true]
p.CharacterStuckWarningPeriodHow often (in seconds) we are allowed to log a message about being stuck in geometry.
<0: Disable, >=0: Enable and log this often, in seconds.
p.ChildrenInheritVelocityWhether children inherit parent collision velocity when declustering. 0 has no impact velocity like glass, 1 has full impact velocity like brick
p.ClosestIntersectionStepSizeMultiplierWhen raycasting we use this multiplier to substep the travel distance along the ray. Smaller number gives better accuracy at higher cost
p.Cloth.DefaultClothingSimulationFactoryClassThe class name of the default clothing simulation factory.
Known providers are:
p.Cloth.MaxDeltaTimeTeleportMultiplierA multiplier of the MaxPhysicsDelta time at which we will automatically just teleport cloth to its new location
default: 1.5
p.ClothPhysicsIf 1, physics cloth will be used for simulation.
p.ClothPhysics.UseTaskThreadIf 1, run cloth on the task thread. If 0, run on game thread.
p.ClothPhysics.WaitForParallelClothTaskIf 1, always wait for cloth task completion in the Cloth Tick function. If 0, wait at end-of-frame updates instead if allowed by component settings
p.ClusterDistanceThresholdHow close a cluster child must be to a contact to break off
p.CollisionAngularFrictionCollision angular friction for all contacts if >= 0
p.CollisionBoundsVelocityInflationCollision velocity inflation for speculatibe contact generation.[def:2.0]
p.CollisionCanAlwaysDisableContactsCollision culling will always be able to permanently disable contacts
p.CollisionCanNeverDisableContactsCollision culling will never be able to permanently disable contacts
p.CollisionDisableCulledContactsAllow the PBDRigidsEvolutionGBF collision constraints to throw out contacts mid solve if they are culled.
p.CollisionFrictionCollision friction for all contacts if >= 0
p.CollisionParticlesBVHDepthThe maximum depth for collision particles bvh
p.CollisionParticlesMaxMaximum number of particles after simplicial pruning
p.CollisionParticlesMinMinimum number of particles after simplicial pruning (assuming it started with more)
p.CollisionParticlesPerObjectFractionDefaultFraction of verts
p.CollisionParticlesSpatialDivisionSpatial bucketing to cull collision particles.
p.CollisionParticlesUseImplicitCullingUse the implicit to cull interior vertices.
p.CollisionRestitutionCollision restitution for all contacts if >= 0
p.CollisionRestitutionThresholdCollision restitution threshold override if >= 0 (units of acceleration)
p.ComputeClusterCollisionStrainsWhether to use collision constraints when processing clustering.
p.ConstraintAngularDampingScaleThe multiplier of constraint angular damping in simulation. Default: 100000
p.ConstraintAngularStiffnessScaleThe multiplier of constraint angular stiffness in simulation. Default: 100000
p.ConstraintBPBVHDepthThe maximum depth for constraint bvh
p.ConstraintLinearDampingScaleThe multiplier of constraint linear damping in simulation. Default: 1
p.ConstraintLinearStiffnessScaleThe multiplier of constraint linear stiffness in simulation. Default: 1
p.ContactOffsetFactorMultiplied by min dimension of object to calculate how close objects get before generating contacts. < 0 implies use project settings. Default: 0.01
p.DeactivateClusterChildrenIf children should be decativated when broken and put into another cluster.
p.DebugTimeDiscrepancyWhether to log detailed Movement Time Discrepancy values for testing0: Disable, 1: Enable Detection logging, 2: Enable Detection and Resolution logging
p.DefaultAsyncDtWhether to use async results -1 means not async
p.DefaultCollisionFrictionCollision friction default value if no materials are found.
p.DefaultCollisionRestitutionCollision restitution default value if no materials are found.
p.DisableQueryOnlyActorsIf QueryOnly is used, actors are marked as simulation disabled. This is NOT compatible with origin shifting at the moment.
p.DisableSkeletalMeshCollisionFilteringIf is 1, we are not using skeletal mesh collision filtering system. If 0, it is on.
p.DisableThreshold2Disable threshold frames to transition to sleeping
p.DumpPhysicalMaterialMaskDataOutputs the current mask data for the specified physical material mask asset to the log.
p.EnableCollisionsEnable/Disable collisions on the Chaos solver.
p.EnableDynamicPerBodyFilterHacksEnables/Disables the use of a set of game focused hacks - allowing users to modify skel body collision dynamically (changes the behavior of per-body collision filtering).
p.EnableFastOverlapCheckEnable fast overlap check against sweep hits, avoiding UpdateOverlaps (for the swept component).
p.EnableKinematicDeferralPrePhysicsConditionIf is 1, and deferral would've been disallowed due to EUpdateTransformFlags, allow if in PrePhysics tick. If 0, condition is unchanged.
p.EnableKinematicDeferralStartPhysicsConditionIf is 1, allow kinematics to be deferred in start physics (probably only called from replication tick). If 0, no deferral in startphysics.
p.EnableMultiplayerWorldOriginRebasingEnable world origin rebasing for multiplayer, meaning that servers and clients can have different world origin locations.
p.EnableSkeletalMeshConstraintsEnable skeletal mesh constraints defined within the Physics Asset Editor
p.EncroachEpsilonEpsilon value used during encroachment checking for shape components
0: use full sized shape. > 0: shrink shape size by this amount (world units)
p.FixReplayOverSamplingIf 1, remove invalid replay samples that can occur due to oversampling (sampling at higher rate than physics is being ticked)
p.ForceDisableAsyncPhysicsWhether to force async physics off regardless of other settings
p.ForceJumpPeakSubstepIf 1, force a jump substep to always reach the peak position of a jump, which can often be cut off as framerate lowers.
p.ForceMbpClientForces all created scenes to use MBP on client builds
p.ForceMbpServerForces all created scenes to use MBP on server builds
p.ForceNoKKPairsDisables kinematic-kinematic pairs. This is required when using APEX destruction to correctly generate chunk pairs - when not using destruction this speeds up the broadphase by early rejecting KK pairs.
p.ForceNoKSPairsDisables kinematic-static pairs. This makes converting from static to dynamic a little slower - but provides better broadphase performance because we early reject those pairs.
p.ForceStandardSQIf enabled, we force the standard scene query even if custom SQ structure is enabled
p.ForceSubstepWhether to force substepping on0: Ignore, 1: Force
p.gc.ArrowScaleGeometry Collection debug draw, arrow size for normals.
Default = 2.5.
p.gc.AxisScaleGeometry Collection debug draw, size of the axis used for visualizing all transforms.
Default = 20.
p.gc.CollisionAtOriginGeometry Collection debug draw, show any collision volume at the origin, in local space.
Default = 0
p.gc.DebugDrawClusteringGeometry Collection debug draw, show debug visualization for all clustered children associated to the current rigid body id selection.
Default = 0
p.gc.DebugDrawHierarchyGeometry Collection debug draw, show debug visualization for the top level node rather than the bottom leaf nodes of a cluster's hierarchy..
Default = 0
p.gc.DebugDrawWholeCollectionGeometry Collection debug draw, show debug visualization for the rest of the geometry collection related to the current rigid body id selection.
Default = 0
p.gc.HideGeometryGeometry Collection debug draw, geometry visibility setting, select the part of the geometry to hide in order to better visualize the debug information.
0: Do not hide any geometries.
1: Hide the geometry associated to the rigid bodies selected for collision display.
2: Hide the geometry associated to the selected rigid bodies.
3: Hide the entire geometry collection associated to the selected rigid bodies.
4: Hide all geometry collections.
Default = 1
p.gc.LineThicknessGeometry Collection debug draw, line thickness.
Default = 1.
p.gc.logcachereductionLogs amount of data removed from a cache after processing
p.gc.NormalScaleGeometry Collection debug draw, normal size.
Default = 10.
p.gc.PointThicknessGeometry Collection debug draw, point thickness.
Default = 6.
p.gc.ReportHighParticleFractionReport any objects with particle fraction above this threshold
p.gc.ReportNoLevelsetClusterReport any cluster objects without levelsets
p.gc.SelectedRigidBodyIdGeometry Collection debug draw, visualize debug informations for the selected rigid body ids.
Default = -1
p.gc.SelectedRigidBodySolverGeometry Collection debug draw, visualize debug informations for the selected rigid body solver.
Default = None
p.gc.ShowBoundingBoxGeometry Collection debug draw, show the bounding box for the selected rigid body's associated geometries.
Default = 0
p.gc.ShowConnectivityEdgesGeometry Collection debug draw, show the connectivity edges for the rigid body's associated cluster nodes.
Default = 0
p.gc.ShowFaceIndicesGeometry Collection debug draw, show the face indices for the selected rigid body's associated geometries.
Default = 0
p.gc.ShowFaceNormalsGeometry Collection debug draw, show the face normals for the selected rigid body's associated geometries.
Default = 0
p.gc.ShowFacesGeometry Collection debug draw, show the faces for the selected rigid body's associated geometries.
Default = 0
p.gc.ShowGeometryIndexGeometry Collection debug draw, show the geometry index for the selected rigid body's associated geometries.
Default = 0
p.gc.ShowGeometryTransformGeometry Collection debug draw, show the geometry transform for the selected rigid body's associated geometries.
Default = 0
p.gc.ShowLevelGeometry Collection debug draw, show the hierarchical level for the selected rigid body's associated cluster nodes.
Default = 0
p.gc.ShowParentGeometry Collection debug draw, show a link from the selected rigid body's associated cluster nodes to their parent's nodes.
Default = 0
p.gc.ShowRigidBodyCollisionGeometry Collection debug draw, show the selected's rigid body's collision volume.
Default = 0
p.gc.ShowRigidBodyForceGeometry Collection debug draw, show the selected's rigid body's applied force and torque.
Default = 0
p.gc.ShowRigidBodyIdGeometry Collection debug draw, show the rigid body id(s).
Default = 0
p.gc.ShowRigidBodyInertiaGeometry Collection debug draw, show the selected's rigid body's inertia tensor box.
Default = 0
p.gc.ShowRigidBodyInfosGeometry Collection debug draw, show the selected's rigid body's information.
Default = 0
p.gc.ShowRigidBodyTransformGeometry Collection debug draw, show the selected's rigid body's transform.
Default = 0
p.gc.ShowRigidBodyVelocityGeometry Collection debug draw, show the selected's rigid body's linear and angular velocities.
Default = 0
p.gc.ShowSingleFaceGeometry Collection debug draw, enable single face visualization for the selected rigid body's associated geometries.
Default = 0
p.gc.ShowTransformGeometry Collection debug draw, show the transform for the selected rigid body's associated cluster nodes.
Default = 0
p.gc.ShowTransformIndexGeometry Collection debug draw, show the transform index for the selected rigid body's associated cluster nodes.
Default = 0
p.gc.ShowVertexIndicesGeometry Collection debug draw, show the vertex index for the selected rigid body's associated geometries.
Default = 0
p.gc.ShowVertexNormalsGeometry Collection debug draw, show the vertex normals for the selected rigid body's associated geometries.
Default = 0
p.gc.ShowVerticesGeometry Collection debug draw, show the vertices for the selected rigid body's associated geometries.
Default = 0
p.gc.SingleFaceIndexGeometry Collection debug draw, the index of the single face to visualize.
Default = 0
p.gc.TextScaleGeometry Collection debug draw, text scale.
Default = 1.
p.gc.TextShadowGeometry Collection debug draw, text shadow under indices for better readability.
Default = 1.
p.gc.UseActiveVisualizationGeometry Collection debug draw, adapt visualization depending of the cluster nodes' hierarchical level..
Default = 1.
p.GeometryCollectionCollideAllBypass the collision matrix and make geometry collections collide against everything
p.GeometryCollectionDisableGravityDisable gravity for geometry collections
p.GeometryCollectionNavigationSizeThresholdSize in CM used as a threshold for whether a geometry in the collection is collected and exported for navigation purposes. Measured as the diagonal of the leaf node bounds.
p.HackAngularDrag2Angular drag used to slow down objects. This is a hack and should not be relied on as a feature.
p.HackLinearDrag2Linear drag used to slow down objects. This is a hack and should not be relied on as a feature.
p.HackMaxAngularVelocityMax cap on angular velocity: rad/s. This is only a temp solution and should not be relied on as a feature. -1.f to disable
p.HackMaxVelocity2Max cap on velocity: cm/s. This is only a temp solution and should not be relied on as a feature. -1.f to disable
p.HitDistanceToleranceTolerance for hit distance for overlap test in PrimitiveComponent movement.
Hits that are less than this distance are ignored.
p.IgnoreAnalyticCollisionsOverrideOverrides the default for ignroing analytic collsions.
p.InitialOverlapToleranceTolerance for initial overlapping test in PrimitiveComponent movement.
Normals within this tolerance are ignored if moving out of the object.
Dot product of movement direction and surface normal.
p.LevelSetAvgAngleErrorToleranceAverage error in of the mesh normal and computed normal on the level set.
p.LevelSetAvgDistErrorToleranceError tolerance for average distance between the triangles and generated levelset. Note this is a fraction of the average bounding box dimensions.
p.LevelSetFailureOnHighErrorSet level sets with high error to null in the solver
p.LevelsetGhostCellsIncrease the level set grid by this many ghost cells
p.LevelSetMaxDistErrorToleranceMax error for the highest error triangle generated from a levelset. Note this is a fraction of the average bounding box dimensions.
p.LevelSetOutputFailedDebugDataOutput debug obj files for level set and mesh when error tolerances are too high
p.LevelsetOverlapCapsuleSamplesNumber of spiral points to generate for levelset-capsule overlaps
p.LevelsetOverlapSphereSamplesNumber of spiral points to generate for levelset-sphere overlaps
p.LinearEtherDragOverrideSet an override linear ether drag value. -1.f to disable
p.MaxBoundsForTreeThe max bounds before moving object into a large objects structure. Only applies on object registration
p.MaxContactOffsetMax value of contact offset, which controls how close objects get before generating contacts. < 0 implies use project settings. Default: 1.0
p.MaxDirtyElementsThe max number of dirty elements. This forces a flush which is very expensive
p.MaxLevelsetDimensionThe maximum number of cells on a single level set axis
p.MinChildrenForMultiProxyMin number of children needed for multi child proxy optimization
p.MinCleanedPointsBeforeRemovingInternalsIf we only have this many clean points, don't bother removing internal points as the object is likely very small
p.MinLevelsetDimensionThe minimum number of cells on a single level set axis
p.MinLevelsetSizeThe minimum size on the smallest axis to use a level set
p.MoveClustersWhenDeactivatedIf clusters should be moved when deactivated.
p.MoveIgnoreFirstBlockingOverlapWhether to ignore the first blocking overlap in SafeMoveUpdatedComponent (if moving out from object and starting in penetration).
The 'p.InitialOverlapTolerance' setting determines the 'move out' rules, but by default we always try to depenetrate first (not ignore the hit).
0: Disable (do not ignore), 1: Enable (ignore)
p.NetCorrectionLifetimeHow long a visualized network correction persists.
Time in seconds each visualized network correction persists.
p.NetEnableListenServerSmoothingWhether to enable mesh smoothing on listen servers for the local view of remote clients.
0: Disable, 1: Enable
p.NetEnableMoveCombiningWhether to enable move combining on the client to reduce bandwidth by combining similar moves.
0: Disable, 1: Enable
p.NetEnableMoveCombiningOnStaticBaseChangeWhether to allow combining client moves when moving between static geometry.
0: Disable, 1: Enable
p.NetEnableSkipProxyPredictionOnNetUpdateWhether to allow proxies to skip prediction on frames with a network position update, if bNetworkSkipProxyPredictionOnNetUpdate is also true on the movement component.
0: Disable, 1: Enable
p.NetForceClientAdjustmentPercentPercent of ServerCheckClientError checks to return true regardless of actual error.
Useful for testing client correction code.
<=0: Disable, 0.05: 5% of checks will return failed, 1.0: Always send client adjustments
p.NetForceClientServerMoveLossDurationDuration in seconds for client to drop ServerMove calls when NetForceClientServerMoveLossPercent check passes.
Useful for testing server force correction code.
Duration of zero means single frame loss.
p.NetForceClientServerMoveLossPercentPercent of ServerMove calls for client to not send.
Useful for testing server force correction code.
<=0: Disable, 0.05: 5% of checks will return failed, 1.0: never send server moves
p.NetMoveCombiningAttachedLocationToleranceTolerance for relative location attachment change when combining moves. Small tolerances allow for very slight jitter due to transform updates.
p.NetMoveCombiningAttachedRotationToleranceTolerance for relative rotation attachment change when combining moves. Small tolerances allow for very slight jitter due to transform updates.
p.NetPackedMovementMaxBitsMax number of bits allowed in each packed movement RPC. Used to protect against bad data causing the server to allocate too much memory.
p.NetShowCorrectionsWhether to draw client position corrections (red is incorrect, green is corrected).
0: Disable, 1: Enable
p.NetStationaryRotationToleranceTolerance for GetClientNetSendDeltaTime() to remain throttled when small control rotation changes occur.
p.NetUseClientTimestampForReplicatedTransformIf enabled, use client timestamp changes to track the replicated transform timestamp, otherwise uses server tick time as the timestamp.
Game session usually needs to be restarted if this is changed at runtime.
0: Disable, 1: Enable
p.NetUsePackedMovementRPCsWhether to use newer movement RPC parameter packed serialization. If disabled, old deprecated movement RPCs will be used instead.
0: Disable, 1: Enable
p.NetVisualizeSimulatedCorrections0: Disable, 1: Enable
p.OverrideMbpNumSubdivisionsClientOverride for number of subdivisions to perform when building MBP regions on a client, note regions are only generated when a scene is created - this will not update the scene if it's already running (0 = No override, 1>16 - Override number)
p.OverrideMbpNumSubdivisionsServerOverride for number of subdivisions to perform when building MBP regions on a server, note regions are only generated when a scene is created - this will not update the scene if it's already running (0 = No override, 1>16 - Override number)
p.PenetrationOverlapCheckInflationInflation added to object when checking if a location is free of blocking collision.
Distance added to inflation in penetration overlap check.
p.PenetrationPullbackDistancePull out from penetration of an object by this extra distance.
Distance added to penetration fix-ups.
p.PhysicsAnimBlendUpdatesPhysXWhether to update the physx simulation with the results of physics animation blending
p.PhysXTreeRebuildRateUtility function to change PhysXTreeRebuildRate, useful when profiling fetchResults vs scene queries.
p.RagdollPhysicsIf 1, ragdoll physics will be used. Otherwise just root body is simulated
p.RemoveFarBodiesFromBVHRemoves bodies far from the scene from the bvh
0: Kept, 1: Removed
p.ReplaySQsIf enabled, we rerun the sq against chaos
p.ReportTooManyChildrenNumIssue warning if more than this many children exist in a single cluster
p.RewindCaptureNumFramesThe number of frames to capture rewind for. Requires restart of solver
p.RigidBodyLODThresholdMax LOD that rigid body node is allowed to run on. Provides a global threshold that overrides per-node the LODThreshold property. -1 means no override.
p.RigidBodyNodeEnables/disables the whole rigid body node system. When disabled, avoids all allocations and runtime costs. Can be used to disable RB Nodes on low-end platforms.
p.RigidBodyNode.EnableComponentAccelerationEnable/Disable the simple acceleration transfer system for component- or bone-space simulation
p.RigidBodyNode.EnableSimulationRuntime Enable/Disable RB Node Simulation for debugging and testing (node is initialized and bodies and constraints are created, even when disabled.)
p.RigidBodyNode.EnableTimeBasedResetIf true, Rigid Body nodes are reset when they have not been updated for a while (default true)
p.RigidBodyNode.MaxSubStepsSet the maximum number of simulation steps in the update loop
p.RigidBodyNode.PerfWarningIntervalTime (in seconds) between warnings to prevent log spam.
p.RigidBodyNode.PerfWarningThreshold0: disabled
>0: Threshold (in ms) before printing RBAN performance warnings to log.
p.RigidBodyNode.Space.ExternalLinearDrag.XRBAN SimSpaceSettings overrides
p.RigidBodyNode.Space.ExternalLinearDrag.YRBAN SimSpaceSettings overrides
p.RigidBodyNode.Space.ExternalLinearDrag.ZRBAN SimSpaceSettings overrides
p.RigidBodyNode.Space.ExternalLinearVelocity.XRBAN SimSpaceSettings overrides
p.RigidBodyNode.Space.ExternalLinearVelocity.YRBAN SimSpaceSettings overrides
p.RigidBodyNode.Space.ExternalLinearVelocity.ZRBAN SimSpaceSettings overrides
p.RigidBodyNode.Space.MasterAlphaRBAN SimSpaceSettings overrides
p.RigidBodyNode.Space.MaxAngularAccelerationRBAN SimSpaceSettings overrides
p.RigidBodyNode.Space.MaxAngularVelocityRBAN SimSpaceSettings overrides
p.RigidBodyNode.Space.MaxLinearAccelerationRBAN SimSpaceSettings overrides
p.RigidBodyNode.Space.MaxLinearVelocityRBAN SimSpaceSettings overrides
p.RigidBodyNode.Space.OverrideForce-enable the advanced simulation space movement forces
p.RigidBodyNode.Space.VelocityScaleZRBAN SimSpaceSettings overrides
p.RigidBodyNode.WorldObjectExpiryWorld objects are removed from the simulation if not detected after this many tests
p.RK4SpringInterpolator.MaxIterRK4 Spring Interpolator's max number of iterations
p.RK4SpringInterpolator.UpdateRateRK4 Spring Interpolator's rate of update
p.RootMotion.DebugWhether to draw root motion source debug information.
0: Disable, 1: Enable
p.RootMotion.DebugSourceLifeTimeHow long a visualized root motion source persists.
Time in seconds each visualized root motion source persists.
p.SampleMinParticlesForAccelerationThe minimum number of particles needed before using an acceleration structure when sampling
p.SerializeBadSQsIf enabled, we create a sq capture whenever chaos and physx diverge
p.SerializeSQsIf enabled, we create a sq capture per sq that takes more than provided value in microseconds. This can be very expensive as the entire scene is saved out
p.SerializeSQSampleCountIf Query exceeds duration threshold, we will re-measure SQ this many times before serializing. Larger values cause hitching.
p.SerializeSQsOverlapEnabledIf disabled, p.SerializeSQs will not consider overlaps
p.SerializeSQsRaycastEnabledIf disabled, p.SerializeSQs will not consider raycasts
p.SerializeSQsSweepEnabledIf disabled, p.SerializeSQs will not consider sweeps
p.ShowInitialOverlapsShow initial overlaps when moving a component, including estimated 'exit' direction.
0:off, otherwise on
p.SimCollisionEnabledIf 0 no sim collision will be used
p.SkipSkeletalRepOptimizationIf true, we don't move the skeletal mesh component during replication. This is ok because the skeletal mesh already polls physx after its results
p.SkipUpdateOverlapsOptimEnabledIf enabled, we cache whether we need to call UpdateOverlaps on certain components
p.SQHitchDetectionWhether to detect scene query hitches. 0 is off. 1 repeats a slow scene query once and prints extra information. 2+ repeat slow query n times without recording (useful when profiling)
p.SQHitchDetectionForceNamesWhether name resolution is forced off the game thread. This is not 100% safe, but can be useful when looking at hitches off GT
p.SQHitchDetectionThresholdDetermines the threshold in milliseconds for a scene query hitch.
p.ToleranceScale_LengthThe approximate size of objects in the simulation. Default: 100
p.ToleranceScale_SpeedThe typical magnitude of velocities of objects in simulation. Default: 1000
p.TriMeshBufferOverflowCounterLoop logging counter - set to -1 to disable logging
p.UseAsyncInterpolationWhether to interpolate when async mode is enabled
p.UseConnectivityWhether to use connectivity graph when breaking up clusters
p.UseLevelsetCollisionWhether unioned objects use levelsets
p.UseMultiChildProxyWhether to merge multiple children into a single collision proxy when one is available
p.UseResimCacheWhether resim uses cache to skip work, requires recreating world to take effect
p.VisualizeMovementWhether to draw in-world debug information for character movement.
0: Disable, 1: Enable
pak.TestRegisterEncryptionKeyTest dynamic encryption key registration. params:
PakCorruptSorry: Exec commands have no help
PakFileTestTests the low level filesystem by mounting a pak file and doing multithreaded loads on it forever. Arg should be a full path to a pak file.
PakListSorry: Exec commands have no help
PARTICLESorry: Exec commands have no help
PARTICLEMESHUSAGESorry: Exec commands have no help
PauseRenderAssetStreamingSorry: Exec commands have no help
PauseTextureStreamingSorry: Exec commands have no help
PerfWarn.CoarseMinFPSThe FPS threshold below which we warn about for coarse-grained sampling.
PerfWarn.CoarsePercentThresholdThe percentage of samples that fall below min FPS above which we warn for.
PerfWarn.CoarseSampleTimeHow many seconds we sample the percentage for the coarse-grained minimum FPS.
PerfWarn.FineMinFPSThe FPS threshold below which we warn about for fine-grained sampling.
PerfWarn.FinePercentThresholdThe percentage of samples that fall below min FPS above which we warn for.
PerfWarn.FineSampleTimeHow many seconds we sample the percentage for the fine-grained minimum FPS.
PersistentStorageCategoryStatsGet the stat of each persistent storage stats
PHYSXINFOSorry: Exec commands have no help
PHYSXSHAREDSorry: Exec commands have no help
PIVOTSorry: Exec commands have no help
PlacementMode.ItemInternalsInTooltipShows placeable item internal information in its tooltip
PlayAllPIEAudioSorry: Exec commands have no help
PlayerController.LevelVisibilityDontSerializeFileNameWhen true, we'll always skip serializing FileName with FUpdateLevelVisibilityLevelInfo's. This will save bandwidth when games don't need both.
PlayerController.NetResetServerPredictionDataOnPawnAckWhether to reset server prediction data for the possessed Pawn when the pawn ack handshake completes.
0: Disable, 1: Enable
POLYSorry: Exec commands have no help
PROFILESorry: Exec commands have no help
PROFILEGPUSorry: Exec commands have no help
PROFILEGPUHITCHESSorry: Exec commands have no help
PurgeOldLightmapsIf non-zero, purge old lightmap data when rebuilding lighting.
PVDSorry: Exec commands have no help
PXVISSorry: Exec commands have no help
PYSorry: Exec commands have no help
QUIT_EDITORSorry: Exec commands have no help
r.AllowCachedUniformExpressionsAllow uniform expressions to be cached.
r.AllowDepthBoundsTestIf true, use enable depth bounds test when rendering defered lights.
r.AllowGlobalClipPlaneEnables mesh shaders to support a global clip plane, needed for planar reflections, which adds about 15% BasePass GPU cost on PS4.
r.AllowHDRCreates an HDR compatible swap-chain and enables HDR display output.0: Disabled (default)
1: Allow HDR, if supported by the platform and display
r.AllowLandscapeShadowsAllow Landscape Shadows
r.AllowMultiGPUInEditorEnable experimental multi-GPU support in editor
r.AllowOcclusionQueriesIf zero, occlusion queries will not be used to cull primitives.
r.AllowPointLightCubemapShadowsWhen 0, will prevent point light cube map shadows from being used and the light will be unshadowed.
r.AllowPrecomputedVisibilityIf zero, precomputed visibility will not be used to cull primitives.
r.AllowSimpleLightsIf true, we allow simple (ie particle) lights
r.AllowStaticLightingWhether to allow any static lighting to be generated and used, like lightmaps and shadowmaps.
Games that only use dynamic lighting should set this to 0 to save some static lighting overhead.
r.AllowSubPrimitiveQueriesEnables sub primitive queries, currently only used by hierarchical instanced static meshes. 1: Enable, 0 Disabled. When disabled, one query is used for the entire proxy.
r.AllowTexture2DArrayCreationEnable UTexture2DArray assets
r.AlsoUseSphereForFrustumCullPerformance tweak. If > 0, then use a sphere cull before and in addition to a box for frustum culling.
r.AmbientOcclusion.AsyncComputeBudgetDefines which level of EAsyncComputeBudget to use for balancing AsyncCompute work against Gfx work.
Only matters if the compute version of SSAO is active (requires CS support, enabled by cvar, single pass, no normals)
This is a low level developer tweak to get best performance on hardware that supports AsyncCompute.
0: least AsyncCompute
1: .. (default)
2: ..
3: ..
4: most AsyncCompute
r.AmbientOcclusion.ComputeIf SSAO should use ComputeShader (not available on all platforms) or PixelShader.
The [Async] Compute Shader version is WIP, not optimized, requires hardware support (not mobile/DX10/OpenGL3),
does not use normals which allows it to run right after EarlyZPass (better performance when used with AyncCompute)
AyncCompute is currently only functional on PS4.
0: PixelShader (default)
1: (WIP) Use ComputeShader if possible, otherwise fall back to '0'
2: (WIP) Use AsyncCompute if efficient, otherwise fall back to '1'
3: (WIP) Use AsyncCompute if possible, otherwise fall back to '1'
r.AmbientOcclusion.Compute.SmoothWhether to smooth SSAO output when TAA is disabled
r.AmbientOcclusion.DenoiserChoose the denoising algorithm.
0: Disabled;
1: Forces the default denoiser of the renderer;
2: GScreenSpaceDenoiser witch may be overriden by a third party plugin (default).
r.AmbientOcclusion.Denoiser.HistoryConvolution.KernelSpreadFactorMultiplication factor applied on the kernel sample offset (default = 7).
r.AmbientOcclusion.Denoiser.HistoryConvolution.SampleCountNumber of samples to use for history post filter (default = 16).
r.AmbientOcclusion.Denoiser.KernelSpreadFactorSpread factor of the preconvolution passes.
r.AmbientOcclusion.Denoiser.PreConvolutionNumber of pre-convolution passes (default = 1).
r.AmbientOcclusion.Denoiser.ReconstructionSamplesMaximum number of samples for the reconstruction pass (default = 16).
r.AmbientOcclusion.Denoiser.TemporalAccumulationAccumulates the samples over multiple frames.
r.AmbientOcclusion.DepthBoundsTestWhether to use depth bounds test to cull distant pixels during AO pass. This option is only valid when pixel shader path is used (r.AmbientOcclusion.Compute=0), without upsampling.
r.AmbientOcclusion.FadeRadiusScaleAllows to scale the ambient occlusion fade radius (SSAO).
0.01:smallest .. 1.0:normal (default), <1:smaller, >1:larger
r.AmbientOcclusion.MethodSelect between SSAO methods
0: SSAO (default)
r.AmbientOcclusionLevelsDefines how many mip levels are using during the ambient occlusion calculation. This is useful when tweaking the algorithm.
<0: decide based on the quality setting in the postprocess settings/volume and r.AmbientOcclusionMaxQuality (default)
0: none (disable AmbientOcclusion)
1: one
2: two (costs extra performance, soft addition)
3: three (larger radius cost less but can flicker)
r.AmbientOcclusionMaxQualityDefines the max clamping value from the post process volume's quality level for ScreenSpace Ambient Occlusion
100: don't override quality level from the post process volume (default)
0..99: clamp down quality level from the post process volume to the maximum set by this cvar
-100..0: Enforces a different quality (the absolute value) even if the postprocessvolume asks for a lower quality.
r.AmbientOcclusionMipLevelFactorControls mipmap level according to the SSAO step id
0: always look into the HZB mipmap level 0 (memory cache trashing)
0.5: sample count depends on post process settings (default)
1: Go into higher mipmap level (quality loss)
r.AmbientOcclusionRadiusScaleAllows to scale the ambient occlusion radius (SSAO).
0:off, 1.0:normal, <1:smaller, >1:larger
r.AmbientOcclusionStaticFractionAllows to override the Ambient Occlusion Static Fraction (see post process volume). Fractions are between 0 and 1.
<0: use default setting (default -1)
0: no effect on static lighting, 0 is free meaning no extra rendering pass
1: AO affects the stat lighting
r.AMDD3D11MultiThreadedDeviceIf true, creates a multithreaded D3D11 device on AMD hardware (workaround for driver bug)
Changes will only take effect in new game/editor instances - can't be changed at runtime.
r.AMDDisableAsyncTextureCreationIf true, uses synchronous texture creation on AMD hardware (workaround for driver bug)
Changes will only take effect in new game/editor instances - can't be changed at runtime.
r.Android.DisableASTCSupportDisable support for ASTC Texture compression if OpenGL driver supports it. (Android Only)
0 = ASTC texture compression will be used if driver supports it [default]
1 = ASTC texture compression will not be used.
r.Android.DisableOpenGLES31SupportDisable support for OpenGLES 3.1 API. (Android Only)
0 = OpenGLES 3.1 API will be used (providing device and project supports it) [default]
1 = OpenGLES 3.1 will be disabled, Vulkan will be used.
r.Android.DisableVulkanSM5SupportDisable support for vulkan API. (Android Only)
0 = Vulkan SM5 API will be used (providing device and project supports it) [default]
1 = Vulkan SM5 will be disabled, Vulkan or OpenGL fall back will be used.
r.Android.DisableVulkanSupportDisable support for vulkan API. (Android Only)
0 = vulkan API will be used (providing device and project supports it) [default]
1 = vulkan will be disabled, opengl fall back will be used.
r.Android.OverrideExternalTextureSupportOverride external texture support for OpenGLES API. (Android Only)
0 = normal detection used [default]
1 = disable external texture support
2 = force ImageExternal100 (version #100 with GL_OES_EGL_image_external)
3 = force ImageExternal300 (version #300 with GL_OES_EGL_image_external)
4 = force ImageExternalESSL300 (version #300 with GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3)
r.AndroidDisableThreadedRenderingSets whether or not to allow threaded rendering for a particular Android device profile.
0 = Allow threaded rendering [default]
1 = Disable creation of render thread on startup
r.AndroidDisableThreadedRenderingFirstLoadSets whether or not to allow threaded rendering for a particular Android device profile on the initial load.
0 = Allow threaded rendering on the initial load [default]
1 = Disable threaded rendering on the initial load
r.AnisotropicMaterialsWhether anisotropic BRDF is used for material with anisotropy.
r.AOApplyToStaticIndirectWhether to apply DFAO as indirect shadowing even to static indirect sources (lightmaps + stationary skylight + reflection captures)
r.AOAsyncBuildQueueWhether to asynchronously build distance field volume data from meshes.
r.AOAverageObjectsPerCullTileDetermines how much memory should be allocated in distance field object culling data structures. Too much = memory waste, too little = flickering due to buffer overflow.
r.AOComputeShaderNormalCalculationWhether to use the compute shader version of the distance field normal computation.
r.AOGlobalDFClipmapDistanceExponentExponent used to derive each clipmap's size, together with r.AOInnerGlobalDFClipmapDistance.
r.AOGlobalDFResolutionResolution of the global distance field. Higher values increase fidelity but also increase memory and composition cost.
r.AOGlobalDFStartDistanceWorld space distance along a cone trace to switch to using the global distance field instead of the object distance fields.
This has to be large enough to hide the low res nature of the global distance field, but smaller values result in faster cone tracing.
r.AOGlobalDistanceFieldWhether to use a global distance field to optimize occlusion cone traces.
The global distance field is created by compositing object distance fields into clipmaps as the viewer moves through the level.
r.AOGlobalDistanceFieldCacheMostlyStaticSeparatelyWhether to cache mostly static primitives separately from movable primitives, which reduces global DF update cost when a movable primitive is modified. Adds another 12Mb of volume textures.
r.AOGlobalDistanceFieldForceFullUpdateWhether to force full global distance field update every frame.
r.AOGlobalDistanceFieldLogModifiedPrimitivesWhether to log primitive modifications (add, remove, updatetransform) that caused an update of the global distance field.
This can be useful for tracking down why updating the global distance field is always costing a lot, since it should be mostly cached.
r.AOGlobalDistanceFieldPartialUpdatesWhether to allow partial updates of the global distance field. When profiling it's useful to disable this and get the worst case composition time that happens on camera cuts.
r.AOGlobalDistanceFieldRepresentHeightfieldsWhether to put landscape in the global distance field. Changing this won't propagate until the global distance field gets recached (fly away and back).
r.AOGlobalDistanceFieldStaggeredUpdatesWhether to allow the larger clipmaps to be updated less frequently.
r.AOHeightfieldOcclusionWhether to compute AO from heightfields (landscape)
r.AOHistoryDistanceThresholdWorld space distance threshold needed to discard last frame's DFAO results. Lower values reduce ghosting from characters when near a wall but increase flickering artifacts.
r.AOHistoryStabilityPassWhether to gather stable results to fill in holes in the temporal reprojection. Adds some GPU cost but improves temporal stability with foliage.
r.AOHistoryWeightAmount of last frame's AO to lerp into the final result. Higher values increase stability, lower values have less streaking under occluder movement.
r.AOMaxObjectBoundingRadiusObjects larger than this will not contribute to AO calculations, to improve performance.
r.AOMaxViewDistanceThe maximum distance that AO will be computed at.
r.AOObjectDistanceFieldDetermines whether object distance fields are used to compute ambient occlusion.
Only global distance field will be used when this option is disabled.
r.AOQualityDefines the distance field AO method which allows to adjust for quality or performance.
0:off, 1:medium, 2:high (default)
r.AOSampleSet0 = Original set, 1 = Relaxed set
r.AOScatterTileCullingWhether to use the rasterizer for binning occluder objects into screenspace tiles.
r.AOSpecularOcclusionModeDetermines how specular should be occluded by DFAO
0: Apply non-directional AO to specular.
1: (default) Intersect the reflection cone with the unoccluded cone produced by DFAO. This gives more accurate occlusion than 0, but can bring out DFAO sampling artifacts.
r.AOStepExponentScaleExponent used to distribute AO samples along a cone direction.
r.AOUpdateGlobalDistanceFieldWhether to update the global distance field, useful for debugging.
r.AOUseHistoryWhether to apply a temporal filter to the distance field AO, which reduces flickering but also adds trails when occluders are moving.
r.AOUseJitterWhether to use 4x temporal supersampling with Screen Grid DFAO. When jitter is disabled, a shorter history can be used but there will be more spatial aliasing.
r.AOViewFadeDistanceScaleDistance over which AO will fade out as it approaches r.AOMaxViewDistance, as a fraction of r.AOMaxViewDistance.
r.AsyncCreateLightPrimitiveInteractionsWhether to create LPIs asynchronously.
r.AsyncPipelineCompile0 to Create PSOs at the moment they are requested
1 to Create Pipeline State Objects asynchronously(default)
r.AtmosphereDefines atmosphere will render or not. Only changed by r.Atmosphere console command.
Enable/Disable Atmosphere, Load/Unload related data.
0: off (To save GPU memory)
1: on (default)
r.BasePassForceOutputsVelocityForce the base pass to compute motion vector, regardless of FPrimitiveUniformShaderParameters.0: Disabled (default)1: Enabled
r.BasePassOutputsVelocityEnables rendering WPO velocities on the base pass.
0: Renders in a separate pass/rendertarget, all movable static meshes + dynamic.
1: Renders during the regular base pass adding an extra GBuffer, but allowing motion blur on materials with Time-based WPO.
r.BasePassWriteDepthEvenWithFullPrepass0 to allow a readonly base pass, which skips an MSAA depth resolve, and allows masked materials to get EarlyZ (writing to depth while doing clip() disables EarlyZ) (default)
1 to force depth writes in the base pass. Useful for debugging when the prepass and base pass don't match what they render.
r.BlackBordersTo draw black borders around the rendered image
(prevents artifacts from post processing passes that read outside of the image e.g. PostProcessAA)
in pixels, 0:off
r.Bloom.CrossExperimental feature to give bloom kernel a more bright center sample (values between 1 and 3 work without causing aliasing)
Existing bloom get lowered to match the same brightness
<0 for a anisomorphic lens flare look (X only)
0 off (default)
>0 for a cross look (X and Y)
r.Bloom.HalfResolutionFFTExperimental half-resolution FFT Bloom convolution.
0: Standard full resolution convolution bloom. 1: Half-resolution convolution that excludes the center of the kernel.
r.BloomQuality 0: off, no performance impact.
1: average quality, least performance impact.
2: average quality, least performance impact.
3: good quality.
4: good quality.
5: Best quality, most significant performance impact. (default)
>5: force experimental higher quality on mobile (can be quite slow on some hardware)
r.BufferVisualizationDumpFramesWhen screenshots or movies dumps are requested, also save out dumps of the current buffer visualization materials
0:off (default)
r.BufferVisualizationDumpFramesAsHDRWhen saving out buffer visualization materials in a HDR capable format
0: Do not override default save format.
1: Force HDR format for buffer visualization materials.
r.BufferVisualizationOverviewTargetsSpecify the list of post process materials that can be used in the buffer visualization overview. Put nothing between the commas to leave a gap.

Choose from:

r.BufferVisualizationTargetWhen the viewport view-mode is set to 'Buffer Visualization', this command specifies which of the various channels to display. Values entered other than the allowed values shown below will be ignored.
r.Cache.DrawDirectionalShadowingWhether to draw direct shadowing sample points as generated by Lightmass.
0 is off (default), 1 is on
r.Cache.DrawInterpolationPointsWhether to draw positions that indirect lighting is interpolated at when they are updated, which are stored in the cache.
Probably need 'r.CacheUpdateEveryFrame 1' as well to be useful, otherwise points will flicker as they update.
0 is off (default), 1 is on
r.Cache.DrawLightingSamplesWhether to draw indirect lighting sample points as generated by Lightmass.
0 is off (default), 1 is on
r.Cache.LightingCacheDimensionDimensions of the lighting cache. This should be a multiple of r.LightingCacheMovableObjectAllocationSize for least waste.
r.Cache.LightingCacheMovableObjectAllocationSizeResolution of the interpolation sample volume used to light a dynamic object.
Values of 1 or 2 will result in a single interpolation sample per object which does not provide continuous lighting under movement, so interpolation is done over time.
Values of 3 or more support the necessary padding to provide continuous results under movement.
r.Cache.LimitQuerySize0 is off, 1 is on (default)
r.Cache.QueryNodeLevelLevel of the lighting sample octree whose node's extents should be the target size for queries into the octree.
Primitive blocks will be broken up into multiple octree queries if they are larger than this.0 is the root, 12 is the leaf level
r.Cache.ReduceSHRingingWhether to modify indirect lighting cache SH samples to reduce ringing. 0 is off, 1 is on (default)
r.Cache.SampleTransitionSpeedWhen using single sample lighting, controls the speed of the transition between two point samples (fade over time).
r.Cache.UpdateEveryFrameWhether to update indirect lighting cache allocations every frame, even if they would have been cached. 0 is off (default), 1 is on
r.Cache.UpdatePrimsTaskEnabledEnable threading for ILC primitive update. Will overlap with the rest the end of InitViews.
r.CalcLocalPlayerCachedLODDistanceFactorShould we calculate a LOD Distance Factor based on the current FOV. Should not be necessary since LOD is already based on screen size.
r.CameraCutTranslationThresholdThe maximum camera translation disatance in centimeters allowed between two frames before a camera cut is automatically inserted.
r.CapsuleDirectShadowsWhether to allow capsule direct shadowing on skinned components with bCastCapsuleDirectShadow enabled.
r.CapsuleIndirectConeAngleLight source angle used when the indirect shadow direction is derived from precomputed indirect lighting (no stationary skylight present)
r.CapsuleIndirectShadowsWhether to allow capsule indirect shadowing on skinned components with bCastCapsuleIndirectShadow enabled.
r.CapsuleMaxDirectOcclusionDistanceMaximum cast distance for direct shadows from capsules. This has a big impact on performance.
r.CapsuleMaxIndirectOcclusionDistanceMaximum cast distance for indirect shadows from capsules. This has a big impact on performance.
r.CapsuleMinSkyAngleMinimum light source angle derived from the precomputed unoccluded sky vector (stationary skylight present)
r.CapsuleShadowFadeAngleFromVerticalAngle from vertical up to start fading out the indirect shadow, to avoid self shadowing artifacts.
r.CapsuleShadowsWhether to allow capsule shadowing on skinned components with bCastCapsuleDirectShadow or bCastCapsuleIndirectShadow enabled.
r.CapsuleShadowsFullResolutionWhether to compute capsule shadows at full resolution.
r.CapsuleSkyAngleScaleScales the light source angle derived from the precomputed unoccluded sky vector (stationary skylight present)
r.CatmullRomEndParamOffsetThe parameter offset for catmul rom end points.
r.chaos.ReflectionCaptureStaticSceneOnly 0 is off, 1 is on (default)
r.CheckSRVTransitionsTests that render targets are properly transitioned to SRV when SRVs are set.
r.ClearCoatNormal0 to disable clear coat normal.
0: off
1: on
r.ClearSceneMethodSelect how the g-buffer is cleared in game mode (only affects deferred shading).
0: No clear
1: RHIClear (default)
2: Quad at max z
r.Color.MaxAllows to define where the value 1.0 in the color channels is mapped to after color grading.
Value should be around 1, smaller values darken the highlights, larger values move more colors towards white, Default: 1
r.Color.MidAllows to define where the value 0.5 in the color channels is mapped to after color grading (This is similar to a gamma correction).
Value should be around 0.5, smaller values darken the mid tones, larger values brighten the mid tones, Default: 0.5
r.Color.MinAllows to define where the value 0 in the color channels is mapped to after color grading.
The value should be around 0, positive: a gray scale is added to the darks, negative: more dark values become black, Default: 0
r.CompileMaterialsForShaderFormatWhen enabled, compile materials for this shader format in addition to those for the running platform.
Note that these shaders are compiled and immediately tossed. This is only useful when directly inspecting output via r.DebugDumpShaderInfo.
r.CompileShadersForDevelopmentSetting this to 0 allows to ship a game with more optimized shaders as some
editor and development features are not longer compiled into the shaders.
Note: This should be done when shipping but it's not done automatically yet (feature need to mature
and shaders will compile slower as shader caching from development isn't shared).
Cannot be changed at runtime - can be put into BaseEngine.ini
0: off, shader can run a bit faster
1: on (Default)
r.CompositionForceRenderTargetLoad0: default engine behaviour
1: force ERenderTargetLoadAction::ELoad for all render targets
r.CompositionGraphDebugExecute this command to get a single frame dump of the composition graph of one frame (post processing and lighting).
r.CompositionGraphOrderDefines in which order the nodes in the CompositionGraph are executed (affects postprocess and some lighting).
Option 1 provides more control, which can be useful for preserving ESRAM, avoid GPU sync, cluster up compute shaders for performance and control AsyncCompute.
0: tree order starting with the root, first all inputs then dependencies (classic UE4, unconnected nodes are not getting executed)
1: RegisterPass() call order, unless the dependencies (input and additional) require a different order (might become new default as it provides more control, executes all registered nodes)
r.ContactShadows 0: disabled.
1: enabled.
r.ContactShadows.NonShadowCastingIntensityIntensity of contact shadows from objects with cast contact shadows disabled. Usually 0 (off).
r.CookOutUnusedDetailModeComponentsIf set, components which are not relevant for the current detail mode will be cooked out.
0: keep components even if not relevant for the current detail mode.
1: cook out components not relevant for the current detail mode.
r.CopyLockedViewsCopies all locked views in to a string that r.LockView will accept to reload them.
r.CreateShadersOnLoadWhether to create shaders on load, which can reduce hitching, but use more memory. Otherwise they will be created as needed.
r.CustomDepth0: feature is disabled
1: feature is enabled, texture is created on demand
2: feature is enabled, texture is not released until required (should be the project setting if the feature should not stall)
3: feature is enabled, stencil writes are enabled, texture is not released until required (should be the project setting if the feature should not stall)
r.CustomDepth.OrderWhen CustomDepth (and CustomStencil) is getting rendered
0: Before GBuffer (can be more efficient with AsyncCompute, allows using it in DBuffer pass, no GBuffer blending decals allow GBuffer compression)
1: After Base Pass (default)
r.CustomDepthTemporalAAJitterIf disabled the Engine will remove the TemporalAA Jitter from the Custom Depth Pass. Only has effect when TemporalAA is used.
r.CustomUnsafeZonesAllows you to set custom unsafe zones. Define them based on Portrait (P) or Landscape (L) for a device oriented 'upright'.Unsafe zones may be either fixed or free, depending on if they move along with the rotation of the device.Format is (P:fixed[x1, y1][width, height]), semicolon-separated for each custom unsafe zone. +Values add from 0, -Values subtract from Height or Width
r.D3D.CheckedForTypedUAVsWhether to disallow usage of typed UAV loads, as they are unavailable in Windows 7 D3D 11.0.
0: Allow usage of typed UAV loads.
1: Disallow usage of typed UAV loads. (default)
r.D3D.ForceDXCForces DirectX Shader Compiler (DXC) to be used for all D3D shaders. Shaders compiled with this option are only compatible with D3D12.
0: Disable (default)
1: Force new compiler for all shaders
r.D3D.ForceShaderConductorDXCRewriteForces rewriting using ShaderConductor when DXC is enabled.
0: Do not rewrite (default)
1: Force ShaderConductor rewrite
r.D3D.RemoveUnusedInterpolatorsEnables removing unused interpolators mode when compiling pipelines for D3D.
-1: Do not actually remove, but make the app think it did (for debugging)
0: Disable (default)
1: Enable removing unused
r.d3d.uniformbufferrecycledepthNumber of frames before recycling freed uniform buffers .
r.D3D11.AutoFlushUAVIf enabled, use NVAPI (Nvidia), AGS (AMD) or Intel Extensions (Intel) to not flush between dispatches/draw calls 1: on (default)
0: off
r.D3D11.Depth24Bit0: Use 32-bit float depth buffer
1: Use 24-bit fixed point depth buffer(default)
r.d3d11.dumpliveobjectsWhen using -d3ddebug will dump a list of live d3d objects. Mostly for finding leaks.
r.D3D11.UseAllowTearingEnable new dxgi flip mode with d3d11
r.D3D11.UseSharedKeyMutexIf 1, BUF_Shared vertex / index buffer and TexCreate_Shared texture will be created
with the D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_SHARED_KEYEDMUTEX flag instead of D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_SHARED (default).
r.D3D12.AllowAsyncComputeAllow usage of async compute
r.D3D12.Depth24Bit0: Use 32-bit float depth buffer
1: Use 24-bit fixed point depth buffer(default)
r.D3D12.DXR.MinimumDriverVersionAMDSets the minimum driver version required to enable ray tracing on AMD GPUs.
r.D3D12.DXR.MinimumDriverVersionNVIDIASets the minimum driver version required to enable ray tracing on NVIDIA GPUs.
r.D3D12.DXR.MinimumWindowsBuildVersionSets the minimum Windows build version required to enable ray tracing.
r.D3D12.ExecuteCommandListTask0: Execute command lists on RHI Thread instead of separate task!
1: Execute command lists on task created from RHIThread to offload expensive work (default)
r.D3D12.GPUCrashDebuggingModeEnable GPU crash debugging: tracks the current GPU state and logs information what operations the GPU executed last.
Optionally generate a GPU crash dump as well (on nVidia hardware only)):
0: GPU crash debugging disabled (default in shipping and test builds)
1: Minimal overhead GPU crash debugging (default in development builds)
2: Enable all available GPU crash debugging options (DRED, Aftermath, ...)
r.D3D12.GPUTimeout0: Disable GPU Timeout; use with care as it could freeze your PC!
1: Enable GPU Timeout; operation taking long on the GPU will fail(default)
r.D3D12.RayTracing.AllowCompactionWhether to automatically perform compaction for static acceleration structures to save GPU memory. (default = 1)
r.D3D12.RayTracing.ViewDescriptorHeapSizeMaximum number of descriptors per ray tracing view descriptor heap. (default = 250k, ~8MB per heap)
Typical measured descriptor heap usage in large scenes is ~50k. An error is reported when this limit is reached and shader bindings for subsequent objects are skipped.
r.D3D12.UseAllowTearingEnable new dxgi flip mode with d3d12
r.DBufferEnables DBuffer decal material blend modes.
DBuffer decals are rendered before the base pass, allowing them to affect static lighting and skylighting correctly.
When enabled, a full prepass will be forced which adds CPU / GPU cost. Several texture lookups will be done in the base pass to fetch the decal properties, which adds pixel work.
0: off
1: on (default)
r.DebugActionZone.ActionRatioThe action zone ratio that will be returned by FDisplayMetrics::GetDisplayMetrics on platforms that don't have a defined safe zone (0..1)
default: 1.0
r.DebugLightDiscardProp[0,1]: Proportion of lights to discard for debug/performance profiling purposes.
r.DebugSafeZone.MaxDebugTextStringsPerActorThe maximum number of debug strings that can be attached to a given actor (<=0 : no limit)
r.DebugSafeZone.ModeThe safe zone visualization mode (0..2)
0: Disabled (default)
1: Show Title Safe Zone
2: Show Action Safe Zone
r.DebugSafeZone.OverlayAlphaThe alpha value of the safe zone overlay (0..1)
default: 0.2
r.DebugSafeZone.TitleRatioThe safe zone ratio that will be returned by FDisplayMetrics::GetDisplayMetrics on platforms that don't have a defined safe zone (0..1)
default: 1.0
r.Decal.FadeDurationScaleScales the per decal fade durations. Lower values shortens lifetime and fade duration. Default is 1.0f.
r.Decal.FadeScreenSizeMultControl the per decal fade screen size. Multiplies with the per-decal screen size fade threshold. Smaller means decals fade less aggressively.
r.Decal.StencilSizeThresholdControl a per decal stencil pass that allows to large (screen space) decals faster. It adds more overhead per decals so this
<0: optimization is disabled
0: optimization is enabled no matter how small (screen space) the decal is
0..1: optimization is enabled, value defines the minimum size (screen space) to trigger the optimization (default 0.1)
r.DefaultBackBufferPixelFormatDefines the default back buffer pixel format.
0: 8bit RGBA
1: 16bit RGBA
2: Float RGB
3: Float RGBA
4: 10bit RGB, 2bit Alpha
r.DefaultFeature.AmbientOcclusionEngine default (project setting) for AmbientOcclusion is (postprocess volume/camera/game setting still can override)
0: off, sets AmbientOcclusionIntensity to 0
1: on (default)
r.DefaultFeature.AmbientOcclusionStaticFractionEngine default (project setting) for AmbientOcclusion is (postprocess volume/camera/game setting still can override)
0: off, sets AmbientOcclusionStaticFraction to 0
1: on (default, costs extra pass, only useful if there is some baked lighting)
r.DefaultFeature.AntiAliasingEngine default (project setting) for AntiAliasingMethod is (postprocess volume/camera/game setting still can override)
0: off (no anti-aliasing)
1: FXAA (faster than TemporalAA but much more shimmering for non static cases)
2: TemporalAA (default)
3: MSAA (Forward shading only)
r.DefaultFeature.AutoExposureEngine default (project setting) for AutoExposure is (postprocess volume/camera/game setting still can override)
0: off, sets AutoExposureMinBrightness and AutoExposureMaxBrightness to 1
1: on (default)
r.DefaultFeature.AutoExposure.BiasEngine default (project setting) for AutoExposure Exposure Bias (postprocess volume/camera/game setting still can override)
r.DefaultFeature.AutoExposure.ExtendDefaultLuminanceRangeWhether the default values for AutoExposure should support an extended range of scene luminance.
This also change the PostProcessSettings.Exposure.MinBrightness, MaxBrightness, HistogramLogMin and HisogramLogMax
to be expressed in EV100 values instead of in Luminance and Log2 Luminance.
0: Legacy range (default)
1: Extended range
r.DefaultFeature.AutoExposure.MethodEngine default (project setting) for AutoExposure Method (postprocess volume/camera/game setting still can override)
0: Histogram based (requires compute shader, default)
1: Basic AutoExposure
r.DefaultFeature.BloomEngine default (project setting) for Bloom is (postprocess volume/camera/game setting still can override)
0: off, set BloomIntensity to 0
1: on (default)
r.DefaultFeature.LensFlareEngine default (project setting) for LensFlare is (postprocess volume/camera/game setting still can override)
0: off, sets LensFlareIntensity to 0
1: on (default)
r.DefaultFeature.LightUnitsDefault units to use for point, spot and rect lights
0: unitless
1: candelas (default)
2: lumens
r.DefaultFeature.MotionBlurEngine default (project setting) for MotionBlur is (postprocess volume/camera/game setting still can override)
0: off, sets MotionBlurAmount to 0
1: on (default)
r.DeferSkeletalDynamicDataUpdateUntilGDMEIf > 0, then do skeletal mesh dynamic data updates will be deferred until GDME. Experimental option.
r.DeferUniformExpressionCachingWhether to defer caching of uniform expressions until a rendering command needs them up to date. Deferring updates is more efficient because multiple SetVectorParameterValue calls in a frame will only result in one update.
r.DeferUpdateRenderStatesWhether to defer updating the render states of material parameter collections when a paramter is changed until a rendering command needs them up to date. Deferring updates is more efficient because multiple SetVectorParameterValue and SetScalarParameterValue calls in a frame will only result in one update.
r.DelaySceneRenderCompletionExperimental option to postpone the cleanup of the scene renderer until later. This does NOT currently work because it is possible for the scene to be modified before ~FSceneRenderer, and that assumes the scene is unchanged.
r.DemosaicVposOffsetThis offset is added to the rasterized position used for demosaic in the mobile tonemapping shader. It exists to workaround driver bugs on some Android devices that have a half-pixel offset.
r.DepthOfField.DepthBlur.AmountThis scale multiplier only affects the CircleDOF DepthBlur feature (value defines in how many km the radius goes to 50%).
x: Multiply the existing Depth Blur Amount with x
-x: Override the existing Depth Blur Amount with x (in km)
1: No adjustments (default)
r.DepthOfField.DepthBlur.ResolutionScaleThis scale multiplier only affects the CircleDOF DepthBlur feature. It's a temporary hack.
It lineary scale the DepthBlur by the resolution increase over 1920 (in width), does only affect resolution larger than that.
Actual math: float Factor = max(ViewWidth / 1920 - 1, 0); DepthBlurRadius *= 1 + Factor * (CVar - 1)
1: No adjustments (default)
x: if the resolution is 1920 there is no change, if 2x larger than 1920 it scale the radius by x
r.DepthOfField.DepthBlur.ScaleThis scale multiplier only affects the CircleDOF DepthBlur feature. This is applied after r.DepthOfField.DepthBlur.ResolutionScale.
0: Disable Depth Blur
x: Multiply the existing Depth Blur Radius with x
-x: Override the existing Depth Blur Radius with x
1: No adjustments (default)
r.DepthOfField.MaxSizeAllows to clamp the gaussian depth of field radius (for better performance), default: 100
r.DepthOfField.NearBlurSizeThresholdSets the minimum near blur size before the effect is forcably disabled. Currently only affects Gaussian DOF.
(default: 0.01)
r.DepthOfFieldQualityAllows to adjust the depth of field quality. Currently only fully affects BokehDOF. GaussianDOF is either 0 for off, otherwise on.
0: Off
1: Low
2: high quality (default, adaptive, can be 4x slower)
3: very high quality, intended for non realtime cutscenes, CircleDOF only (slow)
4: extremely high quality, intended for non realtime cutscenes, CircleDOF only (very slow)
r.DetailModeCurrent detail mode; determines whether components of actors should be updated/ ticked.
0: low, show only object with DetailMode low or higher
1: medium, show all object with DetailMode medium or higher
2: high, show all objects (default)
r.DFDistanceScaleFactor to scale directional light property 'DistanceField Shadows Distance', clamped to [0.0001, 10000].
I.e.: DistanceFieldShadowsDistance *= r.DFDistanceScale.
[0.0001,1): shorter distance
1: normal (default)
(1,10000]: larger distance.)
r.DFFarTransitionScaleUse to modify the length of the far transition (fade out) of the distance field shadows.
1.0: (default) Calculate in the same way as other cascades.0.0: Disable fade out.
r.DFFullResolution1 = full resolution distance field shadowing, 0 = half resolution with bilateral upsample.
r.DFShadowAverageObjectsPerCullTileDetermines how much memory should be allocated in distance field object culling data structures. Too much = memory waste, too little = flickering due to buffer overflow.
r.DFShadowCullTileWorldSizeWorld space size of a tile used for culling for directional lights.
r.DFShadowQualityDefines the distance field shadow method which allows to adjust for quality or performance.
0:off, 1:low (20 steps, no SSS), 2:medium (32 steps, no SSS), 3:high (64 steps, SSS, default)
r.DFShadowScatterTileCullingWhether to use the rasterizer to scatter objects onto the tile grid for culling.
r.DFTwoSidedMeshDistanceBiasWorld space amount to expand distance field representations of two sided meshes. This is useful to get tree shadows to match up with standard shadow mapping.
r.DiffuseColor.MaxAllows quick material test by remapping the diffuse color at 1 to a new value (0..1), Only for non shipping built!
1: (default)
r.DiffuseColor.MinAllows quick material test by remapping the diffuse color at 1 to a new value (0..1), Only for non shipping built!
1: (default)
r.DiffuseIndirect.DenoiserDenoising options (default = 1)
r.DisableDistortionPrevents distortion effects from rendering. Saves a full-screen framebuffer's worth of memory.
r.DisableDriverWarningPopupIfGFNIf non-zero, disable driver version warning popup if running on a GFN cloud machine.
r.DisableEngineAndAppRegistrationIf true, disables engine and app registration, to disable GPU driver optimizations during debugging and development
Changes will only take effect in new game/editor instances - can't be changed at runtime.
r.DisableLODFadeDisable fading for distance culling
r.DiscardUnusedQualityWhether to keep or discard unused quality level shadermaps in memory.
0: keep all quality levels in memory. (default)
1: Discard unused quality levels on load.
r.DisplayInternalsAllows to enable screen printouts that show the internals on the engine/renderer
This is mostly useful to be able to reason why a screenshots looks different.
0: off (default)
1: enabled
r.DistanceFadeMaxTravelMax distance that the player can travel during the fade time.
r.DistanceFieldAOWhether the distance field AO feature is allowed, which is used to implement shadows of Movable sky lights from static meshes.
r.DistanceFieldBuild.CompressWhether to store mesh distance fields compressed in memory, which reduces how much memory they take, but also causes serious hitches when making new levels visible. Only enable if your project does not stream levels in-game.
Changing this regenerates all mesh distance fields.
r.DistanceFieldBuild.EightBitWhether to store mesh distance fields in an 8 bit fixed point format instead of 16 bit floating point.
8 bit uses half the memory, but introduces artifacts for large meshes or thin meshes.
r.DistanceFieldBuild.UseEmbreeWhether to use embree ray tracer for mesh distance field generation.
r.DistanceFieldsEnables distance fields rendering.
0: Disabled.
1: Enabled.
r.DistanceFields.AtlasSizeXYMax size of the global mesh distance field atlas volume texture in X and Y.
r.DistanceFields.AtlasSizeZMax size of the global mesh distance field atlas volume texture in Z.
r.DistanceFields.DefaultVoxelDensityDetermines how the default scale of a mesh converts into distance field voxel dimensions.
Changing this will cause all distance fields to be rebuilt. Large values can consume memory very quickly!
r.DistanceFields.DiscardCPUDataDiscard Mesh DF CPU data once it has been ULed to Atlas. WIP - This cant be used if atlas gets reallocated and mesh DF needs to be ULed again to new atlas
r.DistanceFields.ForceAtlasReallocForce a full realloc.
r.DistanceFields.ForceMaxAtlasSizeWhen enabled, we'll always allocate the largest possible volume texture for the distance field atlas regardless of how many blocks we need. This is an optimization to avoid re-packing the texture, for projects that are expected to always require the largest amount of space.
r.DistanceFields.MaxPerMeshResolutionHighest resolution (in one dimension) allowed for a single static mesh asset, used to cap the memory usage of meshes with a large scale.
Changing this will cause all distance fields to be rebuilt. Large values such as 512 can consume memory very quickly! (128Mb for one asset at 512)
r.DistanceFields.ParallelAtlasUpdateWhether to parallelize distance field data decompression and copying to upload buffer
r.DistanceFields.RuntimeDownsamplingFactorWhen enabled (higher than 0 and lower than 1), mesh distance field will be downsampled by factor value on GPU and uploaded to the atlas.
r.DistanceFields.ThrottleCopyToAtlasInBytesWhen enabled (higher than 0), throttle mesh distance field copy to global mesh distance field atlas volume (in bytes uncompressed).
r.DistanceFieldShadowingWhether the distance field shadowing feature is allowed.
r.DOF.Gather.AccumulatorQualityControles the quality of the gathering accumulator.
r.DOF.Gather.EnableBokehSettingsWhether to applies bokeh settings on foreground and background gathering.
0: Disable;
1: Enable (default).
r.DOF.Gather.PostfilterMethodMethod to use to post filter a gather pass.
0: None;
1: Per RGB channel median 3x3 (default);
2: Per RGB channel max 3x3.
r.DOF.Gather.RingCountNumber of rings for gathering kernels [[3; 5]]. Default to 5.
r.DOF.Kernel.MaxBackgroundRadiusMaximum size of the background bluring radius in screen space (default=0.025).
r.DOF.Kernel.MaxForegroundRadiusMaximum size of the foreground bluring radius in screen space (default=0.025).
r.DOF.Recombine.EnableBokehSettingsWhether to applies bokeh settings on slight out of focus done in recombine pass.
0: Disable;
1: Enable (default).
r.DOF.Recombine.MinFullresBlurRadiusMinimal blurring radius used in full resolution pixel width to actually do DOF when slight out of focus is enabled (default = 0.1).
r.DOF.Recombine.QualityConfigures the quality of the recombine pass.
0: No slight out of focus;
1: Slight out of focus 24spp;
2: Slight out of focus 32spp (default).
r.DOF.Scatter.BackgroundCompositingCompositing mode of the background hybrid scattering.
0: Disabled;
1: Additive;
2: Gather occlusion (default).
r.DOF.Scatter.EnableBokehSettingsWhether to enable bokeh settings on scattering.
0: Disable;
1: Enable (default).
r.DOF.Scatter.ForegroundCompositingCompositing mode of the foreground hybrid scattering.
0: Disabled;
1: Additive (default).
r.DOF.Scatter.MaxSpriteRatioMaximum ratio of scattered pixel quad as sprite, usefull to control DOF's scattering upperbound. 1 will allow to scatter 100% pixel quads, whereas 0.2 will only allow 20% (default = 0.1).
r.DOF.Scatter.MinCocRadiusMinimal Coc radius required to be scattered (default = 3).
r.DOF.Scatter.NeighborCompareMaxColorControles the linear color clamping upperbound applied before color of pixel and neighbors are compared. To low, and you may not scatter enough; to high you may scatter unnecessarily too much in highlights (Default: 10).
r.DOF.TemporalAAQualityQuality of temporal AA pass done in DOF.
0: Faster but lower quality; 1: Higher quality pass (default).
r.DoInitViewsLightingAfterPrepassDelays the lighting part of InitViews until after the prepass. This improves the threading throughput and gets the prepass to the GPU ASAP. Experimental options; has an unknown race.
r.DoLazyStaticMeshUpdateIf true, then do not add meshes to the static mesh draw lists until they are visible. Experiemental option.
r.DontLimitOnBattery0: Limit performance on devices with a battery.(default)
1: Do not limit performance due to device having a battery.
r.DoPrepareDistanceFieldSceneAfterRHIFlushIf true, then do the distance field scene after the RHI sync and flush. Improves pipelining.
r.DoTiledReflectionsCompute Reflection Environment with Tiled compute shader..
0: off
1: on (default)
r.Downsample.QualityDefines the quality in which the Downsample passes. we might add more quality levels later.
0: low quality
>0: high quality (default: 1)
r.DownsampledOcclusionQueriesWhether to issue occlusion queries to a downsampled depth buffer
r.DrawRectangleOptimizationControls an optimization for DrawRectangle(). When enabled a triangle can be used to draw a quad in certain situations (viewport sized quad).
Using a triangle allows for slightly faster post processing in lower resolutions but can not always be used.
0: Optimization is disabled, DrawDenormalizedQuad always render with quad
1: Optimization is enabled, a triangle can be rendered where specified (default)
r.DriverDetectionMethodDefines which implementation is used to detect the GPU driver (to check for old drivers, logs and statistics)
0: Iterate available drivers in registry and choose the one with the same name, if in question use next method (happens)
1: Get the driver of the primary adapter (might not be correct when dealing with multiple adapters)
2: Use DirectX LUID (would be the best, not yet implemented)
3: Use Windows functions, use the primary device (might be wrong when API is using another adapter)
4: Use Windows functions, use names such as DirectX Device (newest, most promising)
r.DumpingMovieAllows to dump each rendered frame to disk (slow fps, names MovieFrame..).
<=0:off (default), <0:remains on, >0:remains on for n frames (n is the number specified)
r.DumpPipelineCacheDump current cache stats.
r.DumpRenderTargetPoolMemoryDump allocation information for the render target pool.
r.DumpShaderDebugInfoDumps debug info for compiled shaders to GameName/Saved/ShaderDebugInfo
When set to 1, debug info is dumped for all compiled shader
When set to 2, it is restricted to shaders with compilation errors
When set to 3, it is restricted to shaders with compilation errors or warnings
The debug info is platform dependent, but usually includes a preprocessed version of the shader source.
Global shaders automatically dump debug info if r.ShaderDevelopmentMode is enabled, this cvar is not necessary.
On iOS, if the PowerVR graphics SDK is installed to the default path, the PowerVR shader compiler will be called and errors will be reported during the cook.
r.DumpShaderDebugShortNamesOnly valid when r.DumpShaderDebugInfo > 0.
When set to 1, will shorten names factory and shader type folder names to avoid issues with long paths.
r.DumpShaderDebugWorkerCommandLineOnly valid when r.DumpShaderDebugInfo > 0.
When set to 1, it will generate a file that can be used with ShaderCompileWorker's -directcompile.
r.DumpShadowsDump shadow setup (for developer only, only for non shiping build)
r.DumpTransitionsForResourcePrints callstack when the given resource is transitioned. Only implemented for DX11 at the moment.Name of the resource to dump
r.DX11.LogRTRebindsLog # of rebinds of RTs per frame
r.DX11.ReduceRTVRebindsReduce # of SetRenderTargetCalls.
r.DX11NumForcedGPUsNum Forced GPUs.
r.DX12NVAfterMathEnabledUse NV Aftermath for GPU crash analysis in D3D12
r.DX12NVAfterMathTrackResourcesEnable NV Aftermath resource tracing in D3D12
r.DynamicRes.ChangePercentageThresholdMinimal increase percentage threshold to alow when changing resolution.
r.DynamicRes.CPUBoundScreenPercentageScreen percentage to converge to when CPU bound. This can be used when GPU and CPU share same memory.
r.DynamicRes.CPUTimeHeadRoomHead room for the threads compared GPU time to avoid keep getting resolution fraction shrinking down when CPU bound (in milliseconds).
r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudgetFrame's time budget in milliseconds.
r.DynamicRes.FrameWeightExponentRecursive weight of frame N-1 against frame N.
r.DynamicRes.GPUTimingMeasureMethodSelects the method to use to measure GPU timings.
0: Same as stat unit (default);
1: Timestamp queries.
r.DynamicRes.HistorySizeNumber of frames keept in the history.
r.DynamicRes.IncreaseAmortizationBlendFactorAmortization blend factor when scale resolution back up to reduce resolution fraction oscillations.
r.DynamicRes.MaxConsecutiveOverbudgetGPUFrameCountMaximum number of consecutive frame tolerated over GPU budget.
r.DynamicRes.MaxScreenPercentageMaximal screen percentage.
r.DynamicRes.MinResolutionChangePeriodMinimal number of frames between resolution changes, important to avoid input sample position interferences in TAA upsample.
r.DynamicRes.MinScreenPercentageMinimal screen percentage.
r.DynamicRes.OperationModeSelect the operation mode for dynamic resolution.
0: Disabled (default);
1: Enable according to the game user settings;
2: Enable regardless of the game user settings.
r.DynamicRes.OutlierThresholdIgnore frame timing that have Game thread or render thread X time more than frame budget.
r.DynamicRes.TargetedGPUHeadRoomPercentageTargeted GPU headroom (in percent from r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget).
r.DynamicRes.TestScreenPercentageForces the screen percentage to a particular value with dynamic res.
0: Disabled (default); > 0: Screen percentage is enabled.
r.EarlyZPassWhether to use a depth only pass to initialize Z culling for the base pass. Cannot be changed at runtime.
Note: also look at r.EarlyZPassMovable
0: off
1: good occluders only: not masked, and large on screen
2: all opaque (including masked)
x: use built in heuristic (default is 3)
r.EarlyZPassOnlyMaterialMaskingWhether to compute materials' mask opacity only in early Z pass. Changing this setting requires restarting the editor.
Note: Needs r.EarlyZPass == 2 && r.EarlyZPassMovable == 1
r.EarlyZSortMaskedSort EarlyZ masked draws to the end of the draw order.
r.Editor.2DGridFadeTweak to define the grid rendering in 2D viewports.
r.Editor.2DSnapFadeTweak to define the grid rendering in 2D viewports.
r.Editor.2DSnapMinTweak to define the grid rendering in 2D viewports.
r.Editor.2DSnapScaleTweak to define the grid rendering in 2D viewports.
r.Editor.3DGridFadeTweak to define the grid rendering in 3D viewports.
r.Editor.3DSnapFadeTweak to define the grid rendering in 3D viewports.
r.Editor.AlignedOrthoZoomOnly affects the editor ortho viewports.
0: Each ortho viewport zoom in defined by the viewport width
1: All ortho viewport zoom are locked to each other to allow axis lines to be aligned with each other.
r.Editor.MaxNumInstancesDetailsMaximum number of instances shown in the details panel. Above this value, instances are hidden by default.
< 0 : No maximum
r.Editor.NewLevelGridWether to show the new editor level grid
0: off
1: Analytical Antialiasing
2: Texture based(default)
0: occluded gizmo is partly transparent (default), 1:gizmo is never occluded
r.Editor.SkipSourceControlCheckForEditablePackagesWhether to skip the source control status check for editable packages, 0: Disable (Default), 1: Enable
r.EmitMeshDrawEventsEmits a GPU event around each drawing policy draw call. /nUseful for seeing stats about each draw call, however it greatly distorts total time and time per draw call.
r.Emitter.FastPoolEnableShould we use fast pools for emitters.
0: Don't pool anything
1: Pool the emitters bro (default)
r.Emitter.FastPoolMaxFreeSizeMax free pool size to keep around without cleaning up.
r.Emitter.SkipRibbonSpawnInterpIgnore velocity based offsets when interpolating. This prevents ribbon quads from overlapping eachother (default=1)
r.EmitterSpawnRateScaleA global scale upon the spawn rate of emitters. Emitters can choose to apply or ignore it via their bApplyGlobalSpawnRateScale property.
r.EnableAsyncComputeTranslucencyLightingVolumeClearWhether to clear the translucency lighting volume using async compute.
r.EnableDebugSpam_GetObjectPositionAndScaleEnables or disables debug log spam for a bug in FParticleSystemSceneProxy::GetObjectPositionAndScale()
r.EnableLateLatchingWhether to allow late-latching functionality (currently only supported on Oculus Quest/Quest2).
r.EnableMorphTargetsEnable Morph Targets
r.EnableMultiGPUForkAndJoinWhether to allow unused GPUs to speedup rendering by sharing work.
r.EnableStereoEmulationEmulate stereo rendering
r.ExpandAllOcclusionTestedBBoxesAmountAmount to expand all occlusion test bounds by.
r.ExpandNewlyOcclusionTestedBBoxesAmountIf we don't occlusion test a primitive for r.GFramesNotOcclusionTestedToExpandBBoxes frames, then we expand the BBox when we do occlusion test it for a few frames by this amount. See also r.FramesToExpandNewlyOcclusionTestedBBoxes, r.GFramesNotOcclusionTestedToExpandBBoxes.
r.ExposureOffsetFor adjusting the exposure on top of post process settings and eye adaptation. For developers only. 0:default
r.ExrReadAndProcessOnGPUAllows reading of Large Uncompressed EXR files directly into Structured Buffer.
and be processed on GPU
r.EyeAdaptation.Basic.ComputeUse Pixel or Compute Shader to compute the basic eye adaptation.
= 0 : Pixel Shader
> 0 : Compute Shader (default)
r.EyeAdaptation.BlackHistogramBucketInfluenceThis parameter controls how much weight to apply to completely dark 0.0 values in the exposure histogram.
When set to 1.0, fully dark pixels will accumulate normally, whereas when set to 0.0 fully dark pixels
will have no influence.
r.EyeAdaptation.EditorOnlyWhen pre-exposure is enabled, 0 to enable it everywhere, 1 to enable it only in the editor (default).
This is to because it currently has an impact on the renderthread performance
r.EyeAdaptation.ExponentialTransitionDistanceThe auto exposure moves linearly, but when it gets ExponentialTransitionDistance F-stops away from the
target exposure it switches to as slower exponential function.
r.EyeAdaptation.LensAttenuationThe camera lens attenuation (q). Set this number to 0.78 for lighting to be unitless (1.0cd/m^2 becomes 1.0 at EV100) or 0.65 to match previous versions (1.0cd/m^2 becomes 1.2 at EV100).
r.EyeAdaptation.MethodOverrideOverride the camera metering method set in post processing volumes
-2: override with custom settings (for testing Basic Mode)
-1: no override
1: Auto Histogram-based
2: Auto Basic
3: Manual
r.EyeAdaptation.PreExposureOverrideOveride the scene pre-exposure by a custom value.
= 0 : No override
> 0 : Override PreExposure
r.EyeAdaptation.VisualizeDebugTypeWhen enabling Show->Visualize->HDR (Eye Adaptation) is enabled, this flag controls the scene color.
0: Scene Color after tonemapping (default).
1: Histogram Debug
r.EyeAdaptationQualityDefines the eye adaptation quality which allows to adjust for quality or performance.
<=0: off (fastest)
1: low quality (e.g. non histogram based, not yet implemented)
2: normal quality (default)
3: high quality (e.g. screen position localized, not yet implemented)
r.FastBlurThresholdDefines at what radius the Gaussian blur optimization kicks in (estimated 25% - 40% faster).
The optimization uses slightly less memory and has a quality loss on smallblur radius.
0: use the optimization always (fastest, lowest quality)
3: use the optimization starting at a 3 pixel radius (quite fast)
7: use the optimization starting at a 7 pixel radius (default)
>15: barely ever use the optimization (high quality)
r.FASTBuild.Shader.BatchSizeSpecifies the number of shaders to batch together into a single FASTBUILD task.
Default = 12
r.FASTBuild.Shader.JobTimeoutThe number of seconds to wait for additional shader jobs to be submitted before starting a build.
Default = 0.5
r.FASTBuild.Shader.MinBatchSizeMinimum number of shaders to compile with FASTBuild.
Smaller number of shaders will compile locally.
r.FASTBuildShaderCompileEnables or disables the use of FASTBuild to build shaders.
0: Local builds only.
1: Distribute builds using FASTBuild.
r.FASTBuildShaderSendPDBEnable when distributed shader compiler workers crash.
0: Do not send along debug information in FASTBuild.
1: Send along debug information in FASTBuild.
r.FeatureLevelPreviewIf 1 the quick settings menu will contain an option to enable feature level preview modes
r.Filter.LoopModeControls when to use either dynamic or unrolled loops to iterates over the Gaussian filtering.
This passes is used for Gaussian Blur, Bloom and Depth of Field. The dynamic loop allows
up to 128 samples versus the 32 samples of unrolled loops, but add an additional cost for
the loop's stop test at every iterations.
0: Unrolled loop only (default; limited to 32 samples).
1: Fall back to dynamic loop if needs more than 32 samples.
2: Dynamic loop only.
r.Filter.SizeScaleAllows to scale down or up the sample count used for bloom and Gaussian depth of field (scale is clamped to give reasonable results).
Values down to 0.6 are hard to notice
1 full quality (default)
>1 more samples (slower)
<1 less samples (faster, artifacts with HDR content or boxy results with GaussianDOF)
r.FinishCurrentFrameIf on, the current frame will be forced to finish and render to the screen instead of being buffered. This will improve latency, but slow down overall performance.
r.FlushRHIThreadOnSTreamingTextureLocksIf set to 0, we won't do any flushes for streaming textures. This is safe because the texture streamer deals with these hazards explicitly.
r.Fog 0: disabled
1: enabled (default)
r.FogDensityAllows to override the FogDensity setting (needs ExponentialFog in the level).
Using a strong value allows to quickly see which pixel are affected by fog.
Using a start distance allows to cull pixels are can speed up rendering.
<0: use default settings (default: -1)
>=0: override settings by the given value (0:off, 1=very dense fog)
r.FogStartDistanceAllows to override the FogStartDistance setting (needs ExponentialFog in the level).
<0: use default settings (default: -1)
>=0: override settings by the given value (in world units)
r.FogUseDepthBoundsAllows enable depth bounds optimization on fog full screen pass.
false: disabled
true: enabled (default)
r.ForceAllCoresForShaderCompilingWhen set to 1, it will ignore INI settings and launch as many ShaderCompileWorker instances as cores are available.
Improves shader throughput but for big projects it can make the machine run OOM
r.ForceDebugViewModes0: Setting has no effect.
1: Forces debug view modes to be available, even on cooked builds.2: Forces debug view modes to be unavailable, even on editor builds. Removes many shader permutations for faster shader iteration.
r.ForceHighestMipOnUITexturesIf set to 1, texutres in the UI Group will have their highest mip level forced.
r.ForceLODLOD level to force, -1 is off.
r.ForceLODShadowLOD level to force for the shadow map generation only, -1 is off.
r.ForceSceneHasDecalsWhether to always assume that scene has decals, so we don't switch depth state conditionally. This can significantly reduce total number of PSOs at a minor GPU cost.
r.ForceStripAdjacencyDataDuringCookingIf set, adjacency data will be stripped for all static and skeletal meshes during cooking (acting like the target platform did not support tessellation).
r.Forward.LightGridPixelSizeSize of a cell in the light grid, in pixels.
r.Forward.LightGridSizeZNumber of Z slices in the light grid.
r.Forward.LightLinkedListCullingUses a reverse linked list to store culled lights, removing the fixed limit on how many lights can affect a cell - it becomes a global limit instead.
r.Forward.MaxCulledLightsPerCellControls how much memory is allocated for each cell for light culling. When r.Forward.LightLinkedListCulling is enabled, this is used to compute a global max instead of a per-cell limit on culled lights.
r.ForwardShadingWhether to use forward shading on desktop platforms - requires Shader Model 5 hardware.
Forward shading has lower constant cost, but fewer features supported. 0:off, 1:on
This rendering path is a work in progress with many unimplemented features, notably only a single reflection capture is applied per object and no translucency dynamic shadow receiving.
r.FramesToExpandNewlyOcclusionTestedBBoxesIf we don't occlusion test a primitive for r.GFramesNotOcclusionTestedToExpandBBoxes frames, then we expand the BBox when we do occlusion test it for this number of frames. See also r.GFramesNotOcclusionTestedToExpandBBoxes, r.ExpandNewlyOcclusionTestedBBoxesAmount
r.FreeReflectionScratchAfterUseFree reflection scratch render targets after use.
r.FreeSkeletalMeshBuffersControls whether skeletal mesh buffers are kept in CPU memory to support merging of skeletal meshes.
0: Keep buffers(default)
1: Free buffers
r.FreezeMouseCursorFree the mouse cursor position, for passes which use it to display debug information.
0: default
1: freeze mouse cursor position at current location
r.FrustumCullNumWordsPerTaskPerformance tweak. Controls the granularity for the ParallelFor for frustum culling.
r.FullScreenModeDefines how we do full screen when requested (e.g. command line option -fullscreen or in ini [SystemSettings] fullscreen=true)
0: normal full screen (renders faster, more control over vsync, less GPU memory, 10bit color if possible)
1: windowed full screen (quick switch between applications and window mode, slight performance loss)
any other number behaves like 0
r.GammaGamma on output
r.GBufferFormatDefines the memory layout used for the GBuffer.
(affects performance, mostly through bandwidth, quality of normals and material attributes).
0: lower precision (8bit per component, for profiling)
1: low precision (default)
3: high precision normals encoding
5: high precision
r.GeneralPurposeTweakUseful for low level shader development to get quick iteration time without having to change any c++ code.
Value maps to Frame.GeneralPurposeTweak inside the shaders.
Example usage: Multiplier on some value to tweak, toggle to switch between different algorithms (Default: 1.0)
DON'T USE THIS FOR ANYTHING THAT IS CHECKED IN. Compiled out in SHIPPING to make cheating a bit harder.
r.GenerateLandscapeGIDataWhether to generate a low-resolution base color texture for landscapes for rendering real-time global illumination.
This feature requires GenerateMeshDistanceFields is also enabled, and will increase mesh build times and memory usage.
r.GenerateMeshDistanceFieldsWhether to build distance fields of static meshes, needed for distance field AO, which is used to implement Movable SkyLight shadows.
Enabling will increase mesh build times and memory usage. Changing this value will cause a rebuild of all static meshes.
r.GeometryCollectionTripleBufferUploadsWhether to triple buffer geometry collection uploads, which allows Lock_NoOverwrite uploads which are much faster on the GPU with large amounts of data.
r.GFramesNotOcclusionTestedToExpandBBoxesIf we don't occlusion test a primitive for this many frames, then we expand the BBox when we do occlusion test it for a few frames. See also r.ExpandNewlyOcclusionTestedBBoxesAmount, r.FramesToExpandNewlyOcclusionTestedBBoxes
r.GlobalDistanceFieldHeightFieldThicknessScaleThickness of the height field when it's entered into the global distance field, measured in distance field voxels. Defaults to 4 which means 4x the voxel size as thickness.
r.GlobalIllumination.Denoiser.HistoryConvolution.KernelSpreadFactorMultiplication factor applied on the kernel sample offset (default=3).
r.GlobalIllumination.Denoiser.HistoryConvolution.SampleCountNumber of samples to use for history post filter (default = 1).
r.GlobalIllumination.Denoiser.PreConvolutionNumber of pre-convolution passes (default = 1).
r.GlobalIllumination.Denoiser.ReconstructionSamplesMaximum number of samples for the reconstruction pass (default = 16).
r.GlobalIllumination.Denoiser.TemporalAccumulationAccumulates the samples over multiple frames.
r.GlobalIllumination.ExperimentalPluginWhether to use a plugin for global illumination (experimental) (default = false)
r.gpucrash.collectionenableStores GPU crash data from scoped events when a applicable crash debugging system is available.
r.gpucrash.datadepthLimits the amount of marker scope depth we record for GPU crash debugging to the given scope depth.
r.GPUCrashDebuggingEnable vendor specific GPU crash analysis tools
r.GPUCrashDebugging.Aftermath.CallstackEnable callstack capture in Aftermath dumps
r.GPUCrashDebugging.Aftermath.MarkersEnable draw event markers in Aftermath dumps
r.GPUCrashDebugging.Aftermath.ResourceTrackingEnable resource tracking for Aftermath dumps
r.GPUCrashDebugging.Aftermath.TrackAllEnable maximum tracking for Aftermath dumps
r.GPUCrashDumpEnable vendor specific GPU crash dumps
r.GPUCsvStatsEnabledEnables or disables GPU stat recording to CSVs
r.GPUDefrag.AllowOverlappedMovesAllows defrag relocations that partially overlap themselves.
r.GPUDefrag.EnableTimeLimitsLimits CPU time spent doing GPU defragmentation.
r.GPUDefrag.MaxRelocationsLimits the number of total relocations in a frame regardless of number of bytes moved..
r.GPUParticle.AFRReinjectToggle optimization when running in AFR to re-inject particle injections on the next GPU rather than doing a slow GPU->GPU transfer of the texture data
0: Reinjection off
1: Reinjection on
r.GPUParticle.FixDeltaSecondsGPU particle fix delta seconds.
r.GPUParticle.FixToleranceDelta second tolerance before switching to a fix delta seconds.
r.GPUParticle.MaxNumIterationsMax number of iteration when using a fix delta seconds.
r.GPUParticle.SimulateEnable or disable GPU particle simulation
r.GPUScene.MaxPooledUploadBufferSizeMaximum size of GPU Scene upload buffer size to pool.
r.GPUScene.UploadEveryFrameWhether to upload the entire scene's primitive data every frame. Useful for debugging.
r.GPUScene.ValidatePrimitiveBufferWhether to readback the GPU primitive data and assert if it doesn't match the RT primitive data. Useful for debugging.
r.GPUSkin.Limit2BoneInfluencesWhether to use 2 bones influence instead of default 4/8 for GPU skinning. Cannot be changed at runtime.
r.GpuSkin.PoolShould we pool gpu skins.
0: Don't pool anything
1: Pool gpu skins bro (default)
r.GPUSkin.Support16BitBoneIndexIf enabled, a new mesh imported will use 8 bit (if <=256 bones) or 16 bit (if > 256 bones) bone indices for rendering.
r.GPUSkin.UnlimitedBoneInfluencesWhether to use unlimited bone influences instead of default 4/8 for GPU skinning. Cannot be changed at runtime.
r.GPUSkin.UnlimitedBoneInfluencesThresholdUnlimited Bone Influences Threshold to use unlimited bone influences buffer if r.GPUSkin.UnlimitedBoneInfluences is enabled. Should be unsigned int. Cannot be changed at runtime.
r.GPUStatsChildTimesIncludedIf this is enabled, the child stat timings will be included in their parents' times.
This presents problems for non-hierarchical stats if we're expecting them to add up
to the total GPU time, so we probably want this disabled.
r.GPUStatsEnabledEnables or disables GPU stat recording
r.GPUStatsMaxQueriesPerFrameLimits the number of timestamps allocated per frame. -1 = no limit
r.GPUTracingStatsEnabledEnables or disables GPU stat recording to tracing profiler
r.GraphicsAdapterUser request to pick a specific graphics adapter (e.g. when using a integrated graphics card with a discrete one)
For Windows D3D, unless a specific adapter is chosen we reject Microsoft adapters because we don't want the software emulation.
This takes precedence over -prefer{AMD|NVidia|Intel} when the value is >= 0.
-2: Take the first one that fulfills the criteria
-1: Favour non integrated because there are usually faster (default)
0: Adapter #0
1: Adapter #1, ...
r.GTAO.CombinedEnable Spatial Filter for GTAO
0: Off
1: On (default)
r.GTAO.DownsamplePerform GTAO at Halfres
0: Off
1: On (default)
r.GTAO.FalloffEndDistance at when the occlusion completes the fall off.
r.GTAO.FalloffStartRatioRatio of the r.GTAO.FalloffEnd value at which it starts to fall off.
Must be Between 0 and 1.
r.GTAO.FilterWidthSize of the noise pattern and filter width
5: 5x5 Pattern (default)
4: 4x4 Pattern
r.GTAO.NumAnglesHow Many Angles we choose per pixel
Must be Between 1 and 16.
r.GTAO.PauseJitterWhether to pause Jitter when Temporal filter is off
r.GTAO.SpatialFilterEnable Spatial Filter for GTAO
0: Off
1: On (default)
r.GTAO.TemporalFilterEnable Temporal Filter for GTAO
0: Off
1: On (default)
r.GTAO.ThicknessBlendA heuristic to bias occlusion for thin or thick objects.
0 : Off
>0 : On - Bigger values lead to reduced occlusion
0.5: On (default)
r.GTAO.UpsampleEnable Simple or Depth aware upsample filter for GTAO
0: Simple
1: DepthAware (default)
r.GTAO.UseNormalsWhether to use GBuffer Normals or Depth Derived normals
0: Off
1: On (default)
r.GTSyncTypeDetermines how the game thread syncs with the render thread, RHI thread and GPU.
Syncing to the GPU swap chain flip allows for lower frame latency.
0 - Sync the game thread with the render thread (default).
1 - Sync the game thread with the RHI thread.
2 - Sync the game thread with the GPU swap chain flip (only on supported platforms).
r.HairStrands.BindingEnable/Disable hair binding, i.e., hair attached to skeletal meshes.
r.HairStrands.CardsEnable/Disable hair cards rendering. This variable needs to be turned on when the engine starts.
r.HairStrands.Cluster.CullingFreezeCameraFreeze camera when enabled. It will disable HZB culling because hzb buffer is not frozen.
r.HairStrands.Cluster.CullingUsesHzbEnable/disable the use of HZB to help cull more hair clusters.
r.HairStrands.Cluster.DebugDraw debug the world bounding box of hair clusters used for culling optimisation (0:off, 1:visible cluster, 2:culled cluster, 3:colored LOD, 4:LOD info).
r.HairStrands.Cluster.ForceLODForce a specific hair LOD.
r.HairStrands.Components.GlobalScatteringEnable/disable hair BSDF component global scattering
r.HairStrands.Components.LocalScatteringEnable/disable hair BSDF component local scattering
r.HairStrands.Components.REnable/disable hair BSDF component R
r.HairStrands.Components.TRTEnable/disable hair BSDF component TRT
r.HairStrands.Components.TTEnable/disable hair BSDF component TT
r.HairStrands.Components.TTModelSelect hair TT model
r.HairStrands.ComposeAfterTranslucency0: Compose hair before translucent objects. 1: Compose hair after translucent objects, but before separate translucent objects. 2: Compose hair after seperate translucent objects, 3: Compose hair after translucent but before translucent render after DOF (which allows depth testing against hair depth)
r.HairStrands.CullCull hair strands (0:disabled, 1: render cull, 2: sim cull).
r.HairStrands.Cull.IndexHair strands index to be kept. Other will be culled.
r.HairStrands.Cull.UpdateUpdate the guide index to be kept using mouse position for fast selection.
r.HairStrands.DebugModeDraw various stats/debug mode about hair rendering
r.HairStrands.DebugMode.SampleIndexDebug value for a given sample index (default:-1, i.e., average sample information).
r.HairStrands.DebugPPLLDraw debug per pixel light list rendering.
r.HairStrands.DeepShadow.AABBScaleScaling value for loosing/tighting deep shadow bounding volume
r.HairStrands.DeepShadow.DebugDOMIndexIndex of the DOM texture to draw
r.HairStrands.DeepShadow.DebugDOMScaleScaling value for the DeepOpacityMap when drawing the deep shadow stats
r.HairStrands.DeepShadow.DebugModeColor debug mode for deep shadow
r.HairStrands.DeepShadow.DensityScaleSet density scale for compensating the lack of hair fiber in an asset
r.HairStrands.DeepShadow.DepthBiasScaleSet depth bias scale for transmittance computation
r.HairStrands.DeepShadow.GPUDrivenEnable deep shadow to be driven by GPU bounding box, rather CPU ones. This allows more robust behavior
r.HairStrands.DeepShadow.InjectVoxelDepthInject voxel content to generate the deep shadow map instead of rasterizing groom. This is an experimental path
r.HairStrands.DeepShadow.KernelApertureSet the aperture angle, in degree, used by the kernel for evaluating the hair transmittance when using PCSS kernel
r.HairStrands.DeepShadow.KernelTypeSet the type of kernel used for evaluating hair transmittance, 0:linear, 1:PCF_2x2, 2: PCF_6x4, 3:PCSS, 4:PCF_6x6_Accurate
r.HairStrands.DeepShadow.MaxFrustumAngleMax deep shadow frustum angle to avoid strong deformation. Default:90
r.HairStrands.DeepShadow.MipTraversalEvaluate transmittance using mip-map traversal (faster).
r.HairStrands.DeepShadow.RandomTypeChange how traversal jittering is initialized. Valid value are 0, 1, and 2. Each type makes different type of tradeoff.
r.HairStrands.DeepShadow.ResolutionShadow resolution for Deep Opacity Map rendering. (default = 2048)
r.HairStrands.DeepShadow.ShadowMaskKernelTypeSet the kernel type for filtering shadow cast by hair on opaque geometry (0:2x2, 1:4x4, 2:Gaussian8, 3:Gaussian16, 4:Gaussian8 with transmittance. Default is 4
r.HairStrands.DeepShadow.SuperSamplingEvaluate transmittance with supersampling. This is expensive and intended to be used only in cine mode.
r.HairStrands.DOFDepthCompose hair with DOF by lerping hair depth based on its opacity.
r.HairStrands.DualScatteringRoughnessOverride all roughness for the dual scattering evaluation. 0 means no override. Default:0
r.HairStrands.EnableEnable/Disable the entire hair strands system. This affects all geometric representations (i.e., strands, cards, and meshes).
r.HairStrands.HairLUT.AbsorptionCountChange the number of slices of the hair LUT for the absorption axis
r.HairStrands.HairLUT.IncidentAngleCountChange the number of slices of the hair LUT for the incident angle axis
r.HairStrands.HairLUT.RoughnessCountChange the number of slices of the hair LUT for the roughness axis
r.HairStrands.HairLUT.SampleCountScaleChange the number of sample used for computing the hair LUT. This is a multiplier, default is 1.
r.HairStrands.MaterialCompactionEnable extra compaction based on material properties in order to reduce sample per pixel and improve performance.
r.HairStrands.MaterialCompaction.DepthThresholdCompaction threshold for depth value for material compaction (in centimeters). Default 1 cm.
r.HairStrands.MaterialCompaction.TangentThresholdCompaciton threshold for tangent value for material compaction (in degrees). Default 10 deg.
r.HairStrands.MeshesEnable/Disable hair meshes rendering. This variable needs to be turned on when the engine starts.
r.HairStrands.PlotBsdfDebug view for visualizing hair BSDF.
r.HairStrands.PlotBsdf.BaseColorChange the base color / absorption of the debug BSDF plot.
r.HairStrands.PlotBsdf.ExposureChange the exposure of the plot.
r.HairStrands.PlotBsdf.RoughnessChange the roughness of the debug BSDF plot.
r.HairStrands.RasterizationScaleRasterization scale to snap strand to pixel
r.HairStrands.RaytracingEnable/Disable hair strands raytracing geometry. This is anopt-in option per groom asset/groom instance.
r.HairStrands.RectLightingOptimHair Visibility use projected view rect to light only relevant pixels
r.HairStrands.ScatterEnable screen space hair scattering.
r.HairStrands.Scatter.DebugEnable debug view of screen space hair scattering.
r.HairStrands.Scatter.IterationCountNumber of diffusion iterations.
r.HairStrands.Scatter.SampleCountNumber of sample using during the scattering integration.
r.HairStrands.Scatter.WorldRadiusGather radius in world space (in cm).
r.HairStrands.ScatterSceneLightingEnable scene color lighting scattering into hair (valid for short hair only).
r.HairStrands.Shadow.CullPerObjectShadowCasterEnable CPU culling of object casting per-object shadow (stationnary object)
r.HairStrands.ShadowRasterizationScaleRasterization scale to snap strand to pixel in shadow view
r.HairStrands.SimulationEnable/disable hair simulation
r.HairStrands.SkyAOEnable (sky) AO on hair.
r.HairStrands.SkyAO.DistanceThresholdMax distance for occlusion search.
r.HairStrands.SkyAO.SampleCountNumber of samples used for evaluating hair AO (default is set to 16).
r.HairStrands.SkyLightingEnable sky lighting on hair.
r.HairStrands.SkyLighting.ConeAngleCone angle for tracing sky lighting on hair.
r.HairStrands.SkyLighting.DebugSampleEnable debug view for visualizing sample used for the sky integration
r.HairStrands.SkyLighting.DistanceThresholdMax distance for occlusion search.
r.HairStrands.SkyLighting.IntegrationTypeHair env. lighting integration type (0:Adhoc, 1:Uniform.
r.HairStrands.SkyLighting.SampleCountNumber of samples used for evaluating multiple scattering and visible area (default is set to 16).
r.HairStrands.SkyLighting.TransmissionDensityScaleDensity scale for controlling how much sky lighting is transmitted.
r.HairStrands.SkyLighting.UseViewHairCountUse the view hair count texture for estimating background transmitted light (enabled by default).
r.HairStrands.StableRasterizationScaleRasterization scale to snap strand to pixel for 'stable' hair option. This value can't go below 1.
r.HairStrands.StrandsEnable/Disable hair strands rendering
r.HairStrands.StrandsModeRender debug mode for hair strands. 0:off, 1:simulation strands, 2:render strands with colored simulation strands influence, 3:hair UV, 4:hair root UV, 5: hair seed, 6: dimensions
r.HairStrands.VelocityMagnitudeScaleVelocity magnitude (in pixel) at which a hair will reach its pic velocity-rasterization-scale under motion to reduce aliasing. Default is 100.
r.HairStrands.VelocityRasterizationScaleRasterization scale to snap strand to pixel under high velocity
r.HairStrands.VelocityThresholdThreshold value (in pixel) above which a pixel is forced to be resolve with responsive AA (in order to avoid smearing). Default is 3.
r.HairStrands.VelocityTypeType of velocity filtering (0:avg, 1:closest, 2:max). Default is 1.
r.HairStrands.ViewTransmittancePassEnable accurate transmittance pass for better rendering of small scale hair strand.
r.HairStrands.Visibility.ClearClear hair strands visibility buffer
r.HairStrands.Visibility.ComputeRasterHair Visiblity uses raster compute.
r.HairStrands.Visibility.ComputeRaster.MaxPixelCountDefine the maximal length rasterize in compute.
r.HairStrands.Visibility.ComputeRaster.SamplePerPixelDefine the number of sampler per pixel using raster compute.
r.HairStrands.Visibility.EmissiveEnable emissive data during the material pass.
r.HairStrands.Visibility.FullCoverageThresholdDefine the coverage threshold at which a pixel is considered fully covered.
r.HairStrands.Visibility.HairCount.DistanceThresholdDistance threshold defining if opaque depth get injected into the 'view-hair-count' buffer.
r.HairStrands.Visibility.MaterialPassEnable the deferred material pass evaluation after the hair visibility is resolved.
r.HairStrands.Visibility.MSAA.MeanSamplePerPixelScale the numer of sampler per pixel for limiting memory allocation (0..1, default 0.5f)
r.HairStrands.Visibility.MSAA.SamplePerPixelHair strands visibility sample count (2, 4, or 8)
r.HairStrands.Visibility.PPLLHair Visibility uses per pixel linked list
r.HairStrands.Visibility.PPLL.MeanSamplePerPixelScale the maximum number of node allowed for all linked list element (0..1, default 1). It will be width*height*SamplerPerPixel*Scale.
r.HairStrands.Visibility.PPLL.SamplePerPixelThe maximum number of node allowed to be independently shaded and composited per pixel. Total amount of node will be width*height*VisibilityPPLLMaxRenderNodePerPixel. The last node is used to aggregate all furthest strands to shade into a single one.
r.HairStrands.Visibility.SortByDepthSort hair fragment by depth and update their coverage based on ordered transmittance.
r.HairStrands.Visibility.UseCoverageMapppingUse hair count to coverage transfer function.
r.HairStrands.Visibility.UseFastPathUse fast path writing hair data into Gbuffer.
r.HairStrands.VoxelizationEnable hair voxelization for transmittance evaluation
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.AABBScaleScale the hair macro group bounding box
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.DensityScaleScale the hair density when computing voxel transmittance. Default value is 2 (arbitraty)
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.DensityScale.AOScale the hair density when computing voxel AO. (Default:-1, it will use the global density scale
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.DensityScale.EnvironmentScale the hair density when computing voxel environment. (Default:-1, it will use the global density scale
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.DensityScale.RaytracingScale the hair density when computing voxel raytracing. (Default:-1, it will use the global density scale
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.DensityScale.ShadowScale the hair density when computing voxel shadow. (Default:-1, it will use the global density scale
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.DensityScale.TransmittanceScale the hair density when computing voxel transmittance. (Default:-1, it will use the global density scale
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.DepthBiasScale.EnvironmentSet depth bias for voxel ray marching for environement lights. Offset the origin position towards the light
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.DepthBiasScale.LightSet depth bias for voxel ray marching for analyticaly light. Offset the origin position towards the light for transmittance computation
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.DepthBiasScale.ShadowSet depth bias for voxel ray marching for analyticaly light. Offset the origin position towards the light for shadow computation
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.DepthBiasScale.TransmittanceSet depth bias for voxel ray marching for analyticaly light. Offset the origin position towards the light for transmittance computation
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.ForceTransmittanceAndShadowFor transmittance and shadow to be computed with density volume. This requires voxelization is enabled.
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.GPUDrivenEnable GPU driven voxelization.
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.GPUDriven.MaxPageIndexResolutionMax resolution of the page index. This is used for allocating a conservative page index buffer when GPU driven allocation is enabled.
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.InjectOpaque.BiasCountBias, in number of voxel, at which opaque depth is injected.
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.InjectOpaque.MarkCountNumber of voxel marked as opaque starting along the view direction beneath the opaque surface.
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.InjectOpaqueDepthInject opaque geometry depth into the voxel volume for acting as occluder.
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.Raymarching.SteppingScaleStepping scale used for raymarching the voxel structure for shadow.
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.Raymarching.SteppingScale.EnvironmentStepping scale used for raymarching the voxel structure, override scale for env. lighting (default -1).
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.Raymarching.SteppingScale.RaytracingStepping scale used for raymarching the voxel structure, override scale for raytracing (default -1).
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.Raymarching.SteppingScale.ShadowStepping scale used for raymarching the voxel structure, override scale for shadow (default -1).
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.Raymarching.SteppingScale.TransmissionStepping scale used for raymarching the voxel structure, override scale for transmittance (default -1).
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.UseIndiretScatterPageAllocateEnable indirect scatter page allocation (faster).
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.VirtualEnable the two voxel hierachy.
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.Virtual.AdaptiveEnable adaptive voxel allocation (default = 1)
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.Virtual.Adaptive.CorrectionSpeedDefine the speed at which allocation adaption runs (value in 0..1, default = 0.25). A higher number means faster adaptation, but with a risk of oscillation i.e. over and under allocation
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.Virtual.Adaptive.CorrectionThresholdDefine the allocation margin to limit over allocation (value in 0..1, default = 0.95)
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.Virtual.ComputeRasterUse compute for rasterizing voxeliation (faster).
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.Virtual.ComputeRasterMaxVoxelCountMax number of voxel which are rasterized for a given hair segment. This is for debug purpose only.
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.Virtual.DebugTraversalTypeTraversal mode (0:linear, 1:mip) for debug voxel visualization.
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.Virtual.DrawDebugPageWhen voxel debug rendering is enable 1: render the page bounds, instead of the voxel 2: the occupancy within the page (i.e., 8x8x8 brick)
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.Virtual.ForceMipLevelForce a particular mip-level
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.Virtual.InvalidateEmptyPageIndexInvalid voxel page index which does not contain any voxelized data.
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.Virtual.JitterChange jittered for voxelization/traversal. 0: No jitter 1: Regular randomized jitter: 2: Constant Jitter (default = 1)
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.Virtual.UseDirectPageAllocationUse the indirect page allocation code path, but force internally direct page allocation (for debugging purpose only).
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.Virtual.VoxelPageCountPerDimNumber of voxel pages per texture dimension. The voxel page memory is allocated with a 3D texture. This value provide the resolution of this texture.
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.Virtual.VoxelPageResolutionResolution of a voxel page.
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.Virtual.VoxelWorldSizeWorld size of a voxel in cm.
r.HairStrands.VoxelizationRasterizationScaleRasterization scale to snap strand to pixel for voxelization
r.HairStrands.WriteGBufferDataWrite hair hair material data into GBuffer before post processing run. 0: no write, 1: dummy write into GBuffer A/B (Normal/ShadingModel), 2: write into GBuffer A/B (Normal/ShadingModel). 2: Write entire GBuffer data. (default 1).
r.HDR.Display.ColorGamutColor gamut of the output display:
0: Rec709 / sRGB, D65 (default)
1: DCI-P3, D65
2: Rec2020 / BT2020, D65
3: ACES, D60
4: ACEScg, D60
r.HDR.Display.OutputDeviceDevice format of the output display:
0: sRGB (LDR)
1: Rec709 (LDR)
2: Explicit gamma mapping (LDR)
3: ACES 1000 nit ST-2084 (Dolby PQ) (HDR)
4: ACES 2000 nit ST-2084 (Dolby PQ) (HDR)
5: ACES 1000 nit ScRGB (HDR)
6: ACES 2000 nit ScRGB (HDR)
7: Linear EXR (HDR)
8: Linear final color, no tone curve (HDR)
9: Linear final color with tone curve
r.HDR.EnableHDROutputCreates an HDR compatible swap-chain and enables HDR display output.0: Disabled (default)
1: Enable hardware-specific implementation

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